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Server Files Clarinha

Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 1, 2010
Reaction score
Note 1:
"Clarinha Server Files - Version 01" is published and is completely prohibited the marketing (Do not pay for something you can get for free here).

Note 2:
The executable and all files that were taken right here in the forum itself and the settings were changed / added / corrected / modified / disabled / for me "Clarinha" on top of existing functions or not.

Note 3:
Impossible to report the credits due. The immensity of tutorials that follow the forum posted here by many users and that includes the files ... Who was involved directly / indirectly is my warmth.

Final Note:
All descriptions below were tested entertaining if you find a bug / error is the criteria you the solution and continuous improvement of the files.

Thanks in advance everyone's attention and to download and comment or just want to thank and also click the thanks, I'll be very happy!

- File 100% tested;
- 50 administration tools;
- Clan System 100% bug-free;
- Clarinha Server Files - Version 001 (See description below);

Technical Information
- Used IP is
- Ability to convey 249;
- Experience Table standard BPT / Quantum;
- Limit 1kkk Gold;
- Logs "Hacking Alert" reduced to prevent lags;
- Difference to party with 20 levels;
- Party shows the lvl of all;
- Server Port / Game configured correctly (10,009);
- Mix table clean;
- Fixed bug 2bi and DC4;
- Delay of 30 seconds to use crystals with ingame warning;
- Withdrawn message 1Min and recv Time Out;
- Hotuk.ini removed from the game's root folder and the folder Gm.dll converted to CL;
- Increased to 20 consecutive MESSAGES;
- Withdrawn "AssaLoadingFile.txt", "error.log", "game.log" and "Shortcut.ini" the root folder and placed in the CL;
- Event Girl With unlimited reset without logging out;
- Real-time Auto Save Game / Server;
- Disable system BlackUser Game / Server;
- Added X-Trap BPT 100%;
- Forces custom time with injury and may be used between levels 1 to 250;
- Remove the bug is attacking the crystals;
- Added SoD crown of the crystals;
- Checksum table items removed and skill;
- Game only connects to the server specific;
- Sod 100%;
- BC 100%;
- Clan System 100%;
- Monsters and added sound effect: Xetam, Undeadmaple, Sprin, Kako, Igolation, nazsenior, Ruca, Hest, GoblinSham, KingBat, Mimic, Niken and Eragon.
- Core and Blue version of the game folder configured in Conf.dll CL

Batle Point System
- Points System Batle BP counting from 1 to 1;
- System BP 100% bug-free and activated automatically on all maps;

- Translation of the game to 100% PT / BR;
- Set window mode and 100% functional and or via ptreg launcher;
- Added Rain 100% (With trovuada cloud, cloudy);
- Add the original Dragon lvl 110;
- Delete Button Retrieved Char;
- Trampling letter corrected;
- Disabled effects of monster attacks is disabled by default;
- Command "camera_wave_off" is enabled by default;
- When starting, the Game.exe already starts with the window maximized;
- Selling price on the items added in white;
- Withdrawn snow effect in hex;
- Dialog with 112 character without cutting;
- Atlantis characters safe weapons (Do not get in the back)

- Teleport NPC Battle Arena;
- Teleport NPC for Atlantis;
- Teleport NPC for Death Cave;
- All portals in operation;
- 4th and 5th page in the blue core and Core Blue totally 100%;

- Added +26 works with color and with no bugs;
- Colors agings changed following the RGB hex (+4 up to +26);
- Aging Lucidy begins with the stone;
- Aging begins with just one stone Lucidy and will increase the amount of stone in the traditional manner;
- Rate of aging set break;
+00 To +10 = 0%
+11 = 10%;
+12 = 14%;
+13 = 18%;
+14 = 22%;
+15 = 26%;
+16 = 30%;
+17 = 34%;
+18 = 38%;
+19 = 42%;
+20 = 46%;
+21 = 50%;
+22 = 54%;
+23 = 58%;
+24 = 62%;
+25 = 66%;
+26 = 70%;

- Distribution of stat points from 10 to 10;
- Keyboard shortcuts (F) that opens when the blacksmith precione (works only outside cities);
- Player Commands: / Commands -> Open a window with four options available: Window Guide, Pack Up, Save and Mature map;}
- Players command: / chat -> Opens a window with two options: Open and Close chat server chat server;)
- GM commands: / load and / baload modified / copy;
- GM commands: / expup modified to / win
- GM commands: / @ and get / put @ modified /@@@
- Removed the function of the new maps of M;
- PM Red withdrawn;
- Changed the extension of the screenshots,

