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serveral problems

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 21, 2009
Reaction score
Hi i realy dont know where to start but ill try to make it as clear as possible.

i have windows xp pro
kal client for vladi
vladi repack
vladi engine pack
why? bequze those are the ones that work.
i have tried these to and also combined them with vladi's:
kalmax v4 & webadmin v2 (both client and serverpack downloaded)

i have used search i also searched the whole kalonline sections.
i searched google, youtube, other game forums.
so dont say thing like google it or search is your best friend bequze thats way to lame. This is a help section where people need help and people can reply to them the anwsers to help them not laugh at that *you could do that without posting it on the forum*...so plz anwser me serious.

I dont use KOCP since i cant login bequze the button dont react.
I dont use KOSP bequze it crash and shutdown mainsvr.
With those and xlate-e ip
i can play.
I also have tried the 11rlocal thing but thats even worse than when i use only KOCP.

These are my problems.
I cant add custom stuff, why?? well..
i add eragon stuff and ingame nothing happens
i add eragon stuff and mainsvr giff's error.
i tried editing the file names and initem info maby there was something wrong...NOPE.
i have replaced a existing armor by renaming the eragon file's and replacing those existing one but then ingame i get in my inventory only the HyperText icons and when i equip i have normal armor not the custom one.
Same for the weapons.

egg rate.
I have edited in config.prop (wth the name is)
buth nothing happens in game.
when i use ingame the snow event and eventon command it seems you recieve twice as fast the xp.

my rage bar is maxed on 4 but i want like other servers max14.

items prefix anything isnot edit able.
i changed armor stats in initem but ingame its the normal one.

cant find a way to edit guild requirements. bequze i want a guild but i need 6 players -_-.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 21, 2009
Reaction score
i always edit server side first then copy them into clientside (config.pk after using tool ofcourse).
i also edit language m and k if adding e new one not when replacing one bequze i only replace client side files (PG PB PS those things).
i used the guides i could find and info on ragezone and other sites but all the same and all the same results as i posted in top topic.

it seems i forgot to mention something.
the only thing that works is relic armor that replaces the golden armor. and thats why i tried copying the names from those onto eragon files (not random) and copy paste them into the client and overwrited the relic buth samething, ingame only hypertext icons and when equiping NOTHING shows on my char witch is even stranger(weider/craizier??).

sorry i cant remember the words at the moment :?:
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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 18, 2008
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1. I exactly have the same effect what you have at point 1, changing the .gb and .gtx files doesn't work, this just gives me "naked" set, lets say it like that..
2. Is it just your ratebykill or also ratebytime? At my side the ratebytime doesn't work properly, it just takes the common amount each 3 minutes and doesn't apply with the set rate in the config file..
((I suppose this is malfunctioning inside the mainsvrt, config.doc or protectS.dll , tho i researched it and they all have the same size so, what actually would be wrong? Probably the commands inside would be written wrong or w/e .. i really dont know)
3. you should try to search inside your database manually, no programs or w/e could be used for this.. look under the eggs section or eggrage stuff which is inside the database, and edit the maxgrade..
4. Itemprefixes most commonly are "desc" as i suppose, rewrite the descriptionnames inside your client, that probably would work..
5. Search your database ..?
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Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 21, 2009
Reaction score
rate by time and kill are not effective. i get 10 points after normal time and also kill.

the last 3 things u mention i'll look into it tomorrow bequze it's 23:58 and im sleepy:closedeyes:

but i'll try those and maby that would solve some of the problems. now only #1,2 are left to figure out. #3,4,5 i'll try.

i have searched for the egg rate but could not find it and also tried the animalexpeventon command.

itemprefixes also not able to change ingame still normal.

i have deleted the guild classes in kal_db guild tab. Only Leader class left but ingame still asks for 6 people. =(

i also searched for those things trough the server file with notepad and hex.
als looked into pk files for info but no succes.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 18, 2008
Reaction score
Well.. dont delete the guild classes lol.. but guild requirement, is better ;) otherwise check the quests config, im not so sure..
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Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 21, 2009
Reaction score
Do you mean the guild requirements could be in quest config or something else in there?
Also noone else got this problem with vladi non kocp kosp?

I have searched trough the files in config.pk but none has any info about guild nor egg animals.
I also searched in e.pk but those files are crypted.

Do you know anything new about this, how to get those things working?
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