(Repack) MarhaL server Files

Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
The Netherlands
Hey guys,

I am totally done with it and I decided that I give you my server files :/
so here they are:

server files: url removed

have fun with it, there are some bugs really easy to fix :)

MarhaL ( MartyNL,SamariuM ^.^ )
special thanx to junk !
Last edited:
Re: MarhaL server Files !

You could include what modifications the server has, so the ppl could know what they're downloading, instead of checking every corner of kal, to see if there's anything new :) Just an advice.
Re: MarhaL server Files !

go to ;)
you will see the bosses. pff worked on those for like 2 weeks to make it "perfect" :P

I will add another link cause rapid suck !
Re: MarhaL server Files !

go to ;)
you will see the bosses. pff worked on those for like 2 weeks to make it "perfect" :P

I will add another link cause rapid suck !

2 Weeks of work and you call it perfect?

Your too good or too bad!
Re: MarhaL server Files !

:P many many testing :P btw if you make a high rate private server the bosses are wayy to weeak for this shit !

bosses are based on 20-30x rates ;) else u have to edit them manually

Re: (R) MarhaL server Files

Hi guys,
here is another link to the site and bosses:

and further I made this litle handy script;) you guys probably have one, I dont know, but I wanna share mine too ;)

<title> MarhaL guild remover</title>
<p>here just a simple guildtime remover ;)</p>

mssql_connect(<<yourdbhost>>, <<yourdbuser>>, <<yourdbpass>>);

$query = "Delete FROM GuildMember WHERE GID = 0";
$result = mssql_query($query);


<br><br>You can now join a guild :)
<br><br>(C) MarhaL</html>

Hope you can use it ;)

Greetz MarhaL
Re: (R) MarhaL server Files

think u can upload it to your site? i hate RipShare...
Re: (R) MarhaL server Files

Dude help me please!

When i finish and i want to copy you server files to the kalonline main folder what i copy?
Re: (R) MarhaL server Files

Dude help me please!

When i finish and i want to copy you server files to the kalonline main folder what i copy?

Are you from planet Earth? After trying to eat the kalonline now you want to put the server files into the client dir?
Re: (R) MarhaL server Files

i dont get it? (i love the boss... what GTX file was it from?)
Re: (R) MarhaL server Files

pacd sorry but i dont really get you :S

I saw in tut movie of server start up that he copy the repack files and put it in the kalonline main folder...

I downloads some packs and every pack have a folder call Server the the files in it you copy and past in kalonline main folder...

But in his pack he dont have and i dont know really what to copy...

So what files i need to copy and past from the pack?
Re: (R) MarhaL server Files

CLIENT!"!! files "Dude" american i guess. Yea things that might include updater2 or another launcher and a data folder and shit not the server folder thats to run your server -.-
Re: (R) MarhaL server Files

Tnx dude^^

I will copy the client files...

And you say data folder that i dot eally understood how this data folder called in his server files?

Sorry i am new to this...