- Aligned all descriptions of items to the left;
- Scheme used in Source: Tahoma, Arial and Comic Sans MS following style ... BPT

- All skill no bug;
- All characters can use their skills with the most weapons;
- Kina without without Bug;
- 100% of Skills (Server / Game) of all the characters have been modified and balanced;
- Custom Delay in the following skill: Pulse, Stroke Giratorio, Sickle Steel, Disappear, Wind Arrow, Piercing Divine
Sword of Justice Launches Match, Rage-X, Resurrection, Extinction, HP Virtual Glacial Thorns, Field Regen,
Electrical Storm, Charming, Earthquake, Fire Wave, Meteor

Premium Items
- System Re-Spec Custom: Jera - Level 0 to 180 / Nied - Level 181 to 200 / Gyfu - Level 201 to 250;
- Added descriptions for all premium items;
- 8 Pets (4 Large and 4 Small);
- Item premium called Divine Egg;
- Item premium called Sacred Egg;
- Great Item Premiun called Core: Opens a window with the option to choose between the four cities to teleport;
- Stone Mature (A), (Armor);
- Mature Stone (B) (Weapon);
- Mature Stone (C), (Shield);
- Stone Reset (F) (Force);
- Reset Stone (I), (Intelligence);
- Stone Reset (T) (talent);
- Reset Stone (A) (Agility);
- Reset Stone (V) (Vitality);
- Skill Stone (1st); (Tier 1);
- Skill Stone (2st) (Tier 2);
- Skill Stone (3st) (Tier 3);
- Steal Mana Stone;

Additional Maps
- 17 new maps, a total of 59 fields (without any kind of bug);
- Desert Mystic 1F;
- Desert Mystic 2F;
- Desert Mystic 3F;
- Mystic Forest 1F;
- Mystic Forest 2F;
- Mystic Forest 3F;
- Cursed Sanctuary 1F;
- Cursed Sanctuary 2F;
- Prison 1F of the Ancients;
- Imprisonment of the Ancients 2F;
- Imprisonment of the Ancients 3F;
- Caverna Obscura;
- Battle Arena;
- Lost Labyrinth;
- City of Atlantis;
- Cursed Temple 3F;
- Endless Tower 3F;

Restriction maps
- Maps are not listed below lvl with standard input or can be configured;
- Restricted entry lvl in the core set of maps and walking blue:
- Old Dungeon 1 (120 +)
- Old Dungeon 2 (130 +)
- Cave of Mushrooms (130 +)
- Bee Cave (130 +)
- Dark Sanctuary (140 +)
- Old Dungeon 3 (140 +)
- Battlefield of the Ancients (150 +)
- Forbidden Land (160 +)
- Railway of Chaos (170 +)
- Heart of Perum (180 +)
- Gallubia Valley (190 +)
- Frozen Shrine (200 +)
- Cursed Temple 1 (210 +)
- Cursed Temple 2 (220 +)

- Add premium items to relog;
- Global chat command is disabled;
- No system of aging on set;

Link Clarinha Server Files - Version 01:

Virus Scan:

Full Client
- Full Client is the Recommended or MajestyPT link:

Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
May 26, 2007
Reaction score
Not sure about this at all. Please beware if you plan to try it.

Much of this description claims to be about the server, but quotes things which are entirely reliant on the client, and beyond the control of the server. Other specifications are illegible, and could mean anything.

Another "buyer beware" I suspect... but better available for study to all than an elite few I think. (also believe others will be more scathing) I certainly wouldn't recommend this for anyone looking to set up a PT server for the first time. :/:

I will welcome any advise, credits, warnings, reports of experience (good or bad) provided they are polite and balanced. :wink:
Staff member
Feb 22, 2008
Reaction score
Other specifications are illegible, and could mean anything.
This is easily justified with this: copy-pasted. I know where this is from, but I wouldnt say because its against RaGEZONE rules. There is no problem with that. What I dont approve is just pasting the whole guide into google translator, and then just create a new thread, without even reading the result of google translator.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
May 26, 2007
Reaction score
- Ability to convey 249;
Translation:- "Can inform others about 249"
Question:- Why on earth would I want it to do that?
Conclusion:- a key word is missing... perhaps it means "maximum level is 249" but that doesn't fit the sentence. Or "Server supports 249 concurrent connections" as in "Ability to convey to 249 simultaneous users". Or maybe "249 players per party" as in "Ability to convey between 249 partied players" or Clan members, or... yea... okay, without that missing word, it could mean anything. Provided it has something to do with the number 249. XD

