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I am now using UberCMStt: as I think Rev is too limited and simple so I've decided to release my CMS and Skin.
Kryptos - RevCMS
Whoever made the messy skin which made me want to rip my eyes out Which I now know is Tashia's Habbo edit
iBennish - Brilliant kid, without him I wouldn't know half the things I do now
Grapefruit - Custom HK
Callum Retro (don't know his forum user) - Creating the GIF logo
Anyone who ever helped me when I was a noob and had no idea what I was doing - giving me some inspiriation
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Me - Editing the CMS, adding "Register email" script and the jobs page, "ideas" link + more
If I have missed anyone I am sorry
Quick Register page
Activate email script ( run SQL - ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `mailcode` VARCHAR(255); )
TheHabbos online.php in root directory
user homes
Job application page
Submit an idea link
Bots shop
User stats
Hash user passwords three times!
If your previous version of rev only used MD5 please run this query
UPDATE users SET password = MD5(password);
UPDATE users SET password = SHA1(password);
I won't explain the setup because it is the same as normal Rev, as long as you know how to use the MySQL_connect function and do anything mentioned above you should be fine.
Just in case you are blind DOWNLOAD LINK ->
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I am now using UberCMStt: as I think Rev is too limited and simple so I've decided to release my CMS and Skin.
Kryptos - RevCMS
Whoever made the messy skin which made me want to rip my eyes out Which I now know is Tashia's Habbo edit
iBennish - Brilliant kid, without him I wouldn't know half the things I do now
Grapefruit - Custom HK
Callum Retro (don't know his forum user) - Creating the GIF logo
Anyone who ever helped me when I was a noob and had no idea what I was doing - giving me some inspiriation
Find read comments
Me - Editing the CMS, adding "Register email" script and the jobs page, "ideas" link + more
If I have missed anyone I am sorry
Quick Register page
Activate email script ( run SQL - ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `mailcode` VARCHAR(255); )
TheHabbos online.php in root directory
user homes
Job application page
Submit an idea link
Bots shop
User stats
Hash user passwords three times!
If your previous version of rev only used MD5 please run this query
UPDATE users SET password = MD5(password);
UPDATE users SET password = SHA1(password);
I won't explain the setup because it is the same as normal Rev, as long as you know how to use the MySQL_connect function and do anything mentioned above you should be fine.
Just in case you are blind DOWNLOAD LINK ->
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