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repent readded

Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 8, 2007
Reaction score
well, i heard theres a server up . dunno the website tho. >< o don't know if you get my message. but i got a friend that got close to have a server up, but he says if he had to Knight Online Source he could get one up. so please if u still have can you pm me thank you
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 1, 2006
Reaction score
Yes I Got Very Close. Always Got in Game But Crashed Straight Away, Reason For That the Item Base.tbl And itembase.dbo Did not Match when i got them to match the Repent.exe Wasnt the Correct Version, I Haven't Played This Game Yet But The System Is No Different To Korean Ares, So The Login System was Different. All i know is you had to Login in on the website First then you clicked on Start Game To Launch the Game to Play, then you would pick your Server. Im not sure if that System applied To Repent but that system Worked on Korean Ares and Jap Ares, a Hit That will get us a very far way.

The Korean Database for repent has a user table, ALL The Users in that Table Work on the Korean Ares. So Yes This Game Was Working at one Point and The Data Base is Clean :).

I Told This Kid the Knights online Source mite help me recreate a client, but i've Notice it mite not work 70% Chance it won't. i know theres alot of work to be done in this Game but i Guess ill Help You guys out abit, give you guys the little Patches i made the made this game Load Better and Closer but Befor i do that i want to see more Active people helping, give me this week and ill Upload Them.

I want Upload Sites that i can upload to and that people dont have a problem with like : filefront? Or rapidshare?

Big Heads Up for REPENT!! and hope to God we have Team Effort on this ;)

For the noob that wants the Existing Link you noobie Noob, (Sorry Flow) :) here it is.

English :

That Second mite not Work, but its some help for that poster lol :)

Well guys im Out.
keep me informed if i go Whop whop rofl.
email/msn : asus.me.chris@gmail.com Dont add me if your gonna waste time :)
