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Server fails

Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 13, 2009
Reaction score
Hey guys,

I am installing the cabal TDP repack, because i am learning to develop and these files are 100% complete, anyhow i have a problem.

I am running the centos on a remote dedicated server, the WAN ip starts with 95.128.x.xxx
the Mssql 2005 i am running on my personal computer via Vmware, i also enter in putty with the install script my IP address from the server the WAN one, and the local PC his WAN address.

but once i try to login it fails, ''cant connect to network''
Maybe it helps if i say that the server WONT ping to my personal computer.

And the pc of a friend CAN ping to my computer,
And if you are gonna ask for my logs please post me where to find these.

Thanks in progress
Junior Spellweaver
Jun 2, 2011
Reaction score
u must use oracle box for ep8 server files. and tun off "iptables" on virtual machine.
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