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[Release] The most important new ascent commands with explanations

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 25, 2008
Reaction score
Since most of the commands have changed from ascent revision 4270+, i wrote a guide with newest commands and explanations

instead of .recall port gmisland for example, now type .tele port gmisland
.unit kill instead of .kill
.unit hp 5 5 to make your hp 5 and so on
.unit levelv 70 to modify your level/someones level to 70
.unit scale 2 to have scale 2
.unit speed 40 to have speed 40
.unit gold 500000 to get 500 gold
.unit removesickness to remove ress sickness
.unit advanceallskills 350 to have all skills maxed
.unit additem to add a set id to inventory
.unit paralyze and .unit unparalyze to root or unroot someone
.unit clearcooldowns - clears all your cooldowns
.unit removeauras removes all auras from target
.unit learnskill learn a skill
.unit learn and .unit unlearn learn and unlearn a spell
.unit resetskills reset all skills
.unit removeitem remove an item from a target
.unit resettalents - resets talents
.unit resetspells - resets spells
.unit resetreputation -resets reputation
.unit reviveplr revive selected player
.unit revive - revives you
.unit killplr - kill selected player
.unit kill - kills selected target
.unit demporh demorph from morphed model
.unit spawn and the creature id instead of .npc spawn
.unit del to delete selected creature]
.unit vendoradditem add item to a vendor
.unit vendorremoveitem remove an item from vendor
.unit info displays npc info
.unit displayid morph into that display id
.unit yell & .unit say to make that npc say & yell what you want
.unit damage 5 5 make your damage 5
.unit faction 1741 for example to set the faction of an npc with the shatar
.gm setstanding 1741 50000 to make yourself exalted with the shatar for example
.gm whisperblock -blocks whispers
.gm addipban to ban an ip
.gm invisible toggles invincibility and invincibility
.gm on & .gm off
.gm mute mute an account
.gm unmute unmute account
.gm banchar bans character
.gm getticket gets tickets
.gm kick kick player
.gm setprivilages sets gm level on account (0,1,2,3,az)
.server announce -send message to all
.server wannounce - send widescreen message to all
.server restart - restart the server
.lookupitem look for an item
.unit additem to give the item in the inventory

Note: these are not all the commands, there are more but not that important, just type .commands and find the others
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 5, 2007
Reaction score
and what about privilegies letters or full GM-commands list with them?
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 9, 2007
Reaction score
Coldmouth would you bother to post the full list? : D Or were could i find it?