[Release] Saint Seiya online

look in start.sh if youre using the vm that will give you a hint why dungeons/instances arent started.
you'll probably need more ram than the 4gb the vm has assigned to start instances though.
yep i felt right at home when i skimmed over these files its jade dynasty/perfect world/forsaken world/ether saga all over again lol
so most of the questions ppl will have are probably already answered in those subforums (hint)
look in start.sh if youre using the vm that will give you a hint why dungeons/instances arent started.
you'll probably need more ram than the 4gb the vm has assigned to start instances though.

thank you, allocate 20 gb of ram memory to the vm to open the dungeons and everything is perfect.
that client already works out of the box with the vm to login anyways.
you'll have to sync the shop data ofc and an elements editor would be nice.
but you can already use that client to login to the vm np, how much of it will be properly synched with the server side is another matter :P
its not 'full' working....most is but if you actually had read reborns patch notes you wouldve noticed for example that they removed certain things.
cash shop wont work properly unless you sync the data to server side.
you also dont know exactly how many changes have been made to the elements.data and you cant simply copy/paste it to the server side since the server wont load with the elements.data from that client.
so yes while it works mostly there are things that you would need to solve yourself.
it is especially for the texts that an EN client will be useful. (Too bad there is no French client :(: )

i dont know if this is important but look at the firewall.sh file

ps:if it takes 4gb to open a kingdom then it takes 100gb to open everything?
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does anyone have the same problem or am I the only one?
I do not understand.

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thank you for your answers I also try by changing the name of the folder. I am using the reborn client which works.
question: are there any GM commands on this game?
I have looked in the PW section to find out how to open the console but it's not the same key combination to open it.
Does anyone know how much memory you have to boot to be able to go to other maps?
thank you for your answers I also try by changing the name of the folder. I am using the reborn client which works.
question: are there any GM commands on this game?
I have looked in the PW section to find out how to open the console but it's not the same key combination to open it.

Admin Painel: Shift + "
Reborn client have some datas from others versions, maybe get some errors future.

Does anyone know how much memory you have to boot to be able to go to other maps?

All maps 120gb+
edit start.bat

cd bin
start seiya.exe startbypatcher console:1 uidebug:1

If u want to open GM console u need to click / hold CTRL + G

edit start.bat

cd bin
start seiya.exe startbypatcher console:1 uidebug:1

If u want to open GM console u need to click / hold CTRL + G

it does not work

anyone know how to edit VIP, star and emerald?