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Release new file【[CIMO]SRO 125 server file V1.240】

Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
BY:QQ909047432 蔷薇蝶舞


00506CAF cmp al,0x7D
005092A7 cmp cl,0x7D
004F449F cmp byte ptr ds:[edi+0x58],0x7D
004F66B5 cmp byte ptr ds:[eax+0x58],0x7D
005A9F20 cmp byte ptr ds:[eax+0x198],0x7D
00509764 cmp dword ptr ss:[esp+0x10],0x7D
005F1600 cmp esi,0x7D
007D5108 cmp eax,0x7D
007D511D cmp eax,0x7D
009EE692 mov dword ptr ds:[eax+0x360],0x7D
00AA7262 cmp dword ptr ds:[ebx+0x10],0x7D

005F1528 |. 894C24 14 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+0x14],ecx
005F152C |. DB4424 14 fild dword ptr ss:[esp+0x14]
005F1530 |. DC1D 3825C400 fcomp qword ptr ds:[0xC42538]
005F1536 |. DFE0 fstsw ax
005F1538 |. F6C4 41 test ah,0x41
005F153B |. 74 41 je XSR_GameS.005F157E
005F153D |. 8BC6 mov eax,esi
005F153F |. E8 8C220000 call SR_GameS.005F37D0
Change to
005F1528 81F9 08020000 cmp ecx,0xF0
005F152E 77 4E ja XSR_GameS.005F157E
005F1530 90 nop
005F1531 90 nop
005F1532 90 nop
005F1533 90 nop
005F1534 90 nop
005F1535 90 nop
005F1536 90 nop
005F1537 90 nop
005F1538 90 nop
005F1539 90 nop
005F153A 90 nop
005F153B 90 nop
005F153C 90 nop ----EU

005F1598 cmp eax,0x177 ----- CH 260

00484CDB cmp esi,0x2
00484CE2 cmp eax,0x540BE3FF
004861E5 cmp edx,0x2
004861F8 cmp eax,0x540BE3FF
0048DE03 cmp eax,0x2
0048DE0E cmp ecx,0x540BE3FF

004196EB push 0x3122 BY:QQ909047432 蔷薇蝶舞

The SRO community is dead and I have to release it
I do not provide a solution to any problem, it only works for developers,


download: Server file + database

Please find yourself on October 10, 2013 game client,
Please do not disturb me, I do not solve any problems
it only works for developers,

At 14:00 on August 26, 2013, stop the Silk Road legend R game activation service;
At 14:00 on August 26, 2013, the World Diamonds ceded to "Legend of Silk Road R" beta activities;
At 1400 hours on September 4, 2013, all servers in Silk Road R were closed;
At 14:00 on September 4, 2013, the "Silk Road R" Guangdetang Mall was closed;
At 1400 hours on October 10, 2013, the official website of "Silk Road R" was closed and the official forum was closed.
October 10, 2013, stop "Silk Road legend R" customer service phone, customer mail service;
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Skilled Illusionist
Jan 5, 2009
Reaction score
those files seems to be a bit older than the already released csro-r files ... do you have anything newer that u're willin' to share ? <3
aZvqNgV - Release new file【[CIMO]SRO 125 server file V1.240】 - RaGEZONE Forums


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Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 19, 2012
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those files seems to be a bit older than the already released csro-r files ... do you have anything newer that u're willin' to share ? <3
aZvqNgV - Release new file【[CIMO]SRO 125 server file V1.240】 - RaGEZONE Forums
You are wrong, this is not a CSRO-R server file ,,, This is a CSRO [cimo] 125 server file

CSRO1.240 only suitable for developers
bluefox111 - Release new file【[CIMO]SRO 125 server file V1.240】 - RaGEZONE Forums

If you are a developer, you can solve any problem.

I see a lot of people selling things to others, I am disgusted

I have shared server files and databases, the rest please developers to solve. . .

If you are a developer, you can solve any problems ,,, can be sold to anyone.


