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RZ Profiles

Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 9, 2005
Reaction score
About You
2)Nicknames (IRL):none
3)Nicknames (Internet):Stormztriker
4)Height:dunno soz
7)Status (Single/Taken/Married):Single
9)Time Zone:GTM 2+
11)Hair Color:brown
12)Eye Color:blue
13)Birth Date: 28 <day,Jan <month 1989 <year
Your Favorites (only one per each)
1)Food:i don't know have to spell:(
3)Song:Linkin Park-Breaking The Habit
6)Season:Winter coz thn is my Birth Day
9)Musical Artist:...haven't
10)Movie:Kung-Fu Hustler
11)Game/Game Series:WoW
12)Book:In Estonia Is Rooste vaba M
Skilled Illusionist
Aug 8, 2005
Reaction score
About Me..........
1)Name: Marinescu Paul
2)Nicknames (IRL): Inuyasha
3)Nicknames (Internet): Inuyasha
4)Height: 1,80 cm
5)Wight: 75 kg
6)Gender: Male
7)Status (Single/Taken/Married): Taken
9)Time Zone: Bucharest +3GTM
10)Religion: Crestian Ortodox
11)Hair Color: Black of Blackest
12)Eye Color: Black
13)Birth Date: 11 03 1985
MY FAVORITE.........
1)Food: I like stake in wine ,all italian and chinese food
2)Color: Black
3)Song: 2pac-Letter to my unborn child
4)Sport: Basket &Football
5)Subject: Life is 2 way`s for all
6)Season: Winter
7)Show: Psihology Hour
8)Actor/Actress: -
9)Musical Artist: -
10)Movie: Keyser Soze(damn.. good film)
11)Game/Game Series: Gothic,FF(the best series),Metal Gear
12)Book: Shogun
13)Animal: Dog &Tiger
Who do you ______ the most? (only one per each)
1)Respect: All who earned and will keep my respect
2)Love: My parents and my girlfriend
3)Hate: Some m8
4)Trust: All who earned it
1)What school do you attend (if any): College
2)What is your job: I do partime jobs and i`m learning programing now
3)Who are your bestfriends (IRL): Remains to see
4)Who are your bestfriends (Internet): Remains to see
5)What style of music do you listen to: Rock Rap House
6)Do you have any piercings? If so, where?: Ear
7)Do you have any tatoos? If so, what are they?: Back (A dragon)
8)What are you most scared of: To die sad ( I want to die Happy)
9)What are your hobbies: To do sport ,surfing &and doin dinner
10)What are your interets: To make someone of myself
11)What are your short-term goals (within the year): To complete my goals
12)What are your long-term goals (within your lifetime): A family,a house
12)What is your life long dream: To die happy
13)How do you belive you will be in 10 years: Be here
14)Do you have any siblings? If so, who are they?:
15)Why did you originally came to RaGEZONE: In hope of meeting quality ppl
16)Why do you stay: I wanna learn..and meat quality ppl
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Initiate Mage
Oct 24, 2005
Reaction score
About Me
1)Name: Drew
2)Nicknames (IRL): Ox
3)Nicknames (Internet): Ox
4)Height: 260 lbs
5)Wight: 1.9 m
6)Gender: male
7)Status (Single/Taken/Married): single
8)Country: PI
9)Time Zone: GMT +8
10)Religion: Arcanist
11)Hair Color: Black/red(in the summer)
12)Eye Color: Brown
13)Birth Date: may 1 87
My Favorites
1)Food: Vodka
2)Color: Red
3)Song: Deviance - Slayer
4)Sport: Judo
5)Subject: Comp Science
6)Season: Winter
7)Show: N/A
8)Actor/Actress: Adam Sandler
9)Musical Artist: Slayer
10)Movie: Farenheit 9/11
11)Game/Game Series: Arcanum: Steamworks obscura (even though its name is offensive)
12)Book: Libris Mortis
13)Animal: Komodo Dragon
Who do you ______ the most? (only one per each)
1)Respect: The Gods
2)Love: My immediate family
3)Hate: Bush
4)Trust: N/A
1)What school do you attend (if any): Keystone
2)What is your job: Student
3)Who are your bestfriends (IRL): Smashed_up@yahoo.com, Grimm@snowboard.com
4)Who are your bestfriends (Internet): Nephilim@comcast.com, Smashed_up@yahoo.com, spainsdevilsangel@snowboard.com, Grimm@snowboard.com
5)What style of music do you listen to: Heavy Metal
6)Do you have any piercings? If so, where?: n/a
7)Do you have any tatoos? If so, what are they?: Pentacle, left forearm
8)What are you most scared of: my own weakness
9)What are your hobbies: Martial arts, paganism, DnD
10)What are your interets: stuff
11)What are your short-term goals (within the year): Graduate
12)What are your long-term goals (within your lifetime): Become immortal
12)What is your life long dream: guess
13)How do you belive you will be in 10 years: Fighting in a war between heaven, hell, and earth.
14)Do you have any siblings? If so, who are they?: my sis, yvonne
15)Why did you originally came to RaGEZONE: googled something and it came up.
16)Why do you stay: Not sure .......