There are many more. Some obvious, (eg. "- Withdrawn message 1Min and recv Time Out;" which says the "1Min" and "recv Time Out;" message is handed to you in submission, but presumably means the opposite) others far less so. (eg. "- Trampling letter corrected;" which says "Corrected the postal message by crushing it under foot." WTF??? :lol:)

Definitely not up to the standard of some of your other translations lucashz. :wink:
Initiate Mage
Sep 14, 2011
Reaction score
Hello everyone, this is my first post here on the forum I apologize for my forum I apologize for my horrible English, someone could help me in removing Xtrap customer, tried to remove some Xtrap tutorial found on the forum but still could not, if someone help me thank you and thank you already. me thank you and thank me thank you and thank you already.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
May 26, 2007
Reaction score
Assuming that this is the correct thread for the gnomored post... then they are trying to remove XTrap from this release, for which it's implementation is a special added feature. :/:
Initiate Mage
Sep 14, 2011
Reaction score
Assuming that this is the correct thread for the gnomored post... then they are trying to remove XTrap from this release, for which it's implementation is a special added feature. :/:

Hello everyone, this is my first post here on the forum I apologize for my forum I apologize for my horrible English, someone could help me in removing Xtrap customer, tried to remove some Xtrap tutorial found on the forum but still could not, if someone help me thank you and thank you already. As found in the forum tutorial explaining in a clear way how to remove Xtrap a customer tried to use this tutorial to remove this Xtrap client and still did not work. I used some client and I have managed to remove the Xtrap no problem, only that I did not get posted here, ask for help from someone here in the forum to help me in removing or if someone has one that works Xtrap that account I will be grateful, thank you all the answer.
Initiate Mage
Sep 16, 2008
Reaction score
hi guys have many problems in game when im log game i go Diconect autotic for server

all is ok ips configurated nice ¿what is the problem? please reply
Initiate Mage
Oct 1, 2011
Reaction score
which the command "Create items"?
~/@ get replaced for what??
"GM commands: / @ and get / put @ modified /@@@"
does not respond the command to create items -.-
/@@@ ?? no respond :<:
~/@@@ ?? no respond :<:
~/@@@get ??? no respond :<:
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
May 26, 2007
Reaction score
The line "- GM commands: / @ and get / put @ modified /@@@" could not be understood by Google translate. No word contains the characters / or @ in it's dictionary or thesaurus. Therefore, it cannot asses what order these should appear in the output grammar. It throws in the right number of these characters at the end of what ever other section it has been processing. We need to see the original, untranslated version for this to have any meaning... but that applies to most of this post. :(:
Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 29, 2008
Reaction score
which the command "Create items"?
~/@ get replaced for what??
"GM commands: / @ and get / put @ modified /@@@"
does not respond the command to create items -.-
/@@@ ?? no respond :<:
~/@@@ ?? no respond :<:
~/@@@get ??? no respond :<:

/@get and /@put is /@@@@ (four at)

/@@@@ "Item Name" or /@@@@ ItemCode
/@@@@ Nick "Item Name" or /@@@@ Nick ItemCode

I have not tested, but the two are the same command
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
May 26, 2007
Reaction score
Hmm, that would take some pretty complex logic adding to the client. Guess it's fairly possible though.
Initiate Mage
Oct 1, 2011
Reaction score
/@get and /@put is /@@@@ (four at)

/@@@@ "Item Name" or /@@@@ ItemCode
/@@@@ Nick "Item Name" or /@@@@ Nick ItemCode

I have not tested, but the two are the same command

/@@@@ "Item Name" or /@@@@ ItemCode
/@@@@ Nick "Item Name" or /@@@@ Nick ItemCode

test in game /@@@@ create itens normally :thumbup1:
Initiate Mage
Oct 28, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks for share! But after I set up server. I have some prolems:
1. I can't make character with level >100
2. I can't remove Xtrap.
3. No new items.
How can I fix it???
Please help me!
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Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 31, 2009
Reaction score
Tks !!

Very cool this Server Files.

What is the level cap this file ????
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