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[RELEASE] Vote for Cubi!!

Newbie Spellweaver
May 5, 2009
Reaction score
This is a VOTE FOR Cubi script... My idea, written by me and the Angels and Demons admin, who then tried selling it to everyone, watch out for him. He is cheating people left and right and selling things that are not his to sell. Enjoy the script... It's buggy... Users can click as many times as they want in a day.

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Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 2, 2004
Reaction score
can you re-upload it? your link is dead.....
Newbie Spellweaver
May 4, 2009
Reaction score
Your script its bugy mine is good and it was your idea but you dont have the right to share it.... guess i was right your a double crosser good luck with your work ...
Loyal Member
Apr 2, 2009
Reaction score
Vote for cubi is a waste, I thought the whole Voting system was a matter of respect to the server and their work? not a matter of bribing your players with in game currency, Have you seen the top 100 recently? Sites that have never even scraped top 3 are in there right now its pretty funny:

Angels and Demons: Thieves
LMS: Thieves
Andromeda: Thieves

PW Dev community = Lazy nobody children

Whatever happened to the respect we once gave each other? Its many reasons why I dont even bother releasing anything, I tend to try find a way to lock my stuff down because of the servers like above.

Enough said.
Junior Spellweaver
Aug 27, 2005
Reaction score
Vote for cubi is a waste, I thought the whole Voting system was a matter of respect to the server and their work? not a matter of bribing your players with in game currency, Have you seen the top 100 recently? Sites that have never even scraped top 3 are in there right now its pretty funny:

Angels and Demons: Thieves
LMS: Thieves
Andromeda: Thieves

PW Dev community = Lazy nobody children

Whatever happened to the respect we once gave each other? Its many reasons why I dont even bother releasing anything, I tend to try find a way to lock my stuff down because of the servers like above.

Enough said.

I agree about the respect part, but ...
Tell me do you have an online server of any kind, not only perfect world. If so try to convince the players to click the link and put 1-2 words in place to vote. I will tell you from 500 players 10-15 will do that eve if the server is flawless.
I tried the "Vote4Something" on another game server that i host and it worked. I got from 5-10 votes/day to 50-60 even more.
The idea is that users are to lazy to do anything else than playing and complaining if they don't like something and when it comes to give back .. let's say that they forget that part.
So i wouldn't rush to call any private game hoster a tief only for that.

P.S.: Yeah i actually got this module and added a time check/delay between votes so my users are now able to vote at 12 hours, since i don't want to give them everything for free.
Loyal Member
Apr 2, 2009
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My server was number 1 for ages with almost 2000 loyal votes a month and I didnt hurl in Broadcast all day either, my players respected the work I put in and the only advise I gave them was "You want the server to grow? More people to play with? Then vote keep us number 1 and watch the numbers grow" Simple request because its in the players hands whether or not you get good players from the advertising.

I just find it a shame that servers like the above couldnt even hit top10 and are now top3 its a real shame because their devs know nothing, work for nothing and are just plain all for themselves with no respect to whats left of the devs who actually know what theyre doing.

I have alot of editors wrote editors people thought wernt possible and I dont want to share this crap no more not even sell it tbh because its cracked the next day and those people I label are selling it saying its their work, Its upsetting to know your Unit of people are stabbing you one in the back as well whilst gladly taking your work.

I have been working on a raffle system where every 4 hours a player can vote and gain a raffle ticket and the more they vote the more % chance it is to win, this raffle is then hosted at end of week and the winners can win donation stuff which then levels out the non donators in the game having a chance to have donation items, it involves another DB to control it but it works reasonably well right now and this aint even for me its for my friend im just planning on using it or not yet because if we cant beat them we have to join them or your work you put in is just ruined in the end and laughed at by these servers whilst they unzip your pck files and help themselves every patch do.
Newbie Spellweaver
May 5, 2009
Reaction score
Angels and Demons: Thieves
LMS: Thieves
Andromeda: Thieves

PW Dev community = Lazy nobody children


I 100% agree with these statements... My releases and this communities response to them more then tells the entire story.

---------- Post added at 01:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:38 PM ----------

I just find it a shame that servers like the above couldnt even hit top10 and are now top3 its a real shame because their devs know nothing, work for nothing and are just plain all for themselves with no respect to whats left of the devs who actually know what theyre doing.

It is a shame actually... Angels and Demons... WHAT a joke, talk about one of the most ignorant server admins I have ever had the displasure to work with... He got pissy at me because I was building a dev team and sharing information with the members on it and he was one of the members! Then blamed me, saying I was jealous of his level 500 on his server. HAHA, funny... ALL of my players are currently level 9*** get the Hell Fairy, 2 billion gold/sp/399 rage on a brand new character. It is GM's like him that ruin the game for everyone... He is one of the reason private servers get a bad name :)

My use of the vote script was more a factor of hating to insert the Cubi into the game. My users ate through it like Charlie Sheen snorting cocaine at a hollywood party. This way the users could vote, benefit the server and fill their purses as well. We had no limit on the cubi just for that reason. Fell free bitches :p
Junior Spellweaver
Aug 27, 2005
Reaction score
This is a VOTE FOR Cubi script... My idea, written by me and the Angels and Demons admin, who then tried selling it to everyone, watch out for him. He is cheating people left and right and selling things that are not his to sell. Enjoy the script... It's buggy... Users can click as many times as they want in a day.

