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SabukWar Legend of Mir 3 

Newbie Spellweaver
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
Hi all,

I have eiserver2004 and i dont know which is the process for conquer sabukwall.

I known that first i need the zumarelic and give to administrator of BW, after 3 days start one war for sabukwall.

I put 3 statues (CenterWall, LeftWall and RightWall), the players must destroy this statues for enter to the sabuk palace but when this statues have been destroyed the players cant enter to the palace (map 0150).

I recall one player of this war to this map sabukpalace (0150) but dont conquest sabuk.

Anybody can help me? What i do wrong? Because when i recall one player dont conquest sabuk?