Resolving All Issues 20% complete

I'll take you all on.
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1000 Posts Trophy Point Collector 20 Happy Years
May 11, 2004
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Hi all, im here again and this time, im making this guide for you to resolve some of the error that you've encounter. Please use this before you ask question in HELP SECTION. Thanks.

Lets start with the Server.

Box of KUNDUN:
My GS crash when i drop some Box of KUNDUN.

Well, this is not cause by your "eventitembag#.txt"(# means number like 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.), this happens because your commonserver.cfg is corrupted or is very messy and unorganize. If you try to run a new version but you dont use the commonserver.cfg that come along with it, then you will have this issue. Please use the original commonserver.cfg that come inside the Server Package. Dont be lazy to re-edit stuff. Take your time to re-edit your config again on your new commonserver.cfg of the new version that you want to run.

ODBC Connection Error in my EventServer:

To fix this error, open:
You will see something that look like this:
mu2003_dbname = Ranking
mu2003_dsn = Ranking
mu2003_uid = sa
mu2003_pass = xxxxxxx
Well, for example, yours is look like in this guide, but you have that stupid error. To resolve this, MAKE sure the ODBC Ranking exist in your ODBC Registration. If not, i will provide a link to the ODBC(complete) for you to make it work.
Run all the three ODBC and you will resolve the error.

JoinServer not responding then crash few seconds later.

OMG! I run the JoinServer and it crash few sec later, a window with two button saying "Send Error" and "Don't send error" pop up. This error is very annoying expecially someone told you to CHECK THE IP but it didnt work out. The truth is, its not your IP, if its IP issues, then a different pop up will tell your that your IP is incorrect or the joinserver can not connect the the IP that you set. This error cause by one of your ODBC, some of them are corrupted or misconfigured. To resolve this problem, download this ODBC and run all of the three of them. If you already download one on top of this guide, then you're cool, non of this error will happen to you ;P

Marlon Issue:

"OMG, Marlon keep teleporting every 180secs, it keep teleporting, how can i make it stay still?"

Ok, some of you want to make Marlon stay still in one place forever. To make this happen, open:

and find this line:
This config control Marlon teleport time duration. So to make it to stay still, put:
[B]QuestNPCTeleportTime             = 99999999999[/B]
And you are done, reload the GS if you have it running before you make this changes.

Bless Bug On/Off

Now some of you dont even know how to make Bless Bug on/off on their server. This is very, the only thing that make it bug(gives you more money than the original proce when you sell it back from the NPC) is the item DURABILITY in the shop(Server Side). The max durability is 255. SO to make Bless Bug in your server, simply add the item Bless(or could be any jewel) to the shop files(shop1.txt, shop2.txt, etc) so it should look like this:
[B]Shop1.txt(Red Barmaid)[/B]
[B]14 13 0 255 0 0 0 //Jewel of Bless[/B]
Always remember, the 4digit column(255) is your durability column. No matter wat items you put, it will always be the durability of that items. Now, make it higher(max is 255) to make Bless Bug on.
Note: The higher the price of the jewel, the higher bless bug you will receive.

To turn it off, simply set the durability to 0. then reload the GS.

BK Orb Skill usable @ lvl 1 after you reset.

Well, some version disable your lvl BK skill when you get to lvl 1.
The only way to fix this is through coding. If you have the knowledge to do it, then congrats to you.

Castle SIege error.

"When i run the Siege Server, this stupid error pop up, how can i fix it?"

This error happen because your Siege Server date in your database is out-of-date. To fix this, simply follow the following steps:
Open Enterprise Manager>MuOnline>Table>Mu_Castle_Data
Now, Make right click on that table, select "return all row"
Now, edit the Startdate and Enddate.
Note: Make sure the Startdate match the date in your computer, if not, then you will still have this error.

GM Visible and Invisble issue.

How do i make the GM visible to other players and Invisible.

Well, some version like 1.02 or 99.6X has this feature to make your GM visible or invisible.