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Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Dec 29, 2003
Reaction score
About You
1)Name: Sam Corser.
2)Nicknames (IRL): Smo.
3)Nicknames (Internet): Smo.
4)Height: 1.83m.
5)Weight: 11.5 stone.
6)Gender: Male.
7)Status (Single/Taken/Married): Single.
8)Country: United Kingdom.
9)Time Zone: GMT.
10)Religion: Atheist.
11)Hair Color: Brown.
12)Eye Color: Brown.
13)Birth Date: 30th September 1987.
Your Favorites (only one per each)
1)Food: Lobster.
2)Color: Blue.
3)Song: Fallout Boy - Sugar, We're Goin' Down.
4)Sport: Trials.
5)Subject: Geology.
6)Season: Summer.
7)Show: Nip/Tuck.
8)Actor/Actress: Jim Carrey.
9)Musical Artist: Corey Taylor.
10)Movie: Naked Gun Series.
11)Game/Game Series: Metal Gear Solid.
12)Book: Artemis Fowl.
13)Animal: Cat.
Who do you ______ the most? (only one per each)
1)Respect: Feelings.
2)Love: Family.
3)Hate: People.
4)Trust: Family + Friends.
1)What school do you attend (if any): Sandown High School.
2)What is your job: Shelf Stacker/Checkout Worker.
3)Who are your bestfriends (IRL): Too many to name.
4)Who are your bestfriends (Internet): None.
5)What style of music do you listen to: Heavy Metal.
6)Do you have any piercings? If so, where?: No.
7)Do you have any tattoos? If so, what are they?: No.
8)What are you most scared of: Sharks.
9)What are your hobbies: Trials.
10)What are your interets: Trials/GFX/Driving.
11)What are your short-term goals (within the year): Do some revision for my exams.
12)What are your long-term goals (within your lifetime): Compete in the UCI World Championships, own a Nissan Pulsar, find the perfect girl and start a family, earn nice money and be happy and healthy until I die.
12)What is your life long dream: Win the lottery and not worry about money ever again.
13)How do you belive you will be in 10 years: Who knows. Might be dead.
14)Do you have any siblings? If so, who are they?: No.
15)Why did you originally came to RaGEZONE: Mu Online.
16)Why do you stay: No idea.
Apr 9, 2005
Reaction score
About You
1)Name:Vitali (vee-TAH-lee)
2)Nicknames (IRL):Durr. Yelik (my last name + my first name, last syllable of the former and the first of the latter), Cat, sometimes Cheshire Cat...there are other, but I won't bother.
3)Nicknames (Internet): DemonMan, Shade, LDM, whatever comes into my mind.
4)Height: 182+cm
7)Status (Single/Taken/Married):Single and not bothered by that.
8)Country: The Overly Secretive Great Kingdom of Leet Who Anya.
9)Time Zone: GMT +3 (2)
10)Religion: None.
11)Hair Color: Dark Russet.
12)Eye Color: Hazel.
13)Birth Date: -.
Your Favorites (only one per each)
1)Food : Anything that smells nice, tastes nice and is not sea food.
2)Colour: Mood depending.
3)Song: None.
4)Sport: Swimming.
5)Subject: I like them all equally, except one, Lithuanian.
6)Season: Mood depending, but mostly Winter.
7)Show: -
8)Actor/Actress: none
9)Musical Artist: none
10)Film: None.
11)Game/Game Series: ...
12)Book: Mikhail Bulgakov's "Master and Margarita" / John Fowles' "The Magus".
13)Animal: Dogs
Who do you ______ the most? (only one per each)
1)Respect: Those that are worthy of it.
2)Love: :)
3)Highly Dislike: Whoever bugs me. Useless people.
4)Trust: Nope.
1)What school do you attend (if any): Some local school.
2)What is your job: Student.
3)Who are your best acquaintances (IRL): heh?
4)Who are your best acquaintances (Internet): heh?
5)What style of music do you listen to: Mood Depending. Mostly classical, ambient. Less often, rock.
6)Do you have any piercings? If so, where?: No.
7)Do you have any tattoos? If so, what are they?: NO!
8)What are you most scared of: Does it matter?
9)What are your hobbies: As of now, many.
10)What are your interests: Durr. Traditional Art, Music, Education, many things.
11)What are your short-term goals (within the year): Some things are better left unsaid.
12)What are your long-term goals (within your lifetime): Look at 11.
12)What is your life long dream: *see previous one*
13)How do you believe you will be in 10 years: No idea, maybe successful, maybe in a prestigious University, maybe dead.
14)Do you have any siblings? If so, who are they?: Yes, a younger sister.
15)Why did you originally came to RaGEZONE: It all started with Lineage 2.
16)Why do you stay: A nice playground.
