[Share] Fancy3D - Fairy Way ( Phàm Nhân Tu Tiên )

Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 12, 2017
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Hi rage mems, i'm here to share a sever that no longer availabe ( that's what i believe ).
Some screen-shot of the game:
eVmIoHC - [Share] Fancy3D - Fairy Way ( Phàm Nhân Tu Tiên ) - RaGEZONE Forums
Ks3mZzc - [Share] Fancy3D - Fairy Way ( Phàm Nhân Tu Tiên ) - RaGEZONE Forums
7EKv3GA - [Share] Fancy3D - Fairy Way ( Phàm Nhân Tu Tiên ) - RaGEZONE Forums
hfxOH92 - [Share] Fancy3D - Fairy Way ( Phàm Nhân Tu Tiên ) - RaGEZONE Forums
due to what i see in the code of the game, it was build from 2014-2016 and release in 2017-2018.
Not too old 4 a mini client game ( ~1Gb ).
Its fully tranlasted to Vnese.
I'm Uploading everything i have. So if you guys want a ful tuts for this, i'll do ( pretty simple).

Notice: There's ( are) some bugs, since i dont have much time to dig in this game.

It has a fairy-evol-sys just like in any chinese comic :) from a beginner to a freaking god fairy.

[UPDATE] Link dowload:

Server + chinese client:

Unrar Sever to D:/
Unrar Client to wherever.

Simple Tuts:Change IP in these files:Server : D:\DaiThanhVan\Server\botcof.xml

NOTICE: change to your IP ONLY ( dont touch the other IP if u dont know what u doing ).

Client: config.lua and configPublic.lua

Navicat user/pass: root/123456

Run: 1.Web.bat2.Server.batWait till a window popup and click the buttonOpen the client. Run: DaiThanhVan.exePassword has been cut off :) you only need a ID to login

GM command : PLEASE ENABLE GM by doing this => go to: D:\DaiThanhVan\Server
open hotconf.xml
change: "<gm>0</gm>" to "<gm>1</gm>"

Link to GM commends: D:\DaiThanhVan\Server\bot\config\common\GmCmdListConfig.lua

ID Items go to : D:\DaiThanhVan\Server\bot\config\t_transferquest.lua

Funtions ( already written in SQL using navicat to open ): root/123456
Open venus ==> funtions ( try to mess up with it to know what it does )

IF YOU WANT TO ADD GOLD ==> navicat: root/123456 => venus => tables => tb_player_info
=> leftpoint ( left point that you need to add to your char to be mo powerfull)
=> blindgold/unblindgold/blindmoney/unblindmoney ( currency )
=> hunli/tipo/shenfa/jingshen ( attributes ) i dont remember correctly ( att/def/....)


:D The guys that re-config this files had hide the resource.
But, as a member of RageZone I and a couple of people are working on this will share you guys how to see the res and of course ( its included with SOURCE )
The Path.rar is the untouched file, so if you damage the client files and it doesnt work, you can unrar this to help fix it.
Path.rar contains very single files ( only scripts ) that need to be translated. Look below be 4 start to do anything !!
Steps: Turn off Protected_view on your computer ( if you dont know how see the img below )
0PLcDXH - [Share] Fancy3D - Fairy Way ( Phàm Nhân Tu Tiên ) - RaGEZONE Forums
Nbr561K - [Share] Fancy3D - Fairy Way ( Phàm Nhân Tu Tiên ) - RaGEZONE Forums
qqEGkby - [Share] Fancy3D - Fairy Way ( Phàm Nhân Tu Tiên ) - RaGEZONE Forums

Now you can see all folder and files you need to deal with.
Translate mainly scripts is in Config Folder
Translate mainly .SWF is in
resfile Folder
Last edited:
Server + chinese client:
please upload it to mega.nz
:D The guys that re-config this files had hide the resource.
But, as a member of RageZone I and a couple of people are working on this will share you guys how to see the res and of course ( its included with SOURCE )

1: Unrar the Path.rar which is included in the client folder.
2: Turn off Protected_view on your computer ( if you dont know how see the img below )
0PLcDXH - [Share] Fancy3D - Fairy Way ( Phàm Nhân Tu Tiên ) - RaGEZONE Forums
Nbr561K - [Share] Fancy3D - Fairy Way ( Phàm Nhân Tu Tiên ) - RaGEZONE Forums
qqEGkby - [Share] Fancy3D - Fairy Way ( Phàm Nhân Tu Tiên ) - RaGEZONE Forums

Updated :)

:) i dont say that what i share is parfait ( perfect ) still has bugs, you guys need to fix it if you want to make money from it.
if dont, this is enough for a offline player
== Have u read all the post ?

(All in client folder )
Translate mainly scripts is in Config Folder
Translate mainly .SWF is in
resfile Folder

use ur favorite tool to do.
auto attack / auto quest are working well but not safe for account login user only! how can i bring back user/pass login?
This one has been surprisingly fun and I've started digging into it for the purposes of translation and perhaps fixing some stuff up. If anybody else is interested, drop me a message on Discord and we'll chat.

Learning the engine (Fancy3D itself) has been a bit of a PITA since the documentation is all in moonrunes, but luckily, a bulk of the code itself is completely exposed lua, easy to edit and test changes for learning and developing. I haven't dug into the server side much, been mostly focused on the client at the moment, but no full source for either is unfortunate, but it seems the server utilizes a fair amount of lua for customization and logic on that side as well.

I have translation experience, but digging into those SWF files is a massive pain in the ass, and a decent amount of UI text is in there baked inside graphics and will need a proper editing (definitely not by me, I'm just a programmer) to be translated properly. The rest is in the .\config\str folder and several tablesets inside .\config itself. I've started keeping a reference of the folders and what they are used for since naming conventions are all over the place within the directory config structure. Another issue is that unlike many games, this one has no logic to resize text within a given region if it gets too large, so that also means that either A) Strings need to be very short in many places or B) The UI itself is edited in the SWF files to accomodate the strings.

The database structure is fairly simple and easy to get around and edit for what you want or need to do (barring the obtuse naming of some of them, hence why I've started keeping a reference for certain things like that), albeit the one provided with the server has some dirty entries from previous accounts which I have cleaned up in a slightly modified query.

There is an issue in the client that I've been trying to track down, albeit I'm not sure if it's an isolated issue with my PC or not and could use some assistance determining that. The client tends to start chugging after about an hour or so of continue play, whether that be in the foreground or background. I'm still trying to track this down using the debug mode and the profiling tools and such but it could be an engine-side issue that isn't easily fixable.

Anything else I find out or fix, I'll happily share.

Also, if anyone has the Vietnamese files, could they re-upload them somewhere? I was only able to get the Chinese ones, but would also like the Vietnamese ones for reference, comparison and archiving if possible.
accounts are haven't any password. You can only log in with your username. how can i fix this?
and we can't mysql side any change. game save self again. broken files. needed src

Yeah. Decently fun game, but it was wasted effort starting to translate and try to fix things without source, that, and the client has a REALLY nasty bug where after about an hour it'll deteriorate to the point of your FPS dropping into the single digits. Since I didn't have the engine code, I couldn't debug it beyond what was provided, which wasn't anything useful enough to find a bottleneck like that.