[ RELEASE ] Project Rage

Dec 13, 2003
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[ RELEASE MaNGoS] Project Rage for 1.12.x and 2.x

Installation Instructions

1.) You are ready to run start.bat BUT check the notes below


Make sure you dont have Skype open! This program stops the server (start.bat) from running correctly.

Make sure you dont have any MySQL or Apache running when you run start.bat!

Close down your current MySQL server if you have one running (uninstall is not required, just close it
- Use: ctrl+alt+del, and find process "mysql-nt" and close it.. Also close "Apache" if its running.)

To make sure that start.bat has loaded successfully, it will launch the default browser and load redirect.html
click on the 'Go to main page' link. When it comes up, wait 5 seconds, and then refresh it.
If you cannot access the page, you have a process running that blocks the miniserver from starting!
If it reloads the exact same page again, then loading was successful!

2.) If everything goes ok you can now run mangosd.exe and realmd.exe

3.) The server comes configured for so open Realm-Config.exe in your wow installation folder and click on local host
Then click save, clear WDB's and close.

4.) You are now ready to run wow and tryout your server :]

There is an administrator account created in the DB already so you can use it to check everything works.

Forum administrator is:

MySQL username=root

I suggest you create your own administrator accounts by creating new user accounts thru the website, then use the existing admin accounts to modify the access level for the new accounts, check they work THEN delete the existing accounts for security.

Or use Mangos DB Handler to create\delete accounts for mangos but you will still need to change the forum admin account
otherwise everybody that reads this will have admin access to your forum! But only if they know your external ip!


If you wish to host on a lan make sure you change the realmlist table address (found in the realmd db)
to point to your servers lan ip instead of

and add

<server-lan-ip> localhost

to your \windows\system32\drivers\etc\host file e.g. localhost

everyone else on your lan would change the realmlist.wtf to

set realmlist <server-lan-ip>

If you wish to host on the internet get a <no-ip> address from or similar. This is
more secure than giving out your external ip. This goes in your realmlist table address(found in the realmd db)
Make sure you ADD to your \windows\system32\drivers\etc\host file the following

<external-ip> <no-ip>

e.g. my.game-server.cc


WARNING...do not attempt the following unless your SURE you know what your doing !!!

For better security you should use PHPAdmin to change the password used to access the database and update the password in the following files:


Then change the password stored in the realmlist table otherwise the website will not be able to access
the DB, so open realmlist table and edit the dbinfo text to match your password.

Stop and start the server to check that you still have access to the DB

"all in one" pack contains the required files to setup a mangos server. No external mysql/Apache/PHP needed.

2.0.8 BC
Download :
Mirror :

Changelog :
Fanatiks Core Rev4
release - 3/06/2007

what was fixed :
- Group Invite fixed
- Intercontinental boats and zepplins fixed
- Movement error console spam fixed
- added the very first "item" mount 'Peep the Phoenix' - id # 33338
- this mount only works in outlands, and does not need reload commands
- the netherdrake mount/spell was disabled for this release

what still needs to be fixed (for future releases)

- world chat
- consumeables losing count # when used Proberly fixxed with DB ?
- scrolls losing count # when used Proberly fixxed with DB ?
- pots using count # when used Proberly fixxed with DB ?
- totems
Project Silvermoon "Ghostlands" : 0.6.2 Changeset 129 3252
release - 3/06/2007

what was fixed/added :

-Ghostlands is spawned with :
- all new quests (some of the quests that use game objects might not work correctly,
still being adressed, hopefully will be fixed in our next release)
- mobs (with their loot drops)
- vendors (working)
- flight paths work (from Tran to Silvermoon and back)
- wanted posters (working)

- BE starting area
- fixed the bugged quests (ones that use game objects)

- added working graveyards in BE/Draenei area and Outlands
- added creature movement to all of the Ghostland mobs that should move
- added Orb of translocation in Silvermoon to Undercity - and back (both work)
- added Jewel Crafting trainers - yes, jewel crafting now works
- Karazhan spawns were donated by a friend of Utsjitimmie
cords - .go -11109.36 -2002.97 49.9 532
- some spawns in Netherstorm are now in place (blizz-like)
- fully spawned Draenei area added (thanks to a friend of Utsjitimmie)
- Attention! only spawned, quests are not working yet!
- most vendors/trainers should be working, they havent been all checked as of yet.

