Setting up Aion 3.9 Private Server: Video Tutorial

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if you are trying to make your server public,

go to AL_Game/Config/network end edit ipconfig

<ipconfig default="your external ip">

then make sure you do port forward if you are using router.

Thanks but as i said i try with ipconfig.XML but i can't connect the aion game on (cannot find the server).
Maybe i make something wrong on launcher.bat? But i don't understand why i can connect easily on localhost and not with external ip :/

Another idea ?
have you change your launcher.bat to your external ip?

if you are hosting on the same pc and wanted to play, u need to put ur local ip

if your friend wan to connect your server, then ask them to put your external ip
Thanks but as i said i try with ipconfig.XML but i can't connect the aion game on (cannot find the server).
Maybe i make something wrong on launcher.bat? But i don't understand why i can connect easily on localhost and not with external ip :/

Another idea ?

Follow Dwarf's text guide mate. And then change the IP, then also change the game server IP / mask, also make sure your firewall is open and also unblock those ports too. And then give your friend the launcher.bat that's set to external IP. Besides that check your files if you haven't restricted the IP just to your IP and there's a need for it to be * which is a universal acceptance. If still having problem pm me and I can give you my skype, I'm a bit busy these days and don't have much time be here but just lemme know and add there cuz I'm on skype a lot. :)
Follow Dwarf's text guide mate. And then change the IP, then also change the game server IP / mask, also make sure your firewall is open and also unblock those ports too. And then give your friend the launcher.bat that's set to external IP. Besides that check your files if you haven't restricted the IP just to your IP and there's a need for it to be * which is a universal acceptance. If still having problem pm me and I can give you my skype, I'm a bit busy these days and don't have much time be here but just lemme know and add there cuz I'm on skype a lot. :)

Ok i try again and when i want to connect to my live server, i can't... Unable to connect to the server.
Here is all my configurations files :

Login/ :
# This file is part of aion-unique <>.
# aion-unique is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# aion-unique is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with aion-unique. If not, see <>.
# ----------------------------
# Network Config's:
# ----------------------------

# LoginServer will listen for connections on specified port = 2106

# LoginServer will bind specified network interface
# * - bind all interfaces = *

# How many times player can try to login before he get's banned for bruteforcing = 5

# For what time in minutes player should be banned in case of bruteforcing = 15

# Host that will be used by LS to listen for GS connections = *

# Port that will be used by LS to listen for GS connections = 9014

# Nuber of additional threads for NIO that will handle only reading = 0

# Nuber of additional threads for NIO that will handle only writing = 0

# Create accounts automatically or not?
loginserver.accounts.autocreate = true

# Set if the server is in maintenance or not / only gm can login
loginserver.server.maintenance = false

# Set gm level for maintenance mode(Default 3)
loginserver.server.maintenance.gmlevel = 3

# Enable\disable flood protector from 1 ip on account login
loginserver.server.floodprotector = true
loginserver.server.bruteforceprotector = true

# Checking gs if it still alive
loginserver.server.pingpong = true
loginserver.server.pingpong.delay = 3000

# flood manager
# legal reconnection time. if faster - ban for min
# seconds
network.fastreconnection.time = 5

# Ip's excluded from flood protection
loginserver.excluded.ips =

Gameserver/ :
# This file is part of aion-unique <>.
# aion-unique is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# aion-unique is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with aion-unique. If not, see <>.
# ----------------------------
# Network Config's:
# ----------------------------

# Port that will be used to listen for client connections = 7777

# Host that will be used to listen for client connections = *

# Maximum online players on the server = 1500

# Address of login server = localhost:9014

# Id of this game server = 1

# Password of this game server = root

# Address of chat server
# Ip and port of chat server should be accessible from
# 1) game server
# 2) all connected clients = localhost:9021

# Password of this game server for chat server = root

# Number of extra threads dedicated only to read/write network data.
# Value < 1 means that acceptor thread will also handle read & write.
# Value > 0 means there will be x dedicated read/write threads + 1 acceptor. = 1

# Number of threads (min) that will be used to execute client packets = 4

# Number of threads (max) that will be used to execute client packets = 4

# Threshold used to decide when packet processor thread should be killed
# It have effect only if min threads != max threads = 3

# Threshold used to decide when extra packet processor thread should be spawned
# It have effect only if min threads != max threads = 50

# This will enable or disable the messages for unknown packets = false

# Enable flood protector = false

# Flood ms in tick = 1000

# Short period = 10 = 20 = 10

# Long period = 30 = 60 = 60

Ipconfig.xml :
	This file is part of aion-unique <>.

	aion-unique is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
	(at your option) any later version.

	aion-unique is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	GNU General Public License for more details.