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Skilled Illusionist
Jan 5, 2009
Reaction score
You are wrong, this is not a CSRO-R server file ,,, This is a CSRO [cimo] 125 server file
CSRO1.240 only suitable for developers
If you are a developer, you can solve any problem.

please check agent and shardmanager :p they have the same asm as shared csro-r files :D and the shardmanager has it's _refSkill table replaced with _refskili since the gameserver doesn't have support for the same skill params .... it's a hacky repack with an OLDER gameserver ... i got it RUNNING FINE ... my question for you is : WHY ? if we already have the compatible, updated gameserver ... soo .. what's the real difference between your files and the shared csro-r files ? ... oh and arabia ain't complete either ... triggers and spawns ain't official like ;) btw VIOLENT ?? ain't this from like qoaway's private server: `Violent Online - Avenged ?? from 2013 ?? check google ....

qhsIktx - Release new file【[CIMO]SRO 125 server file V1.240】 - RaGEZONE Forums

ps: don't get me wrong, you may have been tricked yourself by whoever gave them to you :p but they sure as hell ain't official 125 cap <3


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Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 19, 2012
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STORE_VIOLENT!This is my edit up,,If you think this is no different from CSROR, CSROR client can use it,,,

When you use CSROR customers, you can only get crashes or mistakes

In China, everyone knows that CIMO finally merged CSROR with CSRO,

CSROR and CSRO documents are basically the same 80%, so CSRO and CSROR can be combined into the final version of CSRO125,,

Players in China, everyone knows it

【About Violence online server files】He was only the first 125 version, and did not merge with CSROR

CSRO1.240 is an updated version of 1.239, 1.239 updated to 1.240 ,,,, You can use these files if you can find it yourself or have your own updated 1.240

My own client is the most original unedited CSRO1.240 client

Arab spawning triggers
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Skilled Illusionist
Jan 5, 2009
Reaction score
My own client is the most original unedited CSRO1.240 client
so this is just a sales thread after all :) that's why ya left your qq, right ? so ppl can contact ya bout the client and u can then sell it ? please do a complete release <3 we only need the client exe files :p

the only major difference to R files seems to be in the skill system :D ur client seems to have 375 max mastery cap on ch ;) just like vsro <3
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
so this is just a sales thread after all :) that's why ya left your qq, right ? so ppl can contact ya bout the client and u can then sell it ? please do a complete release <3 we only need the client exe files :p

the only major difference to R files seems to be in the skill system :D ur client seems to have 375 max mastery cap on ch ;) just like vsro <3

If you are a developer, please use your ideas to solve customer problems, rather than find someone to share the client

CSRO1.240 is more advanced than CSROR,

Please rest assured, I will not be used to sell ,,
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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 5, 2015
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lol its fake files, same as Violent released some time ago. You only edit CSRO-R Shard manager to dont crash.
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 3, 2014
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Violent client
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 19, 2012
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lol its fake files, same as Violent released some time ago. You only edit CSRO-R Shard manager to dont crash.

Lol, if you say what, anyone can solve the client problem ,,, Unfortunately, you are not a developer. . .

This is the video I just recorded:
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 5, 2015
Reaction score
Lol, if you say what, anyone can solve the client problem ,,, Unfortunately, you are not a developer. . .

This is the video I just recorded:

Why solve any problem in full bugged/mixed files? Is impossible make stable server with this files....
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 19, 2012
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Why solve any problem in full bugged/mixed files? Is impossible make stable server with this files....

you are wrong,In China, CSROR private server file is not stable, GS will collapse, however CSRO1.240 more stable.
Skilled Illusionist
Jan 5, 2009
Reaction score
however CSRO1.240 more stable.

