
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 7, 2006
Reaction score
GB From Poland
do you know some post or web site with only server realased by Shivajiva?
i think that realases are the best... it's not takeing so much time like othr server so make your server alive...;]
also i got other question,,, ;/ maybe u know how to edit char's honor to ger tier 1 2 3 sets? is there eny option to edit it in game by gm command? becouse when i am doing it with MDH it's not working
Or even more simple .additem 0 1 <item name>

So you don't have to search so much.

ok smart heads ;p so tell me..
when i .additem it is created in my inventory... yes correct..
but when i am trying to put items on my char there is a little problem....
"your honor rank isn't high enought to wear it"

soo is there eny gm command to edit honor in game...? it drives me maad;/
here is what i did,
i just went in MDH and removed the pvp ranking off of each item in the officers lounge and works perfect. just my 2 cents
The PvP sets aren't even good for most classes. Tier 3 Priest kicks the ass of Warlord's PvP.

To remove Honor Ranks to get items, just go into Navicat or Sqlyog, or whatever program you use. Open items_template table, and set the "requiredhonorank" to 0 for the PvP items.