[Release]Working TitanMS 2.0 + How to make it work publicly tutorial-Updated 08/11/08

Experienced Elementalist
Apr 13, 2008
Reaction score
Well alot of people had that "MySQL.h cannot be found" or something bug, and chibibaka released a patch to fix it here

I guess this is for people that couldn't apply the patch? I didn't apply that patch to this one but it works fine.

Includes -
MySQL.h not found fix
GM HyperBody
Better !level
!bskills (Eh, it only gives you the multi pet skill, still good though)
All the XML's
TitanMS tools

Just my luck, as soon as this is done uploading, more revs start comin out

Includes -
MySQL.h not found fix
Better !level
!skill (id) (2 spaces) (level) <- Makes the skill ID you put in the level you want it to be
No XML's, get them from either the official thread of TitanMS New Source or from the rev 03 link

Includes -
MySQL.h not found fix
Better !level
!skill (id) (2 spaces) (level) <- Makes the skill ID you put in the level you want it to be
All XML's
!fame (desired amount of fame)
!exp (desired amount of exp)
TitanMS tools
AP Cap is 999, to remove it go to Player.cpp and find
        if(getStr() >= 999)
            return Value(0, 0);
And change it to

        //if(getStr() >= 999)
//            addAP(1);
        //    return Value(0, 0);
Do that for int, dex and luk too.
Or you can change 999 to whatever you want. (Before it still took away AP if you clicked on it, pretty easy fix o.o)

NPC's are bugged =/

- Rev 30

Includes -

All that rev 29 has
NPC bug fixed I think, taxi doesn't work, just make another one
!noticer - red notice
!noticew - white notice (!noticew Name : Message)
!noticep - popup notice
!smega - sends a normal smega
Player Commands -
@smega command (Costs 500k to use it) (Must use it like @smega (Your name) (your message) it has a check to make sure you put in your name =D)
Sadly, the super megaphones and notices only appear to you, no one else :\

I won't be adding anymore for a while since I'll be gone for 3 weeks. Here's a command I recently just made and I didn't put in the rev

It should really help those who spawned like 1000 pots or something and don't wanna have to drop them 1 by 1,

else if(command == "remove"){
int p = msg.find(" ");
int ap = msg.substr(p+1).find(" ");
int itemid = 0;
int amount = -1;
if(ap == -1)
itemid = strval(msg.substr(p));
itemid = strval(msg.substr(p+1, ap));

Just use !remove (itemid) and it'll remove all the items. Put that in ChatHandler.cpp

I don't think I'll be continuing these either, not sure, I love doing these but not alot of people use em so, w/e. I'll see by how many downloads this one gets by the time I get back. It was fun making them =)

How to make this work publicly

Go to LoginPacket.cpp


    pw.write(ip->p1); // IP
Let's say my IP was

I would make it look like this
    pw.write(200); // IP
This fixes the "Can't get past char selection" bug when you change the server.xml to your IP.

It's the old way but it works.

Credits to DarkAngelSIN for figuring it out.
Credits to koolk for a sweet source :O

Well, have fun? o.o

Some of you guys needed a tutorial, I'm not that great at them but I'll try

You'll need to download and install this

Download the orange one on the bottom right, which is C++

Assuming you have MySQL already, create a new database/schema, name it "titanms" and run this query

create table users(ID int auto_increment primary key, username varchar(20), password varchar(20), pin int default 0, gender int default 0, gm int default 0);
create table characters(ID int auto_increment primary key, name varchar(12), userid int, world int, level tinyint unsigned default 1, job smallint default 0, str smallint, dex smallint, intt smallint, luk smallint, chp smallint default 50, mhp smallint default 50, cmp smallint default 50, mmp smallint default 50, ap smallint default 0, sp smallint default 0, exp int default 0, fame smallint default 0, map int default 0, pos smallint default 0, gender tinyint, skin tinyint, face int, hair int, mesos int default 0, ip varchar(20) default '', hpap int default 0, mpap int default 0); 
create table equips(equipid int, charid int, pos smallint default 0, slots tinyint default 7, scrolls smallint default 0, istr smallint default 0, idex smallint default 0, iint smallint default 0, iluk smallint default 0, ihp smallint default 0, imp smallint default 0, iwatk smallint default 0, imatk smallint default 0, iwdef smallint default 0, imdef smallint default 0, iacc smallint default 0, iavo smallint default 0, ihand smallint default 0, ispeed smallint default 0, ijump smallint default 0, owner varchar(20) default '', locked bool default false);
create table items(itemid int, charid int, inv tinyint, pos smallint, amount smallint);

create table pets(petid int, charid int, pos smallint, petslot tinyint default -1, name varchar(20), level tinyint, closeness smallint, fullness tinyint unsigned, time bigint);
create table keymap(charid int, pos int, type int, action int);
create table skills(charid int, skillid int, level int, masterlevel int);

create table vars (charid int, tkey varchar(256), value int);
Now open the trunk folder, then open the src folder and run the titanms.sln file (It's about 3 KB big) and it should open up in VC++ if you installed it correctly, if it doesn't then redownload or reinstall it.

Now it should look a little confusing right now if it's your first time seeing this program, don't worry it's quite easy to figure out.

Look at the top where the

File Edit View etc. are, find the one called "Build"

Click on it and click "Build Solution", or you can hit F7

Wait for it to finish building, there SHOULD be no errors unless you modified something.

Now look around the top, there should be a green arrow, click on that and the server will start (Or you can hit F5)

But wait, you still haven't changed the EXP rates and all that on what you wanted it to be!

Open up the TitanMS folder and find server.xml, don't worry about the IP part, just do what I showed you above on how to make it connect to an IP.

Do what it asks you to fill in, like your database configuration and all that

After you're done click save.

Click that green arrow again to debug and the server should start, grab a localhost v58 and start playing.

Not the best tutorial but, I'm not much of a tutorial writer
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Re: [Release] TitanMS New Source fixed download?

Thx a lot......I wonder how koolk can get into the game.....without errors
Re: [Release] TitanMS New Source fixed download?

will u make a guide on how to use it wat u need and everything? cuz i want to try this out but i never used titanms :(
Re: [Release] TitanMS New Source fixed download?

Added a guide, not the greatest though
Re: [Release] TitanMS New Source fixed download?

Added a guide, not the greatest though

Can you join my hamachi to test out PvP with me...? PvPTest pw is 123..
Re: [Release] TitanMS New Source fixed download?

Can you join my hamachi to test out PvP with me...? PvPTest pw is 123..

I can't go on hamachi, it's screwed lol

I don't even know how PvP works in this source
Re: [Release] TitanMS New Source fixed download?

thx for the mini tutorial lol do we hav to download tortoise SVN( i heard of it)?
and how do we compile titanms source?

EDIT:btw is there a possible way to back up the odinms database and use it for the titanms database?
Re: [Release] TitanMS New Source fixed download?

odinms and titan are diffrent databases
"odinms" is odin
"titanms" is titan
you don't have remove one of them to have two sources...
Re: [Release] TitanMS New Source fixed download?

ok.... how do we compile titan? and do we need tortoise SVN?
Re: [Release] TitanMS New Source fixed download?

doh now there are 3 different size of titanMS 2.0 source

Re: [Release] TitanMS New Source fixed download?


First one was rev08.
Second is rev08 with XML Files
Third is rev11.
Re: [Release] TitanMS New Source fixed download?

do we need tortoise svn?
Re: [Release] TitanMS New Source fixed download?

oh how do we use it? and wat r some commands?
Re: [Release] TitanMS New Source fixed download?

why i am still getting error?
can u send me a private msg and tell me what to do?
maybe i did something wrong
Re: [Release] TitanMS New Source fixed download?

how do i use tortoise svn?
Re: [Release] TitanMS New Source fixed download?

sigh :( ok i'll try to look for one Again

EDIT: uhh i just right clicked the truck folder and click SVN update.... did i do that rite?