[Search] German Html files L2J 

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Junior Spellweaver
Feb 7, 2007
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Hi all

I'm searching german quest html files ...do someone have these files....i found some some days ago but deleted them >.<. Now i can not find the link from where i got them.....i ve translated other html files into german but...translate all files would take to much time...

And so im asking here whether there are some...please share them...thx
habe keine deutschen datein, sehe auch keinen wirklichen sinn darin :)

i dont have german files and i dont think they are rly usefull...
like i said ...have translated some...the warehouse and other little stuff....but translating alone is hard and takes to much time^^
why dont you go a couple of german guys together (make a post in the Recruiting Section) and start translating..?!?!!
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