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[release] survivals unknown source

Oct 22, 2013
Reaction score
based on the iss source but with more added things
it has flash bangs , smokes , names in group , over 10 added lockers and 8 shields
there is no data folder you will have to use iss data or any v3 one will work

i cant remember if this backup has a lot more but here was a video review done from a player

itemdb.xml download link

and source download link

Last edited:
Elite Diviner
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
Jeez man you've been in this section for ages. Thanks for releasing this ;)
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score

master and supervisor normal but gameserver not run

000000.033| r3dFS: there is no volume file wo_00.bin
000000.033| SERVER NAME: WARZ
000000.033| GameServerId: 1, map:4
000000.033| GameName: WZ_California
000000.033| CAsyncApiMgr starting
000000.033| Connecting to master server at
000000.033|  r3dNetwork: Creating client
000000.170|   IP:
000000.170|  r3dNetwork: connecting to
000000.170|  waiting: connecting, 30.0 sec left
000000.201|  r3dNetwork: external ip:
000000.201| Game: Initializing with 200 players
000000.201|  Server time is Thu Jul 15 11:08:36 2066
000000.201| Starting server on port 34012
000000.201| r3dNetwork: Creating host at port 34012
000000.326|  IP:
000000.342| Getting shop data
000000.349| Reading game rewards
000000.352| Loading armory config
000000.357| Reading loot boxes
000000.375| Loot boxes data updated
000000.375|  There is no LootBox 301158
000000.375|  There is no LootBox 301118
000000.375|  There is no LootBox 301119
000000.375|  There is no LootBox 301120
000000.375|  There is no LootBox 301121
000000.375|  There is no LootBox 301122
000000.375|  There is no LootBox 301123
000000.375|  There is no LootBox 301124
000000.375|  There is no LootBox 301125
000000.375|  There is no LootBox 301126
000000.375|  There is no LootBox 301127
000000.375|  There is no LootBox 301128
000000.375|  There is no LootBox 301129
000000.375|  There is no LootBox 301130
000000.375|  There is no LootBox 301132
000000.375|  There is no LootBox 301133
000000.375|  There is no LootBox 301134
000000.375|  There is no LootBox 301135
000000.375|  There is no LootBox 301137
000000.375|  There is no LootBox 998877
000000.375| Loading A.I. tactics config
000000.375| Loading A.I. brain profiles
000000.376| Starting game server
000000.376| SetHomeDir: Levels\California_V2
000000.376| PhysX Warning (invalid parameter): 'Wrong version: foundation version is 0x03020400, tried to create 0x03020500' at file ..\..\foundation\src\PsFoundation.cpp, line 152
000000.376| Starting voice
000000.376|  !!! ERROR: PxCreateFoundation failed!
000000.376|  Server lib version: 3.0.2 [Build: 1342695053] SDK
000000.376|  !!! crashed, thread 2472
000000.376|  Creating minidump at logss\GS_1000007ae0def.dmp
000000.376|  VOICE:[4] 2016-01-31 06:55:43.922574|INFO    |ServerLibPriv |   | TeamSpeak 3 Server 3.0.2 (2012-07-19 10:50:53) SDK

ok i can fix it

who is same case use this


new problem

Register now fixed by use another api source am not sure why the api in this src can't read db

This source it work thanks
Last edited:
Oct 22, 2013
Reaction score
run colorado V1 this source?
its a v3 Terrain source so no you cant use v2 Terrain maps on this one

Register now fixed by use another api source am not sure why the api in this src can't read db

This source it work thanks
oh forgot to add i added everything in for hardware bans and i take it your db didnt have that done so thats why it was not letting you login with that api ^^
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
I use bin of last codex but if you need pure iss v3 use bin of hispanoz it ok
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
use this api if you can't connect api on outer ips

and new problem on me
i can't see server in game i need the sample MasterServer.cfg you can help me ?