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Skilled Illusionist
Jul 14, 2005
Reaction score
About You
1)Name: Tripp Roberts
2)Nicknames (IRL): none
3)Nicknames (Internet): wolf16, tripp1993
4)Height: 5,2
5)Weight: hmmm 87 :p
6)Gender: male
7)Status (Single/Taken/Married): single
8)Country: US
9)Time Zone: eastern
10)Religion: none :p
11)Hair Color: brown
12)Eye Color: brown
13)Birth Date: 8/8/93
Your Favorites (only one per each)
1)Food: sushi
2)Color: red
3)Song: layla (eric clapton)
4)Sport: football // baseball (sorry for two but i cant choose)
5)Subject: math
6)Season: summer
7)Show: sportscenter
8)Actor/Actress: jackie chan
9)Musical Artist: eric clapton
10)Movie: matrix
11)Game/Game Series: pristontale :)
12)Book: alex rider series
13)Animal: cheetah
Who do you ______ the most? (only one per each)
1)Respect: parents
2)Love: hmmm not sure :p
3)Hate: you (jk)
4)Trust: me
1)What school do you attend (if any): Dickerson Middle
2)What is your job: school :(
3)Who are your bestfriends (IRL): none
4)Who are your bestfriends (Internet): none
5)What style of music do you listen to: rock/rap
6)Do you have any piercings? If so, where?: nope im 12 :p
7)Do you have any tatoos? If so, what are they?: nope
8)What are you most scared of: parents dying :(
9)What are your hobbies: guitar, saxophone, sports
10)What are your interets: music, sports
11)What are your short-term goals (within the year): hmm good grades
12)What are your long-term goals (within your lifetime): get married :D
12)What is your life long dream: to be famous
13)How do you belive you will be in 10 years: in collage somewhere
14)Do you have any siblings? If so, who are they?: a brother, Carson-male-7
15)Why did you originally came to RaGEZONE: for mu files :D
16)Why do you stay: because of the community
Junior Spellweaver
Jul 8, 2005
Reaction score

About You
1)Name: Justin Russell
2)Nicknames (IRL):n/a
3)Nicknames (Internet): Forsaken
4)Height: 5'5
5)Wight: 209 ( i r over wight)
6)Gender: M
7)Status (Single/Taken/Married): Single
8)Country: USA
9)Time Zone: EST
10)Religion: Christian
11)Hair Color: Brown
12)Eye Color: Hazle
13)Birth Date: 1/18/90
Your Favorites (only one per each)
1)Food: Chineese
2)Color: Black
3)Song: Show me a sign
4)Sport: base ball
5)Subject: Hystory
6)Season: Winter
7)Show: Full Metal Alchamest
8)Actor/Actress: n/a
9)Musical Artist: Shine Down ( whole band )
10)Movie: Chrouching tiger hidden dragon
11)Game/Game Series: Suikoden series
12)Book: Harry Potter
13)Animal: n/a
Who do you ______ the most? (only one per each)
1)Respect: n/a
2)Love: privet
3)Hate: my dad
4)Trust: No One
1)What school do you attend (if any):White Knoll high
2)What is your job: non yet only 15 2 more months!
3)Who are your bestfriends (IRL): Daniel Gabel
4)Who are your bestfriends (Internet): Daniel Gabel
5)What style of music do you listen to: Rock
6)Do you have any piercings? If so, where?:n/a
7)Do you have any tatoos? If so, what are they?:n/a
8)What are you most scared of: My Self
9)What are your hobbies: computer and reading
10)What are your interets: Computer and reading
11)What are your short-term goals (within the year): to move away from this state and make a name for myself.
12)What are your long-term goals (within your lifetime): See the world
12)What is your life long dream: See the world
13)How do you belive you will be in 10 years: Well - Off
14)Do you have any siblings? If so, who are they?: Megan Russell
15)Why did you originally came to RaGEZONE: Game Creation
16)Why do you stay: Nice ppl
Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
About You
1)Name: Thomas Matikainen
2)Nicknames (IRL): Thomas
3)Nicknames (Internet): DTM1980 / DarkAge / RevangeR
4)Height: 1,79m
5)Wight: 75kg
6)Gender: Male
7)Status (Single/Taken/Married): Taken
8)Country: Finland
9)Time Zone: GMT+2/+3
10)Religion: None
11)Hair Color: Black
12)Eye Color: Green
13)Birth Date: 11 - May
Your Favorites (only one per each)
1)Food: Spacket
2)Color: Blue
3)Song: NightWish - Nemo
4)Sport: Ice Hockey
5)Subject: Computer
6)Season: Winter
7)Show: SmackDown/Raw
8)Actor/Actress: Steven Seagal/Cameron Diaz
9)Musical Artist: NightWish
10)Movie: Lord Of The Rings
11)Game/Game Series: Final Fantasy, Wacraft
12)Book: Donald Duck :D
13)Animal: Eagle
Who do you ______ the most? (only one per each)
1)Respect: Parents
2)Love: Parents
3)Hate: No one..
4)Trust: Parents
1)What school do you attend (if any):
2)What is your job: Game and Software Programmer
3)Who are your bestfriends (IRL): Secret...
4)Who are your bestfriends (Internet): LifeForce, Travis.
5)What style of music do you listen to: Pop, Rap, Rock, Classic
6)Do you have any piercings? If so, where?: No
7)Do you have any tatoos? If so, what are they?: No
8)What are you most scared of: My self..
