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[Release] MVCore 1.6.3 Premium + 5 premium themes for free

Newbie Spellweaver
May 22, 2016
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MV Core make the best job with this CMS !
Look they make for me nice templates

not for advertising ... just for demo
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 3, 2014
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Hi guys, download it and paste in htdocs whit xampp 1.7.1 , but give me this error :

i see this in coments but not resolve.

WAGGON - [Release] MVCore 1.6.3 Premium + 5 premium themes for free - RaGEZONE Forums

i do edit the php.ini in C:\xampp\ but the error continius... Some any idea?
Thanks and sry my english but not use translate :D

Hi install all and working, the modules has working to. but login not work.

WAGGON - [Release] MVCore 1.6.3 Premium + 5 premium themes for free - RaGEZONE Forums

other question, how config admin acc and pass for admincp ? ty
Junior Spellweaver
Feb 6, 2013
Reaction score
You cant login as maybe you have MD5 DB or account doesnt exist.
To have admin on account execute this query " update memb_info set admincp = 1 where memb___id = 'AdminAcc' "
Don't be afraid to ask!
Loyal Member
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
I know :) I must rename sql.php and copy to a folder :) Next reconfigure files

U must login admin/yourpassinstall on website, next u see Admin Panel

What? Why need to rename sql.php? Where did i wrote anything like this?

You need a secured webserver.... Who care about your sql.php? Nobody... he just using a webshell, going into your server, than he can check the sql.php anywhere, he can go to your desktop on the server, or he can create a remote desktop connection for himself.... its not a big thing. After you have access to the server cross a webshell, you can do what you just want...
King of the bongo
Oct 17, 2009
Reaction score
10$/ mo is high?:D Man... dont make muserver if you dont have 30-40$ / mo to rent a server + antihack... Its totally useless to create one more muserver which is running at home, and than close it after 1 month...

And we are talk about a high secured DDOS protected web host / server, if somebody attacks your home server what will you do? you will close it... at home you cannot handle ddos...

Stop advertising your crap hosting, please?

No one would ever buy from such an unprofessional website and everyone can get a dedicated server + WHMCS + domain and get their "hosting providers"
Don't be afraid to ask!
Loyal Member
Jun 2, 2012
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Stop advertising your crap hosting, please?

No one would ever buy from such an unprofessional website and everyone can get a dedicated server + WHMCS + domain and get their "hosting providers"

Its not my hosting, I am not using it. But why you think Lg host is crap? Why you think its not professional? If you ever seen liveguard, which is one of the best antihack on the market, how can you say crap on their host? They do everything, fast and perfect.

And you are right everybody can buy servers, whmcs, domain, but... maybe not everybody has enough knowladge to make a hosting, and you know, so many "crap" hosting on the internet, hard to find a good and stable one.

I wrote lg host, because I know they work on a lot, because I am using their antihack.

But let me show you my server...
WAGGON - [Release] MVCore 1.6.3 Premium + 5 premium themes for free - RaGEZONE Forums
I am hosting just a muserver, and a teamspeak on it, but everything nearly professional. (4x1 TB ssd, 2x1TB raid array).

I am not a random Special person guy here, I know a lot about the servers and about services.

LGhost can make 99% uptime, handle high ddos attacks, there is no lie, like on other hostings sites, where they write "100gb ddos protection" and then a booter hit their system with 30gigabit its start to cry like a little kid.

So please, if you dont know anything, dont write anything.

And one more thing, the guy asked for a hosting, and I give answer for him, if you know any another good hosting, you can give him link too, but if the 10$ was expensive for him, what you think, he will get anywhere good and stable hosting under 10$? ... Please...
King of the bongo
Oct 17, 2009
Reaction score
Keeping on and on going offtopic with your LGHost crap is not what this thread is about and if they were truly professional, trust me, they would be, i've been long enough in webhosting industry to tell you that LGHost is nothing, just a simple guy buying a dedi and sharing his resources with others which will disappear in shadows after some time. You dont believe me? Google them, and this is the idiotic way to find out they are just a lie and let's not advance into this subject further.
Excuse my offtopic, I just felt the need to answer.

P.S :
OVH [Tag = OVH-FR]

This is where LGHost coming from lol with a smarter way to find out (not really, just google whois domain lol)

So i'd rather take the DDoS protection from OVH (1 hand) than taking from lghost (second-hand)

And dont take the grudge against me but if we are gamers that doesnt really mean we are all idiots too so if you truly want to help someone, recommend some powerful and well-known hosting provider not these newbies which they dont even know where their racks r hosted at
Skilled Illusionist
Jan 8, 2012
Reaction score
Keeping on and on going offtopic with your LGHost crap is not what this thread is about and if they were truly professional, trust me, they would be, i've been long enough in webhosting industry to tell you that LGHost is nothing, just a simple guy buying a dedi and sharing his resources with others which will disappear in shadows after some time. You dont believe me? Google them, and this is the idiotic way to find out they are just a lie and let's not advance into this subject further.
Excuse my offtopic, I just felt the need to answer.

P.S :
OVH [Tag = OVH-FR]

This is where LGHost coming from lol with a smarter way to find out (not really, just google whois domain lol)

So i'd rather take the DDoS protection from OVH (1 hand) than taking from lghost (second-hand)

And dont take the grudge against me but if we are gamers that doesnt really mean we are all idiots too so if you truly want to help someone, recommend some powerful and well-known hosting provider not these newbies which they dont even know where their racks r hosted at

Listen here buddy, I suggest you to stand down, because you have no idea about my company. LGHOST is only one of the many services we provide on the market, and for your information our servers are so full we must upgrade every week. People host their servers, and their websites under our CloudLinux and they like it.
And yes OVH is our network provider, we have a strong partnership with them, all our services are registered there and hosted, is there a problem ?

LiveGuard Software Ltd is a registered company, offering many services that you have no idea about buddy and you should not "lol" about it, because you are NULL in this.

With that being said, if you have a problem with our services, you can just "look the other way" because nobody asked your opinion. I bet my hat you are no more than 18 years old, who thinks that a "dedicated server + whmcs + domain" makes a hosting :junglejane:
Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 22, 2013
Reaction score
help when users try to enter and I get this error is rare because the web was functioning normally.

jll95Te - [Release] MVCore 1.6.3 Premium + 5 premium themes for free - RaGEZONE Forums


You must be registered for see attachments list
Junior Spellweaver
Feb 6, 2013
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WARNING: Hackers found a HOLE in security and might hack website VIA Inject.
Version 1.16.8 FINAL F.I ( For Customers Of MVCore With Test Fix Of Inject )
Junior Spellweaver
Sep 16, 2015
Reaction score
already see 2 servers dropped with this website. Good advertising for buyers. Much customs,zero - security
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 23, 2016
Reaction score
should of launch the last version since these working to improve it can gain more followers buyers think it