	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
	along with aion-unique. If not, see <>.

	File that is responsible for network address mapping.
	We can have any number of ip ranges mapped to various network interfaces
	Useful for those who run server in local areas with two (or more) networks

	For ipconfig's "default" attribute both DNS and ip address is supported.
	Example: <ipconfig default="">
	Examples: <ipconfig default="">

<ipconfig default="**">
	<iprange min="" max="" address=""/>
	<iprange min="" max="" address=""/>
	<iprange min="" max="" address=""/>
	<iprange min="" max="" address=""/>

Here is that i have on loginserver database-> gameserver table :
(1, '*', 'root');

Here is the end of Loginserver batch after launch it :
19:06:54.433 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
19:06:54.433 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
19:06:54.433 INFO [main]: - Java Platform Information
19:06:54.433 INFO [main]: - Java Runtime  Name: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
19:06:54.434 INFO [main]: - Java Version: 1.7.0_25
19:06:54.434 INFO [main]: - Java Class Version: 51.0
19:06:54.434 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
19:06:54.434 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
19:06:54.434 INFO [main]: - Virtual Machine Information (JVM)
19:06:54.434 INFO [main]: - JVM Name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
19:06:54.434 INFO [main]: - JVM installation directory: C:\Program Files\Java\jr
19:06:54.434 INFO [main]: - JVM version: 23.25-b01
19:06:54.435 INFO [main]: - JVM Vendor: Oracle Corporation
19:06:54.435 INFO [main]: - JVM Info: mixed mode
19:06:54.435 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
19:06:54.435 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
19:06:54.438 INFO [main]: - +----
19:06:54.438 INFO [main]: - | Global Memory Informations at 19:06:54:
19:06:54.438 INFO [main]: - |    |
19:06:54.438 INFO [main]: - | Allowed Memory: 125632 KB
19:06:54.439 INFO [main]: - |    |= Allocated Memory: 125632 KB (100,0000%)
19:06:54.439 INFO [main]: - |    |= Non-Allocated Memory: 0 KB (0,0000%)
19:06:54.439 INFO [main]: - | Allocated Memory: 125632 KB
19:06:54.439 INFO [main]: - |    |= Used Memory: 9860 KB (7,8483%)
19:06:54.439 INFO [main]: - |    |= Unused (cached) Memory: 115772 KB (92,1517%)

19:06:54.440 INFO [main]: - | Useable Memory: 115772 KB (92,1517%)
19:06:54.440 INFO [main]: - +----
19:06:54.524 INFO [main]: - Server listening on IP: Port 9021 for Gs C
19:06:54.527 INFO [main]: - AL Chat Server started in 0 seconds.

Here the Gameserver batch after launch :
19:06:54.433 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
19:06:54.433 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
19:06:54.433 INFO [main]: - Java Platform Information
19:06:54.433 INFO [main]: - Java Runtime  Name: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
19:06:54.434 INFO [main]: - Java Version: 1.7.0_25
19:06:54.434 INFO [main]: - Java Class Version: 51.0
19:06:54.434 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
19:06:54.434 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
19:06:54.434 INFO [main]: - Virtual Machine Information (JVM)
19:06:54.434 INFO [main]: - JVM Name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
19:06:54.434 INFO [main]: - JVM installation directory: C:\Program Files\Java\jr
19:06:54.434 INFO [main]: - JVM version: 23.25-b01
19:06:54.435 INFO [main]: - JVM Vendor: Oracle Corporation
19:06:54.435 INFO [main]: - JVM Info: mixed mode
19:06:54.435 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
19:06:54.435 INFO [main]: - ..................................................
19:06:54.438 INFO [main]: - +----
19:06:54.438 INFO [main]: - | Global Memory Informations at 19:06:54:
19:06:54.438 INFO [main]: - |    |
19:06:54.438 INFO [main]: - | Allowed Memory: 125632 KB
19:06:54.439 INFO [main]: - |    |= Allocated Memory: 125632 KB (100,0000%)
19:06:54.439 INFO [main]: - |    |= Non-Allocated Memory: 0 KB (0,0000%)
19:06:54.439 INFO [main]: - | Allocated Memory: 125632 KB
19:06:54.439 INFO [main]: - |    |= Used Memory: 9860 KB (7,8483%)
19:06:54.439 INFO [main]: - |    |= Unused (cached) Memory: 115772 KB (92,1517%)

19:06:54.440 INFO [main]: - | Useable Memory: 115772 KB (92,1517%)
19:06:54.440 INFO [main]: - +----
19:06:54.524 INFO [main]: - Server listening on IP: Port 9021 for Gs C
19:06:54.527 INFO [main]: - AL Chat Server started in 0 seconds.