9)What are your hobbies: Ice Hockey, Kung-Fu, Taekwondo, Biljard, Snooker
10)What are your interets: Snooker, Biljard, Computers
11)What are your short-term goals (within the year): Buying New Biljard Table
12)What are your long-term goals (within your lifetime) : Live good life... have kids...
12)What is your life long dream: Go space...
13)How do you belive you will be in 10 years: Same were now... here is everything i need.
14)Do you have any siblings? If so, who are they?: Marjut and Riina sisters...
15)Why did you originally came to RaGEZONE: Found from GOOGLE
16)Why do you stay: I dont know, maybe finding new things..
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
May 25, 2005
Reaction score
About You
1)Name: Ryan
2)Nicknames (IRL): N/A
3)Nicknames (Internet): IronMaiden
4)Height: 5'6''
5)Wight: 135 lbs.
6)Gender: Male
7)Status (Single/Taken/Married): Single
8)Country: United States
9)Time Zone: GMT -6 Hours (Central U.S. Time)
10)Religion: Agnostic
11)Hair Color: Brown
12)Eye Color: Blue/Grey
13)Birth Date: November 21, 1988
Your Favorites (only one per each)
1)Food: Mac n' Cheese
2)Color: Blue
3)Song: Run to the Hills by Iron Maiden
4)Sport: Hockey
5)Subject: SCHOOL Ducking SUCKS!
6)Season: Winter
7)Show: OnDemand
8)Actor/Actress: Kate Beckinsale
9)Musical Artist: Iron Maiden
10)Movie: Almost Famous
11)Game/Game Series: Total War Series
12)Book: The Wheel of Time Series & A Song of Ice and Fire Series
13)Animal: Snake
Who do you ______ the most? (only one per each)
1)Respect: My Brother
2)Love: My Family
3)Hate: Wiggers
4)Trust: My Brother
1)What school do you attend (if any): Texas State University
2)What is your job: Game Adviser @ GameStop
3)Who are your bestfriends (IRL): N/A
4)Who are your bestfriends (Internet): N/A
5)What style of music do you listen to: HEAVY METAL MOTHER FUCKER!!!
6)Do you have any piercings? If so, where?: No
7)Do you have any tatoos? If so, what are they?: No
8)What are you most scared of: Jellyfish (no kidding)
9)What are your hobbies: Reading and Posting on Ragezone!
10)What are your interets: Sex
11)What are your short-term goals (within the year): Hold on to my job.
12)What are your long-term goals (within your lifetime): Get a Bachelors
12)What is your life long dream: See Led Zeppelin in concert (which will never ever happen because John Bonham is dead) Be in a famous band.
13)How do you belive you will be in 10 years: Rockin out at Concerts!
14)Do you have any siblings? If so, who are they?: Brother, No one here.
15)Why did you originally came to RaGEZONE: To check out the MU private server ads.
16)Why do you stay: To chill and hang with my RZ homies.
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Divine Celestial
Loyal Member
Jul 8, 2005
Reaction score
About You

1)Name: Rafael
2)Nicknames (IRL): N/A
3)Nicknames (Internet): Forcystos
4)Height: 5'11"
5)Weight: 115 pounds :p
6)Gender: Male
7)Status (Single/Taken/Married): Single
8)Country: Puerto Rico
9)Time Zone: GMT -4 Hours (Central U.S. Time)
10)Religion: Christian
11)Hair Color: Dark Brown (NOT BLACK)
12)Eye Color: Brown
13)Birth Date: December 30, 1990
Your Favorites (only one per each)

1)Food: Italian (pizza, lasagna, etc.)
2)Color: RED
3)Song: B.Y.O.B
4)Sport: Soccer
5)Subject: Math pwns :D
6)Season: Meh, makes no difference, all the seasons are exactly the same here lol.
7)Show: Um...porn XD?
8)Actor/Actress: NO Idea lolz...I just watch the movies :D except there are a lot of HOT actresses :p
9)Musical Artist: SOAD & Linkin Park
10)Movie: Ocean's Eleven
11)Game/Game Series: Tales of Symphonia
12)Book: Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire
13)Animal: Me :D
Who do you ______ the most? (only one per each)

1)Respect: My family
2)Love: God
3)Hate: Nobody
4)Trust: ...

1)What school do you attend (if any): Juan J. Osuna High
2)What is your job: N/A
3)Who are your bestfriends (IRL): N/A
4)Who are your bestfriends (Internet): Yubba, AkA4Life...etc.
5)What style of music do you listen to: Metal (any)
6)Do you have any piercings?: No...
7)Do you have any tatoos?: No...
8)What are you most scared of: YOU!
9)What are your hobbies: Um...being on RZ, and talking on MSN
10)What are your interets: Watching p0rn, hacking porn sites XD
11)What are your short-term goals (within the year): Get a girlfriend tbh!
12)What are your long-term goals (within your lifetime): Bachelor or higher
12)What is your life long dream: Um...I have no dreams o_O
13)How do you belive you will be in 10 years: In the best position of my life (not literally :rofl:)
14)Do you have any siblings? If so, who are they?: Um...2 bros...eh!
15)Why did you originally came to RaGEZONE: Looking for Mu Hacks XD
16)Why do you stay: To meet ppl, chat and help Mu n00bs =O
Still here.