To make it visible, simply:
Open Enterprise Manager>MuOnline>Table>Character
Make a right click and select "return all row". Now find "ctl code" column
and change to 32.
To make it invisble, simply:
Change the ctl code to 8

More update coming, stay tune.
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Re: [Guide]Resolving All Issues

plox can i have the syntax in assembly for the bk orb after reset? Cuz im really lazy like 99% of the ppl here, kidding nice guide keep it up.
Re: [Guide] Resolving All Issues 20% complete

thanks, i will update more info on this guide so you guys wont have any trouble figuring out how to fix some errors
Re: [Guide] Resolving All Issues 20% complete

Box of KUNDUN:
My GS crash when i drop some Box of KUNDUN.

not really like that.. when you configure in commonserver.cfg boxs would drop non exc items from boxes: ..............ExItemDropRate isn't 100 and you don't have any non excelent items in that box configured then your gs just crash when u drop box out.. why sometimes it dont? it drops exc item:)
Re: [Guide] Resolving All Issues 20% complete

well its in commonserver.cfg anyway

thanks for the info
Re: [Guide] Resolving All Issues 20% complete

Great job , I hope that you will succed

Pls more info on BK Orb Skill usable @ lvl 1 after you reset.
Re: [Guide] Resolving All Issues 20% complete

hi i use MuTexas server files and BOk crash when drop so your files r messy and whatshould i use?

everything is from your files
Re: [Guide] Resolving All Issues 20% complete

hi i use MuTexas server files and BOk crash when drop so your files r messy and whatshould i use?

everything is from your files

Noob, if you have any items that can not be in exelent form in eventitembad*.txt, and your bok rate is 100%, then thats why.
Re: [Guide] Resolving All Issues 20% complete

@xphire: please dont call ppl noob ;)
Re: [Guide] Resolving All Issues 20% complete

:) reaaly good !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But for

GM Visible and Invisble issue.

How do i make the GM visible to other players and Invisible.

Well, some version like 1.02 or 99.6X has this feature to make your GM visible or invisible.

To make it visible, simply:
Open Enterprise Manager>MuOnline>Table>Character
Make a right click and select "return all row". Now find "ctl code" column
and change to 32.
To make it invisble, simply:
Change the ctl code to 8


Change the ctl code to 8

I change in Default Value ?

Tanks ^^
Re: [Guide] Resolving All Issues 20% complete

For making GS its easy to use script!

For visible GM:

Use MuOnline
UPDATE Character
SET CtlCode = ('32')
where Name='nickname'

And For invisible:
Use MuOnline
UPDATE Character
SET CtlCode = ('8')
where Name='nickname'

And btw this will not work for those who use SQL2k(dont know for sql2k5)
liselotte said:
Castle SIege error.

"When i run the Siege Server, this stupid error pop up, how can i fix it?"

This error happen because your Siege Server date in your database is out-of-date. To fix this, simply follow the following steps:

Open Enterprise Manager>MuOnline>Table>Mu_Castle_Data
Now, Make right click on that table, select "return all row"

Now, edit the Startdate and Enddate.
Note: Make sure the Startdate match the date in your computer, if not, then you will still have this error.
The right way is to go to:
SQL Query Analyzer then open MuOnline, then user tables, then you mark MuCastle_DATA =>right click and open, and from here you set up the date !:) you cant change it from SQL Enterprise Manager 100% sure (In SQL2k)!
Re: [Guide] Resolving All Issues 20% complete

Wow, this thread is amazing, it contains some of problems that I unsolved. Thank you very much, liselotte, keep this up, share more your knowledge to us, we need it. [coming home to follow ur guide...]
Re: [Guide] Resolving All Issues 20% complete

For making GS its easy to use script!

For visible GM:

And For invisible:

And btw this will not work for those who use SQL2k(dont know for sql2k5)

The right way is to go to:
SQL Query Analyzer then open MuOnline, then user tables, then you mark MuCastle_DATA =>right click and open, and from here you set up the date !:) you cant change it from SQL Enterprise Manager 100% sure (In SQL2k)!

hahaha you're funny, why would i make this guide thing up if i didnt test for sql 2k?

please dont correct me when everything is working 100%.

Re: [Guide] Resolving All Issues 20% complete

liselotte, I wanna ask you one thing, I am trying the Haste Network server, why my gameserver crashes (the box of don't send, send error report, etc. appears). What's the problem?

I'm using XP SP2 OS. Can it be solved by some way like to solve with Joinserver in your guide?

Thank you, u r the best.