just share your sro_client.exe already <3 it's all that's needed for a proper release ;)

ps: you guys can use a csro-r client to connect :D u'll be able to create char for both ch and eu but can only get ingame on eu :p getting ingame on ch is the problem :p no idea what's causing it -.-

btw bluefox111 what's the password for 客户端程序未加密-请联系作者.7z :p in this thread http://forum.ragezone.com/f772/csro-r130-db-server-file-1082040/
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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 3, 2014
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pass: wickedniteandgoofiesucksdicks
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
just share your sro_client.exe already <3 it's all that's needed for a proper release ;)

ps: you guys can use a csro-r client to connect :D u'll be able to create char for both ch and eu but can only get ingame on eu :p getting ingame on ch is the problem :p no idea what's causing it -.-

btw bluefox111 what's the password for 客户端程序未加密-请联系作者.7z :p in this thread http://forum.ragezone.com/f772/csro-r130-db-server-file-1082040/

You can not use CSROR database, as I said, you will get CSRO1.240 SR_GameServer death ,,,
You must use CSRO1.240 database to work with 1.240 server files
Skilled Illusionist
Jan 5, 2009
Reaction score
yeah soo ... you need to use the csro-r sro_client.exe ... my skill files where fked up :D now i could enter CH np :) thx for the share bluefox111 <3
BFxMFFz - Release new file【[CIMO]SRO 125 server file V1.240】 - RaGEZONE Forums


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Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 19, 2012
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bluefox111 - Release new file【[CIMO]SRO 125 server file V1.240】 - RaGEZONE Forums

bluefox111 - Release new file【[CIMO]SRO 125 server file V1.240】 - RaGEZONE Forums

bluefox111 - Release new file【[CIMO]SRO 125 server file V1.240】 - RaGEZONE Forums

bluefox111 - Release new file【[CIMO]SRO 125 server file V1.240】 - RaGEZONE Forums

bluefox111 - Release new file【[CIMO]SRO 125 server file V1.240】 - RaGEZONE Forums

I use CSRO1.240 database, not CSROR

just share your sro_client.exe already <3 it's all that's needed for a proper release ;)

ps: you guys can use a csro-r client to connect :D u'll be able to create char for both ch and eu but can only get ingame on eu :p getting ingame on ch is the problem :p no idea what's causing it -.-

btw bluefox111 what's the password for 客户端程序未加密-请联系作者.7z :p in this thread http://forum.ragezone.com/f772/csro-r130-db-server-file-1082040/

客户端程序未加密-请联系作者.7z password:wanghua520
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Skilled Illusionist
Jan 5, 2009
Reaction score
I use CSRO1.240 database, not CSROR
I KNOW <3 i'm using your db too :p with your gameserver and fake skill table to make the shard work :)
Kr8H8Ye - Release new file【[CIMO]SRO 125 server file V1.240】 - RaGEZONE Forums

BUT i said i'm using the csro-r CLIENT :D this one
T0TRDzZ - Release new file【[CIMO]SRO 125 server file V1.240】 - RaGEZONE Forums

here's the entry point <3 it's the shared CSRO-R sro_client.exe
WAHfKcN - Release new file【[CIMO]SRO 125 server file V1.240】 - RaGEZONE Forums

客户端程序未加密-请联系作者.7z password:wanghua520
thx a lot for the password <3 but i already dumped it and there's nothing useful in that exe :D
bGGWC2z - Release new file【[CIMO]SRO 125 server file V1.240】 - RaGEZONE Forums

at first i had no idea why the client crashed :) was sure it was an asm edit to like remove the combined new force (cold + light + fire) :p
FJ025UE - Release new file【[CIMO]SRO 125 server file V1.240】 - RaGEZONE Forums

but yeah nothing related to that :D it took a lot of testing to get csro-r client skilldata, skillgroup and skillmastery files working with the old 273, 274 and 275 masteries instead of 277 :p and moving 276 ;)
EhRKitR - Release new file【[CIMO]SRO 125 server file V1.240】 - RaGEZONE Forums

NlGLCEm - Release new file【[CIMO]SRO 125 server file V1.240】 - RaGEZONE Forums

xnBQ7sr - Release new file【[CIMO]SRO 125 server file V1.240】 - RaGEZONE Forums

uyC9pI1 - Release new file【[CIMO]SRO 125 server file V1.240】 - RaGEZONE Forums

anyway it worked :) now to sync it with my csro-r edits and test stability <3 will provide feedback :D


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