Loyal Member
Jun 24, 2005
Reaction score
About You
1)Name:Iain Mclachlan
2)Nicknames (IRL):None
3)Nicknames (Internet):Murdoc or
4)Height:185 cm
5)Wight:9 stone
7)Status (Single/Taken/Married):Single
9)Time Zone:Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
11)Hair Color:Brown
12)Eye Color:eek:ne blue and one green
13)Birth Date:03/12/90
Your Favorites (only one per each)
1)Food:Meat :p
3)Song:bohemian rhapsody
4)Sport:erm there all boring :p
5)Subject: Computing
9)Musical Artist:NONE
11)Game/Game Series:Halflife
Who do you ______ the most? (only one per each)
1)What school do you attend (if any):Hamiltion Grammer
2)What is your job:None
3)Who are your bestfriends (IRL):people
4)Who are your bestfriends (Internet):somthing238,-Sephiroth-,Mr.X.Silver[ME]
5)What style of music do you listen to:Anything
6)Do you have any piercings? If so, where?:Nope
7)Do you have any tatoos? If so, what are they?:None (YET)
8)What are you most scared of:Highets
9)What are your hobbies:Nothing really
10)What are your interets:Online gameing
11)What are your short-term goals (within the year):pass my exams
12)What are your long-term goals (within your lifetime):Dont know
12)What is your life long dream:Dont know
13)How do you belive you will be in 10 years:Dunno
14)Do you have any siblings? If so, who are they?: Little Bro - Jamie Little sis - Kirsty
15)Why did you originally came to RaGEZONE: to make a mu server :(
16)Why do you stay: because its a great place ;)
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Supreme Arcanarch
Loyal Member
Jul 8, 2005
Reaction score
About You
1)Name: kurt landman
2)Nicknames (IRL): none
3)Nicknames (Internet):Darksico..
5)Wight:guess around 60k.g
7)Status (Single/Taken/Married):taken
9)Time Zone:gmt +8
10)Religion: none but probly christian
11)Hair Color: light brown with blonde tips
12)Eye Color: blue
13)Birth Date: 11/09/1990
Your Favorites (only one per each)
3)Song: Poison - Prodigy
4)Sport: Soccer!!! aka Football
5)Subject: school subject :S i guess then its maths
6)Season: SPRING!!
7)Show: Futurama
8)Actor/Actress: Jim Carry
9)Musical Artist: Prodigy
10)Movie: Underworld 2
11)Game/Game Series: none
12)Book: dont read books
13)Animal: Bear
Who do you ______ the most? (only one per each)
1)Respect: my mum
2)Love: My girl friend
3)Hate: My dad
4)Trust: My brothers
1)What school do you attend (if any): CanningVale College
2)What is your job: lol a slacker no job mate
3)Who are your bestfriends (IRL): Alex
4)Who are your bestfriends (Internet): hmmm Mon :p (Mondo)
5)What style of music do you listen to: Drum & Bass
6)Do you have any piercings? If so, where?: no
7)Do you have any tatoos? If so, what are they?: no
8)What are you most scared of: my gf
9)What are your hobbies: my gf lol umm listening to music
10)What are your interets: soccer
11)What are your short-term goals (within the year): getting into TAFE
12)What are your long-term goals (within your lifetime): becoming a full time Electision
12)What is your life long dream:liveing together 4eva with my baby
13)How do you belive you will be in 10 years:Ducking rich i hope
14)Do you have any siblings? If so, who are they?:parents of corse ok... 2 brothers Reece 22 arron 24 yes his name is spelt arron
15)Why did you originally came to RaGEZONE: Mr.X told me 2 he is very comandive with his whip
16)Why do you stay: i love it here haha


About You
1)Name: Kermit
2)Nicknames (IRL): Kermit the frog
3)Nicknames (Internet): Kermit
4)Height: 10 Inches
5)Wight: 8 pounds
6)Gender: Male
7)Status (Single/Taken/Married): Married
8)Country: USA
9)Time Zone: Changes due to to movie filming
10)Religion: Frog
11)Hair Color: Bald
12)Eye Color: Black
13)Birth Date: 09/05/55
Your Favorites (only one per each)
1)Food: Miss Piggy
2)Color: Pink
3)Song: I want to pork you
4)Sport: Hurdling
5)Subject: Acting
6)Season: Spring
7)Show: Muppet show
8)Actor/Actress: Miss Piggy
9)Musical Artist: Classical
10)Movie: The muppet movie
11)Game/Game Series: Grand theft auto
12)Book: sesame street
13)Animal: Pig
Who do you ______ the most? (only one per each)
1)Respect: Gonzo
2)Love: Miss piggy
3)Hate: The french
4)Trust: Gonzo
1)What school do you attend (if any): FrogLand school
2)What is your job: Actor
3)Who are your bestfriends (IRL): Gonzo
4)Who are your bestfriends (Internet): Gonzo
5)What style of music do you listen to: Classical and hip hop
6)Do you have any piercings? If so, where?: My behind
7)Do you have any tatoos? If so, what are they?: None
8)What are you most scared of: The french
9)What are your hobbies: Jumping, doing movies, the usual
10)What are your interets: acting
11)What are your short-term goals (within the year): directing the next sly stallone movie
12)What are your long-term goals (within your lifetime): retiring and buying Miss Piggy a condo
12)What is your life long dream: To be real
13)How do you belive you will be in 10 years: Yes
14)Do you have any siblings? If so, who are they?: To many
15)Why did you originally came to RaGEZONE: Videos
16)Why do you stay: Because gonzo is always here

Deleted member 193664

About You
1)Name: Gonzo
2)Nicknames (IRL): Gonzo the Great
3)Nicknames (Internet): GreatGonzo
4)Height: I can be of any height needed.
