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serious.. :(

Jan 1, 2003
Reaction score
if its just red and kinda under the skin id reccomend gts a damp towel and kinda use that to comfort ur eyes dude

if its a rash kinda thing same thing but have a dry towel to pat ur eye dry (dont wipe cos itll make it worse)

hope that helps not much u can do atm tho m8, id get it checked out tomoz if i were you
Jan 1, 2003
Reaction score
ok cool this is easy then, for now ifur gonna go sleep, get like a bowl of water and put your face in with eyes closed n open them in the water move ur head from left 2 right a little so it clears the surface of ur eyes, remove head from bowl and slowly dry ur eyes a little u shud be able 2 sleep then m8 :)

if they are still bad in the morning - afternoon get em checked out dude :)

i reckon its maybe ur monitor though, try sittin a lil further away or close ur eyes for a bit ifu dont really need them open, i recommend 15 min breaks every hour but who actually does that?
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Loyal Member
Feb 18, 2003
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Sure it ain't congunctivitis? Ask your dad if he's had problems with his eyes? It's hereditry from the father. I've got it. Makes your eyes go red as hell and you feel the need to constantly rub it. Which only makes it worse.


I suggest LEAVING IT ALONE. Use a damp cold cloth to dab it gently now and then when the pain gets bad. Go see the doctor asap who will prescribe drugs for you.
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Loyal Member
Feb 18, 2003
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MentaL said:
had problems with my eyes for years.. pain wise anyways. just recently i noticed how bad it has gotten..... might have to see optition.. lucky for me i get free eye treatment ( great granmother is blind in one eye) who knows =P

Optician will only give you eye drops. Just leave it alone for a few days and it will clean itself up.

Get something for the pain though.
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Loyal Member
Feb 18, 2003
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Tupac said:
cap is it me or do u have a lot of health probs lol

and dan use some cucumbers on ya eyes :p lol

More than you know lmao

Lets see, I've had:

Whooping Cough
Bowel Disease
Stomach Rupture
Broken skull - twice
Broke both arms
Broke both legs
Broke both ankles - ankles and legs when I fell out of a tree lol :(
Numonia - Dunno how u spell it
edit: Flat feet

I have a very weak immune system - dunno why.


Capricorn said:
More than you know lmao

Lets see, I've had:

Whooping Cough
Bowel Disease
Stomach Rupture
Broken skull - twice
Broke both arms
Broke both legs
Broke both ankles - ankles and legs when I fell out of a tree lol :(
Numonia - Dunno how u spell it
edit: Flat feet

I have a very weak immune system - dunno why.
i've had:

a cold

neway dan get some sleep :) definitly at least 8 hours a day...
may not be what's causing it but you should still get enough :)