Here is a launcher i use for start the game :

start bin32\aion.bin -ip:** -port:2106 -cc:2 -noauthgg -lang:fra -noweb

So i don't know if you see somethings wrong but i'm lost :/

Thank you really much for your support !
if you want yourself connect to your server with the same PC where the server runs you need to:

start bin32\aion.bin -ip: -port:2106 -cc:2 -noauthgg -lang:fra -noweb

only for your fiends it need to be:

start bin32\aion.bin -ip:** -port:2106 -cc:2 -noauthgg -lang:fra -noweb
if you want yourself connect to your server with the same PC where the server runs you need to:

start bin32\aion.bin -ip: -port:2106 -cc:2 -noauthgg -lang:fra -noweb

only for your fiends it need to be:

start bin32\aion.bin -ip:** -port:2106 -cc:2 -noauthgg -lang:fra -noweb

Great! I'll make a try with external friends. Thank you really much, i'll report here the result after test.
But on local, i have 5 computers and i try with Box IP, localhost too and i can't connect to the server, is it normaly?

Another little information please : Is it really secure like that? If i only change password, that's all? It seems to be easy to hack this with this little configuration no?

EDIT : I edit the ipconfig.xml with my local address ( and my sister try to connect with her computer. I see she try to connect now but she tells me that fail on server selection... :/
Here is the content of batch :
19:40:29.183 INFO [pool-3-thread-4]: - PingPong for gameserver #1 has started.
19:42:43.583 INFO [AcceptReadWrite Dispatcher]: - Connection attemp from: 192.16

What i'm doing wrong ? :/ Damn...
You are talking about the DLL ?

Yes i just see on this folder, she have the aion_start_local.bat on aion folder and the DLL on bin32 folder.
Here is the bat :
@echo off
echo Starting Aion ...

if exist L10N\DEU\DEU.pak (
  start bin32\aion.bin -ip: -port:2106 -cc:2 -lang:deu -noweb -nokicks -ncg -noauthgg -ls -charnamemenu -ingameshop -DEVMODE "con_disable_console 0" -DEVMODE "g_chatlog 1" -DEVMODE "g_auto_disconnect 0"

) else if exist L10N\ENG\ENG.pak (
  start bin32\aion.bin -ip: -port:2106 -cc:1 -lang:enu -noweb -nokicks -ncg -noauthgg -ls -charnamemenu -ingameshop -DEVMODE "con_disable_console 0" -DEVMODE "g_chatlog 1" -DEVMODE "g_auto_disconnect 0"

) else if exist L10N\FRA\FRA.pak (
  start bin32\aion.bin -ip: -port:2106 -cc:2 -lang:fra -noweb -nokicks -ncg -noauthgg -ls -charnamemenu -ingameshop -DEVMODE "con_disable_console 0" -DEVMODE "g_chatlog 1" -DEVMODE "g_auto_disconnect 0"

) else if exist L10N\RUS\RUS.pak (
  start bin32\aion.bin -ip: -port:2106 -cc:7 -lang:rus -noweb -nokicks -ncg -noauthgg -ls -charnamemenu -ingameshop -DEVMODE "con_disable_console 0" -DEVMODE "g_chatlog 1" -DEVMODE "g_auto_disconnect 0"

) else (
 echo Aion folder not found or unsupported language.

And i have this message on Loginserver screen :
21:37:55.503 INFO [AcceptReadWrite Dispatcher]: - Connection attemp from: 192.16
21:37:55.553 INFO [PacketProcessor:0]: - sending packet: [S] 0x01 SM_LOGIN_FAIL
and closing connection after that.
21:37:58.872 INFO [AcceptReadWrite Dispatcher]: - Connection attemp from: 192.16

I don't understand what is wrong :(
I open all ports on windows security but i'm not sure on box :/ I'll check this... i'm really a big noob .. i don't think about the router ports ..
plz whats problem

Starting Aion Lightning Game Server in DEVELOPMENT mode.
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not reserve enough space for object heap
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.

Game Server has terminated abnormaly!

Press any key to continue . . .
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