5)Weight: Too much, need diet.
6)Gender: Male
7)Status (Single/Taken/Married): Single
8)Country: USA/Outerspace
9)Time Zone: Space doesnt have time.
10)Religion: Alien
11)Hair Color: Black and Blue
12)Eye Color: Black
13)Birth Date: 25/25/1970
Your Favorites (only one per each)
1)Food: Chicken
2)Color: Blue
3)Song: I'm Going to Go Back There Some Day
4)Sport: Tap Dancing
5)Subject: Space Craft
6)Season: Summer
7)Show: Muppet show
8)Actor/Actress: Kermit
9)Musical Artist: Me!
10)Movie: The muppet movie
11)Game/Game Series: Pokemon
12)Book: Gonzo
13)Animal: Chicken
Who do you ______ the most? (only one per each)
1)Respect: Kermit
2)Love: Chickens, Rockets!
3)Hate: DarkGamer
4)Trust: Kermit, and all the other Muppets!
1)What school do you attend (if any): None
2)What is your job: None
3)Who are your bestfriends (IRL): All the Muppets, Elmo
4)Who are your bestfriends (Internet): Kermit, Miss Piggy
5)What style of music do you listen to: Anything I sing!
6)Do you have any piercings? If so, where?: None
7)Do you have any tatoos? If so, what are they?: None
8)What are you most scared of: Miss Piggy Naked
9)What are your hobbies: Rockets, Chicken, Outerspace, Finding out whats really "out there!"
10)What are your interets: Rockets, Chicken, Outerspace, RaGEZONE
11)What are your short-term goals (within the year): Travel to Uranus.
12)What are your long-term goals (within your lifetime): Killing Kermit
12)What is your life long dream: Live with my family, and the muppets at the same time.
13)How do you belive you will be in 10 years: Older
14)Do you have any siblings? If so, who are they?: My alien brothers are travellin around space!
15)Why did you originally came to RaGEZONE: Not telling!
16)Why do you stay: Because I want to!
Sep 20, 2005
Reaction score

About You
1)Name: Johnny Hurdoc (Changed name)
2)Nicknames (IRL): J, Johnny, Bro
3)Nicknames (Internet): Iomega, Omega_7, Terron
4)Height: 6'2"
5)Wight: 180 lbs, mostly muscle
6)Gender: Male
7)Status (Single/Taken/Married): Taken
8)Country: USA
9)Time Zone: GMT-8
10)Religion: Christian
11)Hair Color: Dark Brown
12)Eye Color: Dark Brown
13)Birth Date: 10/13/86
Your Favorites
1)Food: Pasta
2)Color: Green
3)Song: Numb - Likin Park
4)Sport: American Football
5)Subject: Computer Science
6)Season: Summer
7)Show: Trigun
9)Musical Artist:
10)Movie: Passion of the Christ
11)Game/Game Series: Halo
13)Animal: Tiger
Who do you ______ the most?
1)Respect: Friends
2)Love: Jesus
3)Hate: Liars and fakes
4)Trust: God / Friends
1)What school do you attend :Fresno State
2)What is your job: Server Technician
3)Who are your bestfriends (IRL): Mike, Anthony, Mark, Cyndi, Toni, Stephanie
4)Who are your bestfriends (Internet): Mike, Mark, Tony, Micheal, Toni, Olga, Britany, Jason, Jason, Cyndi, Stephanie
5)What style of music do you listen to: Rock / Metal
6)Do you have any piercings? If so, where?: None
7)Do you have any tatoos? If so, what are they?: None
8)What are you most scared of: Having my girlfriend leave me for another guy :S!
9)What are your hobbies: Drawing, writing, swimming, danicing
10)What are your interets: Computers, Cars, Girls
11)What are your short-term goals (within the year): Move to Kansas and visit Australia.
12)What are your long-term goals (within your lifetime): Married with kids and living in Australia or Kansas
12)What is your life long dream: Racing Nascar
13)How do you belive you will be in 10 years: Married and a CEO of a company
14)Do you have any siblings? If so, who are they?: Brothers: Anthony, Christopher. Sisters: Isabella.
15)Why did you originally came to RaGEZONE: I got sick of Global and came here by accident one day. :p
16)Why do you stay:To meet new people.
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Junior Spellweaver
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
About You
1)Name: Josh Bosen
2)Nicknames (IRL): Guardian, Bosen!