this my masterserver.cfg
minServers = 0


numGames = 0
numGamesV1 = 0
maxPlayers = 200
numCliffGames = 0
numTrialGames = 0
numPremiumGames = 0
numVeteranGames = 0
numPTEGames = 0
numPTEGamesCali = 0
numPTEGamesStronghold = 0

data = 25 0 0 2 0 1 1
name = Colorado_V2
DisableASR = 0
DisableSNP = 0
DisableWPN = 0
OnlyFPS = 0

// Manual of data
// --------------------------------
// data = 0 0 0 X 0 Z Y - the X is the channel of game, and Z is Disable or enable Grass on map, 1 enable 0 Disable, Y if put 1 the map is PVE if is 0 PVP
// 1 - HardCore Servers
// 2 - Oficial Servers
// 3 - Private Servers
// 4 - Premium Servers - PVE servers
// 5 - StrongHolds Servers
// 6 - Public Tests Servers
// 7 - Veteran Servers

what wrong on it ???

but the rent server is work
Last edited:
Oct 22, 2013
Reaction score
give bin files:sleep:
no longer have them i dont think just unpack thailands bin and use there bits and will have neary all the lockers and shields in all ready

use this api if you can't connect api on outer ips

and new problem on me
i can't see server in game i need the sample MasterServer.cfg you can help me ?

try this masterserver.cfg

you may have to change the map name to Colorado from Colorado_V2 as cant rememeber what i called it

updated 1st post with itemdb.xml to
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks for new itemdb and masterserver.cfg i will try it on next day ^^

