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* @author: Copyright (C) 2011 by Brayan Narvaez (Prinick) developer of xNova Revolution
* @author web: http://www.bnarvaez.com
* [USER=855594]link[/USER]: [url]http://www.xnovarev.com[/url]
* [USER=751524]pack[/USER]age 2Moons
* @author Slaver <[email protected]>
* [USER=822345]Copyright[/USER] 2009 Lucky <[email protected]> (XGProyecto)
* [USER=822345]Copyright[/USER] 2011 Slaver <[email protected]> (Fork/2Moons)
* [USER=837256]license[/USER] [url]http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html[/url] GNU GPLv3 License
* [USER=316612]Version[/USER] 1.3 (2011-01-21)
* [USER=855594]link[/USER] [url]http://code.google.com/p/2moons/[/url]
* Please do not remove the credits
if(!defined('INSIDE')) die('Hacking attempt!');
function GetBuildingTime ($USER, $PLANET, $Element, $Destroy = false)
global $pricelist, $resource, $reslist, $requeriments;
$CONF = getConfig($USER['universe']);
$level = isset($PLANET[$resource[$Element]]) ? $PLANET[$resource[$Element]] : $USER[$resource[$Element]];
$Cost = floor($pricelist[$Element]['metal'] * pow($pricelist[$Element]['factor'], $level)) + floor($pricelist[$Element]['crystal'] * pow($pricelist[$Element]['factor'], $level));
if (in_array($Element, $reslist['build'])) {
if($USER['commander'] >= 1 xor $USER['raza'] == 0) {
$tiempo = $Cost / ($CONF['game_speed'] * (1 + $PLANET[$resource[14]])) * pow(0.5, $PLANET[$resource[15]]);
$porcentaje = $tiempo * 10/100;
$time = $tiempo - $porcentaje;
} elseif($USER['commander'] >= 1 and $USER['raza'] == 0) {
$tiempo = $Cost / ($CONF['game_speed'] * (1 + $PLANET[$resource[14]])) * pow(0.5, $PLANET[$resource[15]]);
$porcentaje = $tiempo * 20/100;
$time = $tiempo - $porcentaje;
} else {
$time = $Cost / ($CONF['game_speed'] * (1 + $PLANET[$resource[14]])) * pow(0.5, $PLANET[$resource[15]]);
} } elseif (in_array($Element, $reslist['fleet'])) {
if($USER['commander'] >= 1 xor $USER['raza'] == 1) {
@$tiempo = $Cost / ($CONF['game_speed'] * (1 + ($PLANET[$resource[21]] + $PLANET[$resource[14]]))) * pow(0.5, $PLANET[$resource[15]]);
$porcentaje = $tiempo * 10/100;
$time = $tiempo - $porcentaje;
} elseif($USER['commander'] >= 1 and $USER['raza'] == 1) {
@$tiempo = $Cost / ($CONF['game_speed'] * (1 + ($PLANET[$resource[21]] + $PLANET[$resource[14]]))) * pow(0.5, $PLANET[$resource[15]]);
$porcentaje = $tiempo * 20/100;
$time = $tiempo - $porcentaje;
} else {
@$time = $Cost / ($CONF['game_speed'] * (1 + ($PLANET[$resource[21]] + $PLANET[$resource[14]]))) * pow(0.5, $PLANET[$resource[15]]);
} }elseif (in_array($Element, $reslist['defense'])) {
if($USER['commander'] >= 1) {
@$tiempo= $Cost / ($CONF['game_speed'] * (1 + ($PLANET[$resource[21]] + $PLANET[$resource[14]]))) * pow(0.5, $PLANET[$resource[15]]);
$porcentaje = $tiempo * 10/100;
$time = $tiempo - $porcentaje;
} else {
@$time= $Cost / ($CONF['game_speed'] * (1 + ($PLANET[$resource[21]] + $PLANET[$resource[14]]))) * pow(0.5, $PLANET[$resource[15]]);
} }
elseif (in_array($Element, $reslist['tech']))
$Level = 0;
foreach($PLANET[$resource[31].'_inter'] as $Levels)
if($Levels >= $requeriments[$Element][31])
$Level += $Levels;
$Level = $PLANET[$resource[31]];
$facteur = 0;
if($USER['raza'] ==1 )
$facteur += 10;
if($USER['technocratic'] == 1)
$facteur += 25;
$tiempo = $Cost / ($CONF['game_speed'] * (1 + $Level)) * pow(0.5, $PLANET[$resource[6]]);
$time = $tiempo - ($tiempo * $facteur/100);
$time = floor($time * 3600);
$time = floor($time * 1300);
return max($time, $CONF['min_build_time']);