Server files v2034 and Client!!!!

Experienced Elementalist
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Sorry about this late, I planed upload it soon, but I too busy. Sorry.
I modify server become smaller, and make a client can run with this server without crash.
How to use: Like old server. Unrar by winrar.
Change host file? Edit host file in Client folder to your IP, run play.bat, it will copy host file to right place and executive NavyFIELD.exe.
Attention: Change Language for non-unicode program to China(PRC) if not, you will get crash when creat room.

Good Luck.
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i am trying to set up my NFserver, everything looks correctly, but when i start and exit client no informations write to the registry. Pls can you show here the picture of regedit table NAVYFIELDClient? thx
ok, server run and i ssuccessfully login to the game but when i buy ship and eguipments and want to go to the sea the game crashed, i dont know why. i tryed reinstal game and databases but without good results. Everytime the same, when i want to go to the sea the game crushed. Anybody can help, i use server v2034 and client posted above.
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@Moonraker: Read my fist post:
Attention: Change Language for non-unicode program to China(PRC) if not, you will get crash when creat room.
@Sonict: Old server and new server have same working menthod, then if you run good with old server, you will run good with new server, of couse, You need run diffirent game server file.
@police453: OF couse, no, because Filefront team will immedia ban my accout and delete those files, be cause it violence them TOS.
Hi Tidus,

Me and my Team,
Tested the new server.


Sry,.. to say.
But its Bugged like hell,.

We are setting up a list,
But the game is realy Fucked up,.

Ships are Invisible,
Ships like Tripzes look like Montana,.. Well they are Montana but without Hood.

My Syper Yamato,.. Looks like a Freaking CV.
All other stuff,.
Well,.. Don't know it.
But it seems that everything is just wrong?
Any idea how to Fix?
or to Correct?

Gr, EaCop

You mean I used the chat rooms?
or wasn't that a post at my post?

Gr, EaCop

No no no, it was my answer to post above your. Sorry for confusion.

@Moonraker: Read my fist post:
Quote:Attention: Change Language for non-unicode program to China(PRC) if not, you will get crash when creat room.
@EaCop: Can you try:
- Copy all file *.data in your old client to new client and to ShipYardDataFiles\korea in game server folder.
- Copy all file ShipStructure*.spr in folder SPR of your old client to folder SPR in new client.
- And try again.
Sorry, I only test new client for comparative with new server, i Don't have time test display in client.
OK, I modify the client become like DHZ Client V2034, I hope it less Buger than old.

Good luck.
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Hi, Tidus_KG.

I tried updating the server and client files to the version that you have and I am running into trouble. When I load up the client and close it, it doesn't make the registry key.

Could you please update the guide for this version that you put up? (I am aware of the fact that most of the steps are the same)

I hope that with the proper guide for this client, I can get my problem corrected.

This is a much needed thread, I don't wanna let it float away in the billions of pages of threads lol... BUMP
Bump... keep this link alive,

very very very important to those who want to use the newer clients that don't have as many bugs. Pretty stable platform.
Well the problem is Navyfield forum is almost like dead fourm :/ i wish someone keep Navyfield Forum alive >.<
Plus I have good server and Client but i have one problem with 30 lvl capped >.> i look and check make sure its right and i made it right o.O
Hello, ive settet a 2034 server, client connect to update server sucessfull, but if i want login nothing goes no error message nothing just "Connecting.." any ideas ??
pls add me skype: leonidas8800

I have to use SQL Database 2012 becouse 2000 doesnt run on windows server 2008, so all things set.
SQL Server Runs.
ODBC Works (NavyFIELDBeta, NFBilling)

But it dont login

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