1.12.x Funserver :

Level up till 95
hyjal ( Keep bulders banner intact please at the start of hyjal he deserver the credits for it . ) It is not completley finichet yet but you get the idea on how it is gone look like ;)
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Well I downloaded it, and no npcs/monsters spawned at all.:/

Lastime I came across this problem was when the sdb I used was not correct..
Well i've even tried to todo it all from scratch, but no npcs or monsters loaded or spawned, any ideas why?
Strange support :) Just if there are no monsters go f**k yourself :) lol. I don't think EvilRyu has changed anithing...
EvilRyu are you?

About the site... Is there something like admin panel? Or i must change a flash movie to add news or something like that?
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Thats why i'm asking if he did . Else i need to change things in the pack proberly . Question would than be what becose of the db files we use now else i wil repack it with 0.5.3 full db and then aply mangos updates only instead of all sdb svn changes .

Or maybee an other mangos release we will see ;)
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I never even changed the ip or priv settings.

Everything as it is, still no npcs/monsters.

I don't get any errors during the emu booting up apart from quests "which is suppose to happen as they don't work anyway"

I've noticed this has happened on other sdb releases, but they updated them.

I've checked the databse, and everything appears to be fine, I run 3 wow servers using mangos's core/db so I know what im doing;)

There appears to be no spawns period tho:/

Sorry took so long for this reply, was rigging up my old wowemu afg pack for fun, I now host 4 servers:P
Damn ok that means for me than back to work ;) Thanks for the feedback still find it strange but maybee i need to check sdb site as well to see if there is anything bout it there .

It's easy fixed man, just change the sdb;)
Just thought I would let you know anyway, I don#t actualy use repacks, I use clean sdb/core as I prefer it that way.

But I do test out peoples repacks, and see what they have done:P
And apart from the sdb glitch, you have made a nice repack Trash;)

And your php site is top notch, keep it up:)
Let me begin by saying Thank You Trashman =)
This is a great piece of work.
Now on to my problem =)
First of all i DO have monsters and NPC's. That MAY be because i just used my existing DB though. I cant seem to find your mangos DB or forumDB anywhere in the pack. I'm probably just looking right over it, Can you direct me to where it is in the pack? =)
Heres what i have done:
1) I executed the website .sql's
2) changed the .conf files to reflect my proper mysql user / pass
3) Fired up the server.

All works fine. Except i cant access the forum. (because i havent executed the ForumDB) It just gives me a error: Phpbb critical error could not connect to the Database. (of course) lol
So aside from my inabilty to find these 3 files (realmDB, mangosDB, and forumDB)
I have NO PROBLEMS at all with this pack. I got the server itself working as-is but i would really like to get the forum working, since thats all i really want is the website and forum :P

Once again, Thank you very much Trashman and everyone else involved in this project.
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I think you have npcs/monsters spawned because your using ur older db.
I think it's just a case of changing the sdb he is using with this.

I'll just wait untill Trash comes back with more news:)
But for now im off to rebuild wowemu, I kind of lost my old scp files, and don't know where I backed them up lol..
All is ready to run it includes his own sql,webserver etc you dont need to have any of that and if it is running just stop those things by ending there prosess .

ctrl+alt+delete and close apache and sql proseses . Then double klick start.bat and w8 for the site to apear asking if you wane go to your mainpage or your phpadmin page .



I will update release as soon as i have time to do it .
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2007-01-25 13:27:30 Database:;3306;####;####;realmd
2007-01-25 13:27:30 ERROR:Could not connect to MySQL database at Host 'jahvey.no-ip.info' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server

I get this error when i try to use my lan IP in the .config files mangos and realm.

I have used my lan IP in .config's since I started using mangos =)
It just wont let me now.

I have always had mine looking like this here:

# Database connection settings for the world server.
# Default: hostname;port;username;password;database
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;#####;#####;realmd"
WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;#####;#####;mangos"

I know every person and every guide says to use but thats kind of silly to me. As it doesn't perform as well as the lan IP with proper port forwarding.

Anyone know why its not accepting the connection all of a sudden?
This is NOT a pack error I know.... Its a ME problem. =)

P.S. Forum and website is all working now, thanks trashman. I hadnt closed my original mysql server was all the problem was =) Forum IS working now.
Once again This was a user error not a pack error.
Thank you again trashman.
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Well suprice suprice the other error is also an user error dont change the config ;) Only change relam in the DB not in the config files .

Posted error reposrt for db on silver site so need to w8 for an bugfix :(
But i will try an small release tomorrow with only SDB 0.5.3 updated with mangos updates and nothing more . I wont include map files in that release becose they al already in the full release posted today .