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RYL 1 Plugin

thanks friend for sharing, the only problem with this go.dll, after being used we cannot visualize tower and numbers of players on the right ...
these 4 file where should put on the server?

ItemMoveList.txt, itemgen.txt, RYL1MetalTable.ini, SpecialNpcList.txt

always cannot find the ItemMoveList.txt file when opening the server!
not work....the file error 1 - RYL 1 Plugin - RaGEZONE Forums 未命名 - RYL 1 Plugin - RaGEZONE Forums
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ok i will check these files and give you an answer, you are having an error with loader, put it online after 3 days if login is down, for some reason login is going down in 3 days, you cannot see the server name
There is client side plugins which is not sure what is that use for.
can you explain on this plugins ?

this fameshop plugin is fake, it only contains viruses ..go.dll= droneviwer,however you need to create dns files and put your ip, when going to map3 you will not see the towers on the right side ... you need to use a new client or remove this go.dll and use only the cli.dll pluginmelogo.dll= famelogozoe.dll= this prevents you from pushing npcs and something elsec.dll= cloak for use cape wing etc...arenc.dll=this still does not know exactly its function
here for who want RYL1 Plugin..
dont forget to hit the thanks button for this share..

download here

hope this section will come back life again..:thumbup:

Anyone can re-upload these plugins files?
It been quite a while alot of server are using Plugins. good job anyway and nice share .. +1 like for your post .. if i have time i might check those plugins
Thank you so much, all work just fine. Btw can u share cloak plugin for client side
Thank you so much, all work just fine. Btw can u share cloak plugin for client side
haha how is it working? if you are asking for cloack plugin? if it was really working you would know that c.dll is cloack plugin for cape and wings