3)Nicknames (Internet): Guardian, Blood_Guardian, Archangel
4)Height: 5'10"
5)Wight: 60-65 KG (fully buffed ooosss!)
6)Gender: Male
7)Status (Single/Taken/Married): Single
8)Country: Australia
9)Time Zone: +10
10)Religion: Anglican
11)Hair Color: dark Brown
12)Eye Color: Brown
13)Birth Date: 11/2/1988 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Your Favorites (only one per each)
1)Food: Curry
2)Color: Blue
3)Song: Grillz - Nelly Feat. Paul Wall
4)Sport: Soccer
5)Subject: Digital Architechure
6)Season: Summer ><
7)Show: Iron Chef
8)Actor/Actress: Milla Jovavich
9)Musical Artist: Jamie Foxx
10)Movie: Bloodrayne The Movie
11)Game/Game Series: CSS/HL series/mods
13)Animal: Golden Retreivers SO CUTE ^-^
Who do you ______ the most? (only one per each)
1)Respect: My best friend (ex-gf) Amy
2)Love: Family
3)Hate: Posers
4)Trust: Amy
1)What school do you attend (if any): De La Salle Collage (yr12)
2)What is your job: Kitchen Hand
3)Who are your bestfriends (IRL): AMY!, Pat, Osvaldas, Wheatiess, Christian.
4)Who are your bestfriends (Internet): Nofan(chris), Wheatiess.
5)What style of music do you listen to: R&B, Rap, Hip hop, Rock
6)Do you have any piercings? If so, where?: no
7)Do you have any tatoos? If so, what are they?: no
8)What are you most scared of: Repeating nightmare >< bloody scary
9)What are your hobbies: Cooking, Painting/drawing, Gaming
10)What are your interests: Computers, Cooking, Girls
11)What are your short-term goals (within the year): To do well on my HSC (yr12 completion)
12)What are your long-term goals (within your lifetime): Marrage
12)What is your life long dream: Gamer Tester lol
13)How do you belive you will be in 10 years: Married
14)Do you have any siblings? If so, who are they?: 21yr old brother Adam, 15yr old sister Emma, 12yr old Brother Peter
15)Why did you originally came to RaGEZONE: Coding, Gaming
16)Why do you stay: Because its the best bloody place!:lol:
Loyal Member
Nov 20, 2004
Reaction score
About You
1)Name: Mitchell
2)Nicknames (IRL): None
3)Nicknames (Internet): Bitblaster
4)Height: 6'4"
5)Wight: 240lbs
6)Gender: Guy
7)Status (Single/Taken/Married): None of your damn business
8)Country: USA
9)Time Zone: EST
10)Religion: None of your damn business
11)Hair Color: Brown
12)Eye Color: Brown
13)Birth Date: None of your damn business
Your Favorites (only one per each)
1)Food: None
2)Color: None
3)Song: None
4)Sport: Hate them all
5)Subject: Computers
6)Season: None
7)Show: NCIS
8)Actor/Actress: None
9)Musical Artist: None
10)Movie: None
11)Game/Game Series: Star Wars Galaxies
12)Book: None
13)Animal: None
Who do you ______ the most? (only one per each)
1)Respect: I don't want to answer
2)Love: Don't want to answer
3)Hate: Don't want to answer
4)Trust: Don't want to answer
1)What school do you attend (if any): Not sayin
2)What is your job: Student / Computer consultant
3)Who are your bestfriends (IRL): I don't have any.
4)Who are your bestfriends (Internet): Dillon, Dieall, Drew, Dylon, Luc
5)What style of music do you listen to: Rock, classic rock, metal, heavy metal
6)Do you have any piercings? If so, where?: No
7)Do you have any tatoos? If so, what are they?: No
8)What are you most scared of: Being hurt
9)What are your hobbies: Computers
10)What are your interets: Computers
11)What are your short-term goals (within the year): Finish this year of school
12)What are your long-term goals (within your lifetime): Have a friend
12)What is your life long dream: Do something that matters
13)How do you belive you will be in 10 years: Graduate from college
14)Do you have any siblings? If so, who are they?: Brother Matt
15)Why did you originally came to RaGEZONE: Online bud
16)Why do you stay: Its fun
Initiate Mage
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
About You
1)Name: Joshua Leyland
2)Nicknames (IRL): Patrick
3)Nicknames (Internet): Python, Masterchief
4)Height: 5' 10
5)Wight: 10 st about
6)Gender: male
7)Status (Single/Taken/Married): Taken
8)Country: England
9)Time Zone: erm english time :p
10)Religion: Atheist
11)Hair Color: Brown
12)Eye Color: Bye
13)Birth Date: 10 october 1990
Your Favorites (only one per each)
1)Food: Spagetti
2)Color: Black
3)Song: !0 Years- Wasteland
4)Sport: rugby
5)Subject: R.E(Religious education)
6)Season: Winter
7)Show: Shameless
8)Actor/Actress: Jack Black
9)Musical Artist: Corey Talyor
10)Movie: Shrek 2
11)Game/Game Series: Halo
12)Book:Of mice and men
13)Animal: Snakes ( my name python DUH)
Who do you ______ the most? (only one per each)
1)Respect: My Dad
2)Love: Shona!!!
