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RF Online - Forum Rules & Code of Conduct

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Evil Scottish Overlord
May 18, 2007
Reaction score

1: Stay on-topic. Don't drift into a discussion about your favourite server or prefered choice of server (like BoaR or Giga) in a thread such as a tutorial.

2: Do not distribute warez.
Cracks, serials or hacked software is included under this rule. Requesting warez will also result in you being infracted.

3: Do not abuse other members. This includes flaming, swearing, humiliating or mocking other users. The RF Online moderation team will not tolerate this on any level.

4: Search before creating a thread. You could be creating a duplicate of a thread which has already been created, such as a server release or a tutorial. This rule may be overlooked depending on the quality of your thread.

5: Don't go gravedigging. This means don't bump old threads, especially threads which are over two years old (plenty of those in the section at this time). Forum rules state that any thread older than 2 weeks aren't allowed to be bumped.

6: Do not spam. Simple replies such as 'lol' or 'ty u' or anything like that will be considered as spam and you will most likely be warned. In addition to this rule, any posts which don't relate to the topic being discussed or a post which doesn't help a user's problem, will also be treated as spam.

7: Post in the correct section. The Release section isn't for requests or help threads, neither is the Tutorials or the Developments section. Use the main section for RF related threads which don't fit into any other sections

8: Do not double/triple/quadruple post. One post is enough, if you have something else to say just edit your last post instead of double posting (if there's a post after your last post that's fine, what I mean is don't create another post if the last post was posted by you).

9: Don't abuse the tag system. Tags (which you can add to the bottom of your thread) are there to enhance searches of the forum, not for random unrelated nonsense. If you're adding tags make it relevant to the topic at hand.

10: Don't hijack a thread. This means don't change the original topic of a thread to fix your problems. Stick to the topic at hand, if you have a problem then make a thread for it, don't use someone else's.

11: Search before posting. There may already be a thread created about a similar problem you have, so search the forums instead of cluttering it up by making multiple threads on the same problem.

12: Use tags. When creating a Help/Release/Guide/Development thread either use vBulletin's tag feature (a drop-down menu beside the thread name box) or manually enter it yourself. It helps to keep things organised.

13: Stop repeating yourselves. I've noticed you lot ignore my warnings and constantly post "reupload server files plz." This is going to stop, as we already know. If one person has already posted that the links are dead, you don't have to. Your post will be treated as spam and you will be infracted.

14: Do not charge people for help. RaGEZONE is a community where we help people for free, not for a price or any other form of payment. Money, server files, doesn't matter what it is, you do not demand a payment for your services. Why should someone have to pay for information that is freely available?

15: 'Like' useful posts. If you found that someone's post was rather useful or helpful then please use RaGEZONE's 'like' feature. It's just like Facebook - you 'like' a post. If you are simply posting "thank you" or something along those lines you will be infracted for two rule violations - spamming (see no. 6) and violating this rule.

16: Don't give out e-mail/IM addresses. Fair enough you're wanting to offer quick tailored help to someone but the forums are here specificly for that so make use of the forums please instead of just posting your e-mail address and saying "i'll help u lolz". Plus, posting your e-mail is a security threat to yourself as bots scanning the web for e-mail addresses can pick up your e-mail and dump your inbox full of crap.



The RF Online Moderation Team is NOT required to help you with server problems. We are only here to clean up.​

We reserve the right to remove any files, links, posts or threads as we see fit without notifying you or providing a reason. If you feel that we have unjustly removed your content, feel free to contact a super. We're sure they'll be more than happy to help you.​

RF Online Sub-Sections

RF Online Forum Index (Main Forum) - For general RF Online discussion, threads which don't fit in anywhere and help threads.
RF Development - Announce any of your projects in development and let people follow them as they develop

RF Releases - For any server releases, client releases or any other RF-related releases.
RF Tutorials - Browse through our array of tutorials to help set up an RF Online server.

Code of Conduct

When browsing this section of the forum (and any other section in RaGEZONE) you are expected to be kind and helpful if you can. You aren't allowed to swear at other users or hurt them in any way, directly or indirectly. We kindly ask you to report any rule-breakers by clicking on the report (
Junkers - RF Online - Forum Rules & Code of Conduct - RaGEZONE Forums
) icon at the bottom right-hand corner of an offending post.

With thanks,
The RF Online Moderation Team
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Evil Scottish Overlord
May 18, 2007
Reaction score
Just to remind you folks, stop double/triple/quadruple posting, posting in the wrong sections and not using tags. Does tend to get a bit annoying having to correct things which are pretty damn easy to do. And another thing, ease up on the use of emotes/smilies guys, it really does dumb down your appearance on the forum when you end your posts with several smilies.


Another added note; stop hijacking other peoples threads all the time ffs. If someone creates a help problem for their problem, then only that person should be getting the help. It's not an invitation for you to swagger into a thread and hijack it for your own problem. There's a 'Create New Thread' button for a reason. (Only exception to this rule is for Release threads)


As of now on, please use the new built-in 'like' feature if you want to thank someone for a release. The 'like' option can be found on the bottom right hand side of every post. If any of you post 'Thanks' from now on, you will be warned/infracted.
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