ok i found problem of can't see list of server i use old bin files >_<
Last edited:
[VIP] Member
Dec 19, 2014
Reaction score
Help? 000000.132| r3dFS: there is no volume file wo_00.bin000000.133| SERVER NAME: DESKTOP-QH3UTPA
000000.133| GameServerId: 1, map:2
000000.133| GameName: Colorado_V2
000000.133| CAsyncApiMgr starting
000000.133| Connecting to master server at localhost:34009
000000.143| r3dNetwork: Creating client
000000.188| IP:
000000.189| r3dNetwork: connecting to localhost:34009
000000.189| waiting: connecting, 30.0 sec left
000000.221| r3dNetwork: external ip:
000000.221| Game: Initializing with 25 players
000000.221| Server time is Sat Jan 10 09:36:12 2071
000000.222| Starting server on port 34010
000000.222| r3dNetwork: Creating host at port 34010
000000.233| IP:
000000.261| Getting shop data
000014.221| Reading game rewards
000038.960| Loading armory config
000039.017| Reading loot boxes
000041.046| Loot boxes data updated
000041.046| There is no LootBox 301158
000041.047| There is no LootBox 301118
000041.047| There is no LootBox 301119
000041.047| There is no LootBox 301120
000041.047| There is no LootBox 301121
000041.047| There is no LootBox 301122
000041.048| There is no LootBox 301123
000041.048| There is no LootBox 301124
000041.048| There is no LootBox 301125
000041.048| There is no LootBox 301126
000041.048| There is no LootBox 301127
000041.049| There is no LootBox 301128
000041.049| There is no LootBox 301129
000041.049| There is no LootBox 301130
000041.049| There is no LootBox 301132
000041.049| There is no LootBox 301133
000041.049| There is no LootBox 301134
000041.050| There is no LootBox 301135
000041.050| There is no LootBox 301137
000041.050| There is no LootBox 998877
000041.050| Loading A.I. tactics config
000041.065| Loading A.I. brain profiles
000041.066| Starting game server
000041.066| SetHomeDir: Levels\Colorado_V2
000041.066| Starting voice
000041.089| Server lib version: 3.0.2 [Build: 1342695053] SDK
000041.103| PhysX Warning (invalid parameter): 'Wrong version: foundation version is 0x03020400, tried to create 0x03020500' at file ..\..\foundation\src\PsFoundation.cpp, line 152
000041.104| !!! ERROR: PxCreateFoundation failed!
000041.104| !!! crashed, thread 4284
000041.105| Creating minidump at logss\GS_1000008623920.dmp
000041.106| VOICE:[4] 2016-06-15 22:48:42.231493|INFO |ServerLibPriv | | TeamSpeak 3 Server 3.0.2 (2012-07-19 10:50:53) SDK
000041.140| VOICE:[2] 2016-06-15 22:48:42.266589|WARNING |Accounting | | Unable to find valid license key, falling back to limited functionality
000041.436| Minidump created.
000041.437| Could not open file 'ts_keypair_34510.txt' for reading keypair
000041.437| Creating virtual server with 2 slots
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 5, 2016
Reaction score
Help? 000000.132| r3dFS: there is no volume file wo_00.bin000000.133| SERVER NAME: DESKTOP-QH3UTPA
000000.133| GameServerId: 1, map:2
000000.133| GameName: Colorado_V2
000000.133| CAsyncApiMgr starting
000000.133| Connecting to master server at localhost:34009
000000.143| r3dNetwork: Creating client
000000.188| IP:
000000.189| r3dNetwork: connecting to localhost:34009
000000.189| waiting: connecting, 30.0 sec left
000000.221| r3dNetwork: external ip:
000000.221| Game: Initializing with 25 players
000000.221| Server time is Sat Jan 10 09:36:12 2071
000000.222| Starting server on port 34010
000000.222| r3dNetwork: Creating host at port 34010
000000.233| IP:
000000.261| Getting shop data
000014.221| Reading game rewards
000038.960| Loading armory config
000039.017| Reading loot boxes
000041.046| Loot boxes data updated
000041.046| There is no LootBox 301158
000041.047| There is no LootBox 301118
000041.047| There is no LootBox 301119
000041.047| There is no LootBox 301120
000041.047| There is no LootBox 301121
000041.047| There is no LootBox 301122
000041.048| There is no LootBox 301123
000041.048| There is no LootBox 301124
000041.048| There is no LootBox 301125
000041.048| There is no LootBox 301126
000041.048| There is no LootBox 301127
000041.049| There is no LootBox 301128
000041.049| There is no LootBox 301129
000041.049| There is no LootBox 301130
000041.049| There is no LootBox 301132
000041.049| There is no LootBox 301133
000041.049| There is no LootBox 301134
000041.050| There is no LootBox 301135
000041.050| There is no LootBox 301137
000041.050| There is no LootBox 998877
000041.050| Loading A.I. tactics config
000041.065| Loading A.I. brain profiles
000041.066| Starting game server
000041.066| SetHomeDir: Levels\Colorado_V2
000041.066| Starting voice
000041.089| Server lib version: 3.0.2 [Build: 1342695053] SDK
000041.103| PhysX Warning (invalid parameter): 'Wrong version: foundation version is 0x03020400, tried to create 0x03020500' at file ..\..\foundation\src\PsFoundation.cpp, line 152
000041.104| !!! ERROR: PxCreateFoundation failed!
000041.104| !!! crashed, thread 4284
000041.105| Creating minidump at logss\GS_1000008623920.dmp
000041.106| VOICE:[4] 2016-06-15 22:48:42.231493|INFO |ServerLibPriv | | TeamSpeak 3 Server 3.0.2 (2012-07-19 10:50:53) SDK
000041.140| VOICE:[2] 2016-06-15 22:48:42.266589|WARNING |Accounting | | Unable to find valid license key, falling back to limited functionality
000041.436| Minidump created.
000041.437| Could not open file 'ts_keypair_34510.txt' for reading keypair
000041.437| Creating virtual server with 2 slots

try to change PhysX SDK
[VIP] Member
Dec 19, 2014
Reaction score
WO_API: failed with error code 5 SQL Select Failed: For procedure or function WZ_ACCOUNT_CREATE specified too many arguments.

how to fix?:*:
