[Released]RoseCP v1.5[2nd Job Change + New Clean Theme]

I would like to see a Players Online: in it under Total Caractors telling how many people are in the game.

I do like your work too, Looks Really nice.
Players Online:

Add this somewhere

$result = mysql_query("SELECT online FROM accounts WHERE online = '1'");
$results = mysql_num_rows($result);
echo $results ;
Does anyone got a template like flyff online website.i like the design and everything
nice and simple
yep. im making a clean template. no pictures. just pure CSS.. just hold on..
I would like to see a Players Online: in it under Total Caractors telling how many people are in the game.

I do like your work too, Looks Really nice.

hahah. i forgot to add this one. anyway. il add it next release. thanks..

dyeprey - [Released]RoseCP v1.5[2nd Job Change + New Clean Theme] - RaGEZONE Forums
i got you the work done <.< already for 1.2 i made it for a friend who has a rose server and uses your server..

open your Functions.php in the library folder and look for the place where it has
function stats() {
global $link, $valid, $serverexp, $serverdrop, $template_folder;
// checking login server
$check_login = @fsockopen('', '29000', $ERRNO, $ERRSTR, 1);
if ($check_login) { $login_status = "<img src=themes/".$template_folder."/images/on.gif>"; } else { $login_status = "<img src=themes/".$template_folder."/images/off.gif>"; }
// checking char server
$check_char = @fsockopen('', '29100', $ERRNO, $ERRSTR, 1);
if ($check_char) { $char_status = "<img src=themes/".$template_folder."/images/on.gif>"; } else { $char_status = "<img src=themes/".$template_folder."/images/off.gif>"; }
// checking world server
$check_world = @fsockopen('', '29200', $ERRNO, $ERRSTR, 1);
if ($check_world) { $world_status = "<img src=themes/".$template_folder."/images/on.gif>"; } else { $world_status = "<img src=themes/".$template_folder."/images/off.gif>"; }
// check total accounts
$connect = $link->dmysqlf($hostname,$username,$pass);
if ($connect) {
if (!$link->mydb($db)) { $valid->alert("Cant Connect to DB.. [Functions.php]"); }
$query = $link->query("SELECT * from `accounts`");
$totalaccounts = mysql_num_rows($query);
$queryc = $link->query("SELECT * from `characters`");
$totalchars = mysql_num_rows($queryc);
} else { $valid->alert("Cant Connect to mysql [Functions.php]"); }
right under it you just have to add
//Check Online User by MoonlightChild
$connect = $link->dmysqlf($hostname,$username,$pass);
if ($connect) {
if (!$link->mydb($db)) { $valid->alert("Cant Connect to DB.. [Functions.php]"); }
$query = $link->query("SELECT * from `list_chars_connected`");
$playersonline = mysql_num_rows($query);
} else { $valid->alert("Cant Connect to mysql [Functions.php]"); }
note!: list_chars_connected is used by the latest server rev so be sure you have that table or it wont work at all!!!!

now after you have done this just look for
$status = '
<fieldset><legend>Server Status</legend>
<p>Login Server: '. $login_status .'
<br />Char Server: '. $char_status .'
<br />World Server: '. $world_status .'
<br /><br />Exp: '. $serverexp .'
<br />Drop: '. $serverdrop .'
<br />Total Accounts: '. $totalaccounts .'
<br />Total Characters: '. $totalchars .'
in the functions.php and add
<br />Online: '. $playersonline .'
under it and save it

That'll display the Online characters on your site under the total chars created

~Moon out~ hope this helped ^^

Your webserver doesnt support PHP get a php supporting webserver and it works just fine!
Re: [Released]RoseCP v1.4[JobChange,Administration]

yep. that should do the trick..
Re: [Released]RoseCP v1.4[JobChange,Administration]


I cant Register in your Releases Rosecp_v1.4 Check it out dyeprey......
and cant Changes pas too.. T_T..

Anyway Nice Web... 9/10
Re: [Released]RoseCP v1.4[JobChange,Administration]

That lloking nice at you.. but why i can`t use it? I became im explorer only a site with the codes not the Page in normal look :D
Re: [Released]RoseCP v1.4[JobChange,Administration]


I cant Register in your Releases Rosecp_v1.4 Check it out dyeprey......
and cant Changes pas too.. T_T..

Anyway Nice Web... 9/10

registration is working fine since 1.0 release. go here-> and try to register...

That lloking nice at you.. but why i can`t use it? I became im explorer only a site with the codes not the Page in normal look :D

You need PHP.. Install PHP or just use XAMP.
Re: [Released]RoseCP v1.4[JobChange,Administration]

i have PHP... after you have writing i have test it with xamp only the site with code funny :D
Please do register.. why register? im checking if people are stil using my CP. if not. il stop developing.
well, i love your system :P I am using it

Its a very flexible system.