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[Release]Runes Of Magic Full Source Code !

Hey I want to create My Runes of magic server offline or online can you help me ?
I'm sorry man but I've been spit on too many times to want to help anybody for offline or online servers don't p.m. me saying that you're different but I don't care as soon as you get what you want you will forget all of the deals that you make and don't say you won't because every Ellen I end up spending on your back stabbing me when everyone here is so corrupt and all they care about is money there is no use in helping anyone

I asked for help and other sections and people just ignored me this scene is corrupt and it's full of bad people people who start servers and then shut them down a week later people who profit off of other people and then dashed their dreams people who ruin games it all disgusts me and I don't want anything to do with it anymore
True, but is that I'd like to have to try and remember old times , ajajaja

If you have decided not to share anything I respect .

how many look at the whole reason why this game got released in the first place is because I trusted someone and every time I trust someone they always backstab me or say bad things about me I'm tired of the way people treat me so I don't feel like sharing things anymore I'm sorry maybe someday in the future I will feel like you need some files again for me tell them I don't know

the only reason why I stress over this game so much is because this is the last game I play with my uncle before he died I wanted really good things for this game I wanted to succeed and I wanted to be there to help it now I can't do anything with the game anymore thanks to other servers I had a personal connection with this game and now I've been f***** because I trusted someone now all of my dreams and hopes have been dashed :(
I played in rebelgamez and at first there was harmony. I am sorry that it happened that to you , I hope that in the future you find best friends .


due to a few retard creating servers they obtained files that were stolen from me :) so I've decided I'm probably going to release the source code on SVN or people can contribute to fix bugs and add new content maybe become the Beacon of Hope for this game

the website and forms an SVN will be up in 24 hours

the svn will contain the newest source code in all of the tools and everything necessary to make this game great again

if enough people tried to better this game I will release embergarde and Dragon prophet
if anybody tries to take this and tries to make money off of it I will not release anything in the future so if you mind your p's and q's and actually do something of value I will release the other games

so please join me and making a great game great again

I am also going to put up a fun server where everyone has GM and unlimited diamonds :)
all I ask is for people to donate to help me pay for the server then we will start with Runes of Magic and as time goes on a dragon's Prophet to the open source list and then once I have a big enough community of people willing to contribute our release the new game

I'm going to request to become a moderator and then I'm going to use this section to make a movement for this game
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This Domo is an awesome release. Cant thank you enough :)


did you get this could you share please?

And who ever made this post with the files here

worthless post does not work and can not read Chinese our call them to get a account.

Just need the client for these ... anyone
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Hello, anyone out there able to re-upload the source code? All links in the thread are dead. I would be super grateful if anyone has this still and shares. Thank you!
I am also looking for this. Cant seem to find it. I would consider hosting a mirror as well. Please get in touch, I would like to put some energy into this project.
What would you want with the crappy 32 Bit release which is crashing like the original where we have the 64-bit Releasse ?

Just asking...
re upload pls



Credit @the1Domo
Maybe he can share you more if he want ;D
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