3)Hate: Jamie Mccann
4)Trust: Ethan(
1)What school do you attend (if any): St Wilfrids C of E
2)What is your job: Server Scrpitor (poop pay)
3)Who are your bestfriends (IRL): Ethan, Paul, Tom and Scott
4)Who are your bestfriends (Internet): Alive(andrew), Dave
5)What style of music do you listen to: Rock, Metal
6)Do you have any piercings? If so, where?: Just ear
7)Do you have any tatoos? If so, what are they?: none
8)What are you most scared of: Erm emo's
9)What are your hobbies: gaming drinking
10)What are your interets: communism, MU and Tits
11)What are your short-term goals (within the year): To get people on my MU server
12)What are your long-term goals (within your lifetime): Kill a Capitalist giant
12)What is your life long dream: To stay in bed for a whole day wiv my GF
13)How do you belive you will be in 10 years: Prett Well of and just getting my phd
14)Do you have any siblings? If so, who are they?: no
15)Why did you originally came to RaGEZONE: To advertise my MU server
16)Why do you stay: Cause its a very helpful and has some funny stuff

Peace out guys
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 13, 2006
Reaction score
About me....

1)Name: Xena
2)Nicknames (IRL): Xena
3)Nicknames (Internet): Xena / Xena_gm
4)Height: 1.65 mt
5)Weight: 60+/-
6)Gender: female
7)Status (Single/Taken/Married): Kinda...
8)Country: Portugal
9)Time Zone: GMT
10)Religion: -_-
11)Hair Color: Brow, black, keep changing... thinking on red now (real is brown)
12)Eye Color: brown
13)Birth Date: 1978/07/17 (damn.. .getting old...)
Your Favorites (only one per each)
2)Color: Black
3)Song: nuthin else matters (metallica)
4)Sport: everything i can do in the gym
5)Subject: life
6)Season: Summer
7)Show: show what??? -_-
8)Actor/Actress: None
9)Musical Artist: me.. ^__^
10)Movie: any
11)Game/Game Series: ......
12)Book: erm...erm...
13)Animal: Cat
Who do you ______ the most? (only one per each)
1)Respect: God
2)Love: Family
3)Hate: sometimes me
4)Trust: me and only me
1)What school do you attend (if any): left it few years ago ...
2)What is your job: sell computers, software and components
3)Who are your bestfriends (IRL): dont have
4)Who are your bestfriends (Internet): what "friend" means?
5)What style of music do you listen to: heavy metal normally
6)Do you have any piercings? If so, where?: u wish lol
7)Do you have any tatoos? If so, what are they?: o_O no but im about to make one any sugestions?
8)What are you most scared of: suffer
9)What are your hobbies: play RZ
10)What are your interests: .... computers
11)What are your short-term goals (within the year): i dont know if im alive tomorrow...
12)What are your long-term goals (within your lifetime): dont depending on no one
12)What is your life long dream: never have to work
13)How do you belive you will be in 10 years: .. with 10 more years..
14)Do you have any siblings? If so, who are they?: None
15)Why did you originally came to RaGEZONE: someone dragged me...
16)Why do you stay: i feel good ...

1)Name: Xena
2)Nicknames (IRL): Xena
3)Nicknames (Internet): Xena / Xena_gm
4)Height: 1.65 mt
5)Weight: 60+/-
6)Gender: female
7)Status (Single/Taken/Married): Kinda...
8)Country: Portugal
9)Time Zone: GMT
10)Religion: -_-
11)Hair Color: Brow, black, keep changing... thinking on red now (real is brown)
12)Eye Color: brown
13)Birth Date: 1978/07/17 (damn.. .getting old...)
Your Favorites (only one per each)
2)Color: Black
3)Song: nuthin else matters (metallica)
4)Sport: everything i can do in the gym
5)Subject: life
6)Season: Summer
7)Show: show what??? -_-
8)Actor/Actress: None
9)Musical Artist: me.. ^__^
10)Movie: any
11)Game/Game Series: ......
12)Book: erm...erm...
13)Animal: Cat
Who do you ______ the most? (only one per each)
1)Respect: God
2)Love: Family
3)Hate: sometimes me
4)Trust: me and only me
1)What school do you attend (if any): left it few years ago ...
2)What is your job: sell computers, software and components
3)Who are your bestfriends (IRL): dont have
4)Who are your bestfriends (Internet): what "friend" means?
5)What style of music do you listen to: heavy metal normally
6)Do you have any piercings? If so, where?: u wish lol
7)Do you have any tatoos? If so, what are they?: o_O no but im about to make one any sugestions?
8)What are you most scared of: suffer
9)What are your hobbies: play RZ
10)What are your interests: .... computers
11)What are your short-term goals (within the year): i dont know if im alive tomorrow...
12)What are your long-term goals (within your lifetime): dont depending on no one
12)What is your life long dream: never have to work
13)How do you belive you will be in 10 years: .. with 10 more years..
14)Do you have any siblings? If so, who are they?: None
15)Why did you originally came to RaGEZONE: someone dragged me...
16)Why do you stay: i feel good ...
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