Visad i'm sorry to see people trashing. I'm sorry to see that for this reason most of the best coders don't post anymore. I'm sorry that my interest in the Perfect World server hosting is now when most of the best people are not around. I just have to work with what i managed to get. I'm currently managed to start a 1.3.6 server and planning to use your files to improve it.

I just want to say thank you for your work and also i want to thank to all that developed before you.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 9, 2005
Reaction score
It is a shame actually... Angels and Demons... WHAT a joke, talk about one of the most ignorant server admins I have ever had the displasure to work with...
. . .

Reworked by me :D aded time restriction 1 vote / 12 h :D
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Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
anyhylus as far as i remeber i never need any help....all that you been mabbe is a GM helper...and i think your Visad or watever...
Pf Next time reminde me to encode all my work ca this scams ar geting on my nervs

Your nothing but a scam you and V:thumbup:isad!

LoL this script is dump...use mysql or mssql data base to cont the votes not a file text :)))
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Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 9, 2005
Reaction score
anyhylus as far as i remeber i never need any help....all that you been mabbe is a GM helper...and i think your Visad or watever...
Pf Next time reminde me to encode all my work ca this scams ar geting on my nervs

Your nothing but a scam you and V:thumbup:isad!

LoL this script is dump...use mysql or mssql data base to cont the votes not a file text :)))

well i dont want to use mysql :D i just use a crappy text file and htaccess :D happy? btw u can find all the source code of that crap free wondering on the nt and pls dont acuse me of nothing ... i just worked it a lil and i have no relationship with visad ... i just remade the crapy vot ... i hope i made my point .
Loyal Member
Apr 2, 2009
Reaction score
This script doesnt work and can be largely abused by your players. Your best off writing your own script so that the actual timer works on it properly.
is making carefully.
Nov 21, 2006
Reaction score
Vote for cubi is a waste, I thought the whole Voting system was a matter of respect to the server and their work? not a matter of bribing your players with in game currency, Have you seen the top 100 recently? Sites that have never even scraped top 3 are in there right now its pretty funny:

Angels and Demons: Thieves
LMS: Thieves
Andromeda: Thieves

PW Dev community = Lazy nobody children

Whatever happened to the respect we once gave each other? Its many reasons why I dont even bother releasing anything, I tend to try find a way to lock my stuff down because of the servers like above.

Enough said.

I HAVE noticed all of the 'top' 5+ servers are all using pretty much everything released by people on here- even some using a couple of my stuff from 08 (outdated much?). But I don't see ANY of their 'devs' actually helping out here and when they DO manage to create something they're quick to try and sell it or try and keep it to themselves. :/

I don't like how this community has turned into a big bashing party though. It's a very negative atmosphere, back when I was developing everyone was helping each other and I NEVER saw any negative comments (except for one mmo-dev site kid that got really emo because they didnt want him as a mod here).

Sorry about bumping an old thread but I was browsing about and found this stuff. It's very true though, the top servers 'devs' are hardly devs from what Ive seen,

and the reason crappy servers GET to the top is because of scripts like this stupid vote for cubi (well stupid morally). Really defeats the purpose of voting :/
Oct 14, 2009
Reaction score
we'll let the necro go because you're a 'vet' ;)

uhm, I think I have written on this subject before, either way I pretty much feel the same. I haven't and don't plan on letting people like that effect me releasing anything though, because I figure it's those morons who will eventually FAIL HARD (or maybe it's just a hope), even if they manage to 'get to the top'.
is making carefully.
Nov 21, 2006
Reaction score
Oh yeah, and I want to say I'm not dissing the person who made the script- I haven't looked at it but I still think they worked hard on it and deserve congrats.

But yeah the only shame is some of the people at the top are making good money off everyone's work from here. I mean you don't EXPECT the top servers to say 'hey thanks to ____ at ragezone for ____!' or even a simple 'thanks ragezone!'. To me they just seem... kind of greedy. I've played a couple of the top servers more recently and didn't realize how much of it was just taken right off of ragezone until I came back here. They really make players think the admins did alot of hard work, whether it's intentional or not it doesn't seem right. :/

Won't stop me either from developing anything in the future. I love helping the crazy little nubs on here. Even if at some points I just think "if you can't figure out something that simple how do you expect to run a server?".

... like that one person around that can't find the server download.
Junior Spellweaver
Oct 6, 2008
Reaction score
I love helping the crazy little nubs on here.

... like that one person around that can't find the server download.

Everybody starts from zero i suppose, i bet it doesnt hurt anyone to reply if some guy came here and ask 'nubs' questions. Even currently i got 2 gameservers running ( ryl1 and ryl2 ) but perfect world is totally new to me in the sense of its files and its server operations. That is why i am reading all the post in this sections ( at pages 59 now lol )just to at least know more about the files and the common problems of the server itself.

Anyway the advise for the 'new' wannabe admin of PW should at least takes time read the whole thread in this sections and the stickies too!.

just my two cents...:p: