[Release] WorldCreator Application English


Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 4, 2021
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-The World Creator-
I was able to translate the RC file from Korean to English and with the help of Xiejiashu, we recompiled it. It is a powerful tool, that’s not perfect and that has a lot still to be figured out but does unlock a lot of potential development.
I will notate any of my discoveries so far with the program is this guide to help save you some time and if anyone else discovers anything be sure to contribute to everyone.

It is still extremely old, buggy and frequently crashes. Due to this there are some features that just don’t work or are missing more source files to function properly.
It still has some very useful functions that I feel people will enjoy and be able to utilize in conjunction with AlphA’s tools already available.
Save, Backup, Save, Backup, Save, Backup – I speak from experience, just save and backup files frequently as you can lose a lot of progress in an instant when working with unstable programs.

Preparing your client folder

The World Creator requires a folder name “Shaders” to be in your main game client to load properly. The original source release had this folder with the source, but it was named “Shader” which the .exe when launched does not search for so it needs to be “Shaders” to actually load.
The Shaders are the program code for visual rendering and are required for the scene view of the application to load.
When launching there will be errors to due to missing textures/ or files. Some of these are just developmental in nature and are not needed for most functions.
You will also need a file called ZoneList.dat, which lists the zone folders in accordance with your game client folders.
Syntax matters so be sure to list your folders as they are presented in your client folders and if you don’t use a zone, insert a (dummy) in its place otherwise you will receive many errors on loading as there are no files associated with the selected zone.

Once your “Shaders” folder is made and the World Creator exe is in your client folder you can launch the application and it will bring up the loading options menu.
Selecting your Zone will load the appropriate folder from the client, selecting the correct one matters if you want the correct map height and texture files to load correctly. I selected Zone 12(Almighty Land) in this example.
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FFA - [Release] WorldCreator Application English - RaGEZONE Forums

FFA - [Release] WorldCreator Application English - RaGEZONE Forums

-You can play with these loading options as you wish, some are game breaking or not useful to change. Reference the original World Creator source code if you wish you understand what they are actually changing but most are labeled clearly.
- Depending on your client you are using, you will encounter loading errors here either texture files missing or a .GCMDS Loading error, which involves the character editing feature which I have not been able to use other then reading .GCMDS files.
It will still load though.

Loading the actual Zone file and objects/House/effect information.
At the top right under Edit(E) – Select ExtensionLoad. – Then search for your client folder and select the selected zone.r3s in this instance Zone12.
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Tada! Map 12 in all its glory, this application is powered by a form of the game engine so it allows for actual game/weather/light/tree animation visualization without the need to load in game, which is useful for quick development.
However, the development from release form of the source can have a lot of things removed or not used so it wont be 100% depiction of function or final quality of the game client but pretty close.

Similar to flying in Neo mode in game.
WASD keys for movement around.
Shift for increased speed.
Hold Right click for paning camera or Numpad arrows.
R and T Keys – Normal and increased Specularity mode.
O Key – Wide Map wireframe view.
There are a lot of keys associated with creating custom camera movements.(Such as Character Selection panning when you are selecting your character.) As well as with effect files and their location/rotation adjustments in the editor, they are very buggy and often cause crashes, you can experiment with them but note it will crash at some point.
Y – Camera Event Save?
U – Camera Event Load?
F – Camera Event Look?

G – Negative X Axis rotation
B - Positive X Axis rotation
H- Negative Y Axis rotation
N- Positive Y Axis rotation
J- Negative Z Axis rotation
M- Positive Z axis rotation

Home - Positive Y Location
End – Negative Y Location
Del – Delete REEEEEEE

This Editor has so much information that can be covered, but most of it can be discovered fairly easily and tinkering with options. I’m going to hit on a few major options that I think most developers are most interested in as most of the abilities of the editor are better done in rMap.

I will add more to the list of things as people ask or as I have time, but experiment people!

Octree Generation
After you have created a custom r3s using the 3DOC converter you can then import r3s into the World Creator to generate your Octree file for in game collisions. Make sure your r3s is in the *CLIENT/Object/House or Object folder with its appropriate link .DDS texture in *CLIENT/Texture/Object Folder for it to load into the World Creator correctly.

-Loading your custom r3s-
Under [Building] Panel in the left hand box, Right clock in the area where the “C” Ascii Symbol is located.
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Select Out button by clicking the “na” tab. - > Find your .r3s in your object client folder. Then name the object/Building under Building name. This will create the reference into Z3D Container on your left.

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Click + Arrows and navigate to your named r3s(Usually at the very bottom of the list) and click the “Addition” button.
*NOTE*- When in Addition mode it will add objects wherever you click in the scene view as long as the button is activated, you must click the button again to deactivate “Addition” mode.

Having your name r3s selected and in addition mode click in the scene view to place your r3s object!

Placement Controls
*NOTE*- rMap has much more precise adjustments then this program, but you need the object placed and selected to generate Octree data.
Holding the click as you place allows you to move the object along the Widemap field.
Shift while holding- Rotation of r3s.
Control while holding – Adjust up and down slightly of r3s.
Control + Clicking in sceneview – Places r3s @ origin of camera
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Once your object is placed, click the “House” Button in the center left of the Scene View and then you must select THE 3D ORIGIN POINT of the object to be able to select the object to highlight it. This can be difficult if the 3D origin point is not at the base of the object when you create it in whatever 3D program you are using.
*NOTE* Make sure you are in the same “Sector” X and Y as the object you are trying to select otherwise you may not be able to select it AND clicking the “Reload” button above house will reload the zone you are currently in if you are having issues it can help. You will know you have it selected when it has the white outlining around it.

Once selected just click the “Octree” button on the same menu bar, and it will generate your collision file into your game client directory! It is named the same as your r3s.

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Clicking “Freeze” Button cycles through 1-24 weathertimeline until clicked again where it stops on that timestamp. Day and Night cycle.
Clicking the “Color” tab on the far right opens the editable options for the weathertab/Colortable Tab.
Each time stamp allows for changes to a wide array of color/lighting options.
“Color Storage” saves the setting set to that time stamp temporarily for testing and viewing in the view port, you must click the view port for the changes to update, when clicked out of the viewscene it freezes until reopened.

Fog Start- Distance from Camera Fog layer begins. Low number= 1000, Close to Camera, 50000= Far from Camera.
Fog End- Cut off point of Fog Layer from Camera. Low number= Very Dense apperence. High number = Clearer.
SkyFogEnd- End Point for sky fog layer. Low Number = 200,000 Foggy Clouds. High Number 400000,450000 Clear looking clouds.

Some Value do not change anything when edited. SunPos/SunSize/FlareSize from my testing.

“Save File” creates a new WeatherColorTable_Zone”WhateverZoneyouron”.dat
Save copies of your originals before editing and saving these values.

Tree Addition Tool
Clicking the "Tree" Tab to the right opens the tree menu.
Each map has a total of 30 animated trees/bushes that can be used on each map and differ depending on your client map folder setup. There are 50 total trees and 50 LOD trees.
Double-click desired tree number to move it into the loaded tree field, I clicked 0, 4, and 8 in this example.
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The Range distance is the size of the circle the tree will be placed.
Frequency is the % of trees in said size field depending on available space and trees select.
The larger the area is the more dense it will populate with trees, my person preference is a radius of 10,000 with a frequency of 0.02 as shown in this example.
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It will create a randomization of the "loaded tree" field. Which can create some unique and interesting themes.
You can adjust these values and selections for your desired results.
Selecting the "Delete" button will enter delete mode which will delete according to range size.

Like placing other things, you must be in your desired X,Y zone to place your trees correctly, placing along the end of the zone with hardline at the zone edge and you will need to place on adjacent zone as well for flow.

There are a lot of options here so play around and test for yourself, just remember SAVE AND BACKUP!
More information to come and good luck developing!


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Yeah, as with most of RYL's files and older compiled exe's, Windows Defender flags it. It also flags the original Korean world creator.exe as well from the original source release. I made an exclusion to its directory with my system.
-Using rMap to scale your objects can conflict with the octree file, you must import your desired scale through your 3D software, then generate your octree to that scale for proper function.

I added a MaleReference Object to the attached files. Placing this guy in your 3D will allow you to compare your scaling of your buildings you are wanting to import. He is the same scale to characters ingame so don't adjust his scale in your 3D software or adjust import/export scaling options.

-Reference Images for clarity-

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FFA - [Release] WorldCreator Application English - RaGEZONE Forums

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You must save under the Edit tab as an extension and not under file as it is an incomplete file from my testings, also it can save as a file type "File" and you have to add .z3s at the end as the extension.