• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

Search Time xNova 5.9

Jun 10, 2010
Reaction score
Hello, use the xNova Project 5.9 and would like to know if anyone knows how to get the time in which the search is made. I would leave everything as few as 1 second.

Vitor Leonel
I do not need your money. But maybe you're looking for a file is vars.php.

This is the file you have to mod in order to fix this.

A way to do is is :


 _  \_/ |\ | /¯¯\ \  / /\    |¯¯) |_¯ \  / /¯¯\ |  |   |´¯|¯` | /¯¯\ |\ |5
 ¯  /¯\ | \| \__/  \/ /--\   |¯¯\ |__  \/  \__/ |__ \_/   |   | \__/ | \|Core.
 * @author: Copyright (C) 2011 by Brayan Narvaez (Prinick) developer of xNova Revolution
 * @author web: http://www.bnarvaez.com
 * [USER=855594]link[/USER]: [url]http://www.xnovarev.com[/url]

 * [USER=751524]pack[/USER]age 2Moons
 * @author Slaver <[email protected]>
 * [USER=822345]Copyright[/USER] 2009 Lucky <[email protected]> (XGProyecto)
 * [USER=822345]Copyright[/USER] 2011 Slaver <[email protected]> (Fork/2Moons)
 * [USER=837256]license[/USER] [url]http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html[/url] GNU GPLv3 License
 * [USER=316612]Version[/USER] 1.3 (2011-01-21)
 * [USER=855594]link[/USER] [url]http://code.google.com/p/2moons/[/url]

 * Please do not remove the credits

if(!defined('INSIDE')) die('Hacking attempt!');

    function GetBuildingTime ($USER, $PLANET, $Element, $Destroy = false)
        global $pricelist, $resource, $reslist, $requeriments;
        $CONF    = getConfig($USER['universe']);
        $level = isset($PLANET[$resource[$Element]]) ? $PLANET[$resource[$Element]] : $USER[$resource[$Element]];
        $Cost   = floor($pricelist[$Element]['metal'] * pow($pricelist[$Element]['factor'], $level)) + floor($pricelist[$Element]['crystal'] * pow($pricelist[$Element]['factor'], $level));
        if (in_array($Element, $reslist['build'])) {
        if($USER['commander'] >= 1 xor $USER['raza'] == 0) {        
            $tiempo    = $Cost / ($CONF['game_speed'] * (1 + $PLANET[$resource[14]])) * pow(0.5, $PLANET[$resource[15]]);    
            $porcentaje = $tiempo * 10/100;
            $time = $tiempo - $porcentaje;
        } elseif($USER['commander'] >= 1 and $USER['raza'] == 0) {
        $tiempo    = $Cost / ($CONF['game_speed'] * (1 + $PLANET[$resource[14]])) * pow(0.5, $PLANET[$resource[15]]);    
            $porcentaje = $tiempo * 20/100;
            $time = $tiempo - $porcentaje;
        } else {
            $time = $Cost / ($CONF['game_speed'] * (1 + $PLANET[$resource[14]])) * pow(0.5, $PLANET[$resource[15]]);    
        } } elseif (in_array($Element, $reslist['fleet'])) {
            if($USER['commander'] >= 1 xor $USER['raza'] == 1) {
            @$tiempo            = $Cost / ($CONF['game_speed'] * (1 + ($PLANET[$resource[21]] + $PLANET[$resource[14]]))) * pow(0.5, $PLANET[$resource[15]]);
            $porcentaje = $tiempo * 10/100;
            $time = $tiempo - $porcentaje;
        } elseif($USER['commander'] >= 1 and $USER['raza'] == 1) {
            @$tiempo            = $Cost / ($CONF['game_speed'] * (1 + ($PLANET[$resource[21]] + $PLANET[$resource[14]]))) * pow(0.5, $PLANET[$resource[15]]);
            $porcentaje = $tiempo * 20/100;
            $time = $tiempo - $porcentaje;
        } else {
            @$time              = $Cost / ($CONF['game_speed'] * (1 + ($PLANET[$resource[21]] + $PLANET[$resource[14]]))) * pow(0.5, $PLANET[$resource[15]]);    
        } }elseif (in_array($Element, $reslist['defense'])) {
            if($USER['commander'] >= 1) {
            @$tiempo= $Cost / ($CONF['game_speed'] * (1 + ($PLANET[$resource[21]] + $PLANET[$resource[14]]))) * pow(0.5, $PLANET[$resource[15]]);
            $porcentaje = $tiempo * 10/100;
            $time = $tiempo - $porcentaje;
        } else {
            @$time= $Cost / ($CONF['game_speed'] * (1 + ($PLANET[$resource[21]] + $PLANET[$resource[14]]))) * pow(0.5, $PLANET[$resource[15]]);
        } }
        elseif (in_array($Element, $reslist['tech']))
                $Level = 0;
                foreach($PLANET[$resource[31].'_inter'] as $Levels)
                    if($Levels >= $requeriments[$Element][31])
                        $Level += $Levels;
                $Level    = $PLANET[$resource[31]];
            $facteur = 0;
            if($USER['raza'] ==1 )
                $facteur += 10;
            if($USER['technocratic'] == 1)
                $facteur += 25;
            $tiempo            = $Cost / ($CONF['game_speed'] * (1 + $Level)) * pow(0.5, $PLANET[$resource[6]]);                
            $time = $tiempo - ($tiempo * $facteur/100);        
            $time    = floor($time * 3600);
            $time    = floor($time * 1300);

        return max($time, $CONF['min_build_time']);

by Homer

The fact is you can put here the formulas you want for each element (tech, ships, or even buildings/defenses ... )