RevCMS Full CMS Neon Hotel skin

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Elite Diviner
Jan 27, 2012
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I am now using UberCMS:ott: as I think Rev is too limited and simple so I've decided to release my CMS and Skin.

Kryptos - RevCMS
Whoever made the messy skin which made me want to rip my eyes out Which I now know is Tashia's Habbo edit
iBennish - Brilliant kid, without him I wouldn't know half the things I do now
Grapefruit - Custom HK
Callum Retro (don't know his forum user) - Creating the GIF logo
Anyone who ever helped me when I was a noob and had no idea what I was doing - giving me some inspiriation
Find read comments
Me - Editing the CMS, adding "Register email" script and the jobs page, "ideas" link + more
If I have missed anyone I am sorry

m - RevCMS Full CMS Neon Hotel skin - RaGEZONE Forums staff - RevCMS Full CMS Neon Hotel skin - RaGEZONE Forums

Quick Register page
Activate email script ( run SQL - ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `mailcode` VARCHAR(255); )
TheHabbos online.php in root directory
user homes
Job application page
Submit an idea link
Bots shop
User stats
Hash user passwords three times!

If your previous version of rev only used MD5 please run this query
UPDATE users SET password = MD5(password);
UPDATE users SET password = SHA1(password);

I won't explain the setup because it is the same as normal Rev, as long as you know how to use the MySQL_connect function and do anything mentioned above you should be fine.

Just in case you are blind DOWNLOAD LINK -> <-

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This is really the worst edit I've seen and which i can imagine at the moment.

I don't see the point of editing two pages and then just releasing this because it's just nothing.

Second off that this is Tashia's Habbo Edit and so for so far you have done nothing related to editing.
This is really the worst edit I've seen and which i can imagine at the moment.

I don't see the point of editing two pages and then just releasing this because it's just nothing.

Second off that this is Tashia's Habbo Edit and so for so far you have done nothing related to editing.

I didn't edit two pages, just can't find any more screen shots of the CMS and can't be bothered to upload a whole CMS to the VPS just so I can show people a few more pages. If you don't like it don't use it, simple really?

HAve you a database?
Works with Phoenix DB.
I'm never going to use this. I've seen better edits to be honest. This isn't a good edit at all and that you are taking full copyrights from the work that Tashia did that's also a very full shame. You should really be ashamed of yourself because this is really one of the baddest edits i can ever see.
I'm never going to use this. I've seen better edits to be honest. This isn't a good edit at all and that you are taking full copyrights from the work that Tashia did that's also a very full shame. You should really be ashamed of yourself because this is really one of the baddest edits i can ever see.

You emphasised that quite clearly in your first post, if you don't want to use it don't, it's not like I'm forcing you to use it.
You emphasised that quite clearly in your first post, if you don't want to use it don't, it's not like I'm forcing you to use it.

I'd expect someone as intelligent and helpful as you to at least be an honorable member, but clearly you haven't learned much about what RaGEZONE thinks about Rev skins like this. This is just a rip of a few buttons, added a pretty sweet header, and added some pages. Just release those next time.
I'd expect someone as intelligent and helpful as you to at least be an honorable member, but clearly you haven't learned much about what RaGEZONE thinks about Rev skins like this. This is just a rip of a few buttons, added a pretty sweet header, and added some pages. Just release those next time.

In reply to the first sentence as I don't use Rev I haven't really looked at many Rev releases so I wouldn't know.

When I first downloaded this skin for my hotel it was incredibly messy, the navigation menu would change from page to page, for example on the me page the "community" tab would be visible however on the staff page the "community" tab would be hidden, it also lacked consistency and features which was why I added addons and coded some myself.

Even if you didn't want to use this release you could easily go through the code and copy some of the addons.

I still think this skin would be nice for somebody who is looking for a consistent skin which doesn't require much editing.
Because it's an edit of Tashia's Habbo edit. He have just edit it a little bit and that's the only thing that he have don so i don't even think that this is worth downloading.

As he claims every work that he haven't even done rather then removing such stupid parts.
This theme = the habbo theme with a diff logo and staff page layout :-) Right ?

I did give credits for the skin, just couldn't remember who released it initially.

Like I said previously:

When I first downloaded this skin for my hotel it was incredibly messy, the navigation menu would change from page to page, for example on the me page the "community" tab would be visible however on the staff page the "community" tab would be hidden, it also lacked consistency and features which was why I have implemented addons and coded some myself.

Even if you didn't want to use this release you could easily go through the code and copy some of the addons.

I still think this skin would be nice for somebody who is looking for a consistent skin which doesn't require much editing.
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