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Jan 11, 2007
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We are Sharing the Ro2 Saga Revised source codes. This is the most up to date files that have been publicly released.

Anyone who is interested in this can feel free to contact me on the forums.
I'll be glad to help you in any way i can. In the same manor were looking for people to help us on somethings.
beautiful code, definately stands out on top from other emulator sources i've seen so far (on ragezone). Nice release 10/10, going to take it for a test run here in a bit ^_^
Here's the compiled exes for you guys that can not compile.

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Here you go have fun :D

Neo from SagaRO2 said:
First I explain that I am Brazilian and I am sorry any error of English.
And thanks phr34k for helping me to put the server online.
I hope you all know already put a database and use programs such as navicat or SVN Tortoise.

Let's Start.
You will need download the emulator files:

Now let's compile it!!
I think this is the most simple way to compile it.
To compile using a bat file use this line to compile:
"%WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\MSBuild.exe" Build.Developement.proj
lCON - Ro2 - RaGEZONE Forums

Now lets configure!!
After compiling, go to the Binary folder and open first the Saga.Map.exe.
Here weird errors happen when I set the Map after the authentication or gateway.

- Saga.Map
lCON - Ro2 - RaGEZONE Forums

World ID: The ID of your World server (my example is 1).
Player Limit: You choose (my example is 10).
Authentication proof: For safety put some hard numbers, I will use a simple example (my example is thomasedison).
Load all plugins, putting the number 1 and clicking enter.

lCON - Ro2 - RaGEZONE Forums

Then he will ask if you want to change the settings for connection to the authentication and gateway servers, put NO.
He will ask if you want to change the settings of the database. Put yes.
Database Name: The default name for who is using the MySQL 6.0 Temp is saga1. Who is using MySQL 5.1+ the name is saga_world.
Database Username: Put here your username (my example is root).
Database Password: Put your password (my example is saga).
Database Port: 3306.
Database Host: For a offline server put localhost or for a open server put your ip.
Detect other plugins?: No.
Now the Saga.Map will start.

- Saga.Gateway
lCON - Ro2 - RaGEZONE Forums

He will ask again if you want to change the settings for connection to the authentication and map servers, put NO.
He will ask also if you want to change the gateway-guid settings, put NO.
Saga.Gateway configured and working.

- Saga.Authentication
lCON - Ro2 - RaGEZONE Forums

Database Name: The default name for who is using the MySQL 6.0 Temp is saga (yes, map server is saga1 and authentication saga). Who is using MySQL 5.1+ the name is saga_login.
Database Username: Put here your username (my example is root).
Database Password: Put your password (my example is saga).
Database Port: 3306.
Database Host: For a offline server put localhost or for a open server put your ip.
Saga.Authentication is Ready.

To learn how to create accounts, ban members and etc go to the Documents folder and read the guides in Technical Documentation (Very well explained).

One thing that the guide does not explain is how to switch your account to an account of GM. It's simple, go to your database (saga or saga_login) and choose the login table. Go to the account you want to modify and in GmLevel change 0 to 99. Restart the servers.

Waring!! Many people forget this:
You will need to create an world to login. Go to your database (saga1 or saga_world) and choose the list_worlds table and create one registry with ID: 1, Name: Any name to your server, Proof: The proof configured on Saga.Map (my example is thomasedison).

Now close the three servers and restart in following order: Map>Gateway>Authentication.
Your Saga Emulator is now working.

Have fun = D
World ID: The ID of your World server (my example is 1).
Player Limit: You choose (my example is 10).
Authentication proof: For safety put some hard numbers, I will use a simple example (my example is thomasedison).
Load all plugins, putting the number 1 and clicking enter.

after i put the Authentication proof:
i Get error the saga.map is closed automatically and give error report.

and Saga.Authentication
I get the error report,
can u help me?
lCON - Ro2 - RaGEZONE Forums

lCON - Ro2 - RaGEZONE Forums


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Authentication server keeps closing on me... I did everything the same way as the guide for testing. So I don't really know what went wrong.
Awesome share, thanks a lot!

Could you possibly post a client link, or at least tell which version we should be using? I'm hoping to test this out when I get in from work tomorrow, would be nice if I could get the client all patched up and ready too.

Once again, thanks a lot for the share!
Here is a simple registration I made for the game if anyone would like to use it as a temp. registration.

EDIT: Once a section is made and I have more time to test, ill start working on a full fledged website. With admin panel and whatnot for you all to enjoy.

Edit: Forgot to add the md5, Since the regular saga uses only md5, Once i get this stupid thing workin ill be able to figure out if its md5 or a special md5.


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Hmm i'm having issues with the database manager for the MapServer... Other issues ive run into was reading data from ../Data/spawn-info/ FileStream won't read a directories contents, i had to opena MemoryStream handle and append all the files to a Stream and return the data.

Still wrestling around with the code, i'll probably download the full version of VS.NET 2008 instead of using the express edition. (Hopefully that fixes the issues)

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Saga.Managers.Database.Load() in C:\Saga\Saga.Map\Managers\World Managers\Managers.Database.cs:line 87

Not sure im running MySQL 6.0 using localhost root/root from db saga1, the database manager seems to break =X
I cant seem to get past the databse problem.... Dont know how to add the plugin to mysql, im using 5.1 Although im getting some weird error.
Hmm i'm having issues with the database manager for the MapServer... Other issues ive run into was reading data from ../Data/spawn-info/ FileStream won't read a directories contents, i had to opena MemoryStream handle and append all the files to a Stream and return the data.

Still wrestling around with the code, i'll probably download the full version of VS.NET 2008 instead of using the express edition. (Hopefully that fixes the issues)

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Saga.Managers.Database.Load() in C:\Saga\Saga.Map\Managers\World Managers\Managers.Database.cs:line 87

Not sure im running MySQL 6.0 using localhost root/root from db saga1, the database manager seems to break =X

Try using the database I attach to this post XD. Probably didnt put them in the right place thats the same problem I had at first thats how my db is setup and all exes work fine.

I cant seem to get past the databse problem.... Dont know how to add the plugin to mysql, im using 5.1 Although im getting some weird error.

Btw I think the reason it gives database error is because the password. In the script you shared it doesnt output md5 hash into database as the password. I tryed making an account with the cmd line in authentication server and it worked without database error and puts password in md5 but with the script it gives off error. Still cant seem to work around the "username does not exist" though =\


Try using the database I attach to this post XD. Probably didnt put them in the right place thats the same problem I had at first thats how my db is setup and all exes work fine.

Btw I think the reason it gives database error is because the password. In the script you shared it doesnt output md5 hash into database as the password. I tryed making an account with the cmd line in authentication server and it worked without database error and puts password in md5 but with the script it gives off error. Still cant seem to work around the "username does not exist" though =\

Ahh you see, after studying a different version of the Saga RO2 files. I realised some of the files dont use MD5, other do. I'll have to get into the server, and see the original pass + the encoded one to get the right workout. Add me on msn - sk84life199090@hotmail.com I can help you with the invalid username problem. And you can help me with breaking the password =]

Edit: Me and slick have got our servers up and running. I've finished a registration script that works 100%, will post it here when I get up in the morning. Goin to start dev on a website to when I get up, If anyone has suggestions on what it should have let me know and ill work on it.
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