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[Release]Vote Page+others

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Junior Spellweaver
Jan 5, 2009
Reaction score
Here is my page with voting system + some other feautures.

How it works:
You must log in to use the vote page.
After you are logged in you can vote for points. You can vote each 12 hours. Each vote will grant you 1 point. You can exchange the points for T-Points default ( 1 vote point = 1 T-Point ) you can edit it into 1 vote point = 100 T-Points or how you want if you have ideeas.

There is a quesion event page too.. You can manualy add a question there and the answers by users will be stored in answers.txt.

How to get it work.. go to connect.php and put your db info there.

vote.php put your db info there too.

Create the following fields into t_account table : points , time
Please give credits like this: Copyright YourServerName powered by Addablo

Password: forum.ragezone.com
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