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Should i Release RoseOnline Official Source Code ?

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Last of the OsRose Devs
Loyal Member
Oct 15, 2006
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It's not going to be any easier than the previous release. Possibly even worse if some of the files are corrupted as viewer said they were.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 12, 2012
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i realize its not going to be easy but what and how it say made it like "your to dumb for this so dont even think about bothering on this one since im sure you wont make any results" hes lucky i dont report him for injury and denigration of my intellect

EDIT: plus that hes post was totally off topic as is this as well for that mater
Last of the OsRose Devs
Loyal Member
Oct 15, 2006
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Some people just like to be mean for the fun of it.
Don't take it personally and try not to let it sour you on the whole community.
There are plenty of nice helpful people out there still

[ABE] I would prefer the source to be in 2010 format rather than 2012 as i don't have that version of VS
I suppose rose will compile on the free version but that still makes it tricky for me on this computer because I'm at work. lol
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 8, 2010
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I swear, in the time that the rose community has spent sitting around waiting for the source, two or three completely new games could have been written from scratch. So, very, productive.. Anyway, any common john can compile irose, most just copy over the engine and a few other things from the evo source. Why not just release them both together?
Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 22, 2006
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It would be nice if you release EVO Client + Server, the most important is the client, because all other client files are broken, my idea is change it to pre evo, that's why I need EVO one, would be easier, i think..Thanks a lot, will be waiting for release!

I never said that at all.

Anyway, I was away for the first two weeks of Jan and we've been busy since the 20th - totally forgot about this topic. I'm happy to give the the IROSE dump I have as-is like I said but it'd be up to all of you to get it working - I honestly don't have the time or interest in spending the time on it because we've got some big projects on the go. It only took me an hour or two to upgrade a couple of the projects to VS2012 so anyone can get it working. It has a couple of corrupt files from the dump but you can copy those from Evo without a problem as it's largely the same. It's useless if you won't put the time into getting it working though.
Junior Spellweaver
Nov 26, 2013
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Pepulin its not really pre-evo source,server and no one does have it its heavily modified EVO which u can do :D just simply re write the source i dont know how but if u have the knowledge and experience u can do it :)
Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 22, 2006
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That's why I asked about Client + Server (EVO), I need it fully working(Without missing files) to start working on it.

Pepulin its not really pre-evo source,server and no one does have it its heavily modified EVO which u can do :D just simply re write the source i dont know how but if u have the knowledge and experience u can do it :)
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 8, 2010
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it is much easier to compile pre evo using the irose source as opposed to the evo source
Junior Spellweaver
Nov 26, 2013
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ok , you guys where bashing me a while ago assuming u understood me wrong if u ever even went into the game with this source u would know that it has language issues due to missing packets its not that i don't want to help i just want to save some people from wasting days or weeks or even months of their time trying to fix something without a real ending or even a beginning . Done.
Last of the OsRose Devs
Loyal Member
Oct 15, 2006
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OK so i decided to dedicate a couple of days to working exclusively on the evo source files that were released a while back and I managed to get the client end working 100% using an osrose rev 81 server as the back end.
It required a bunch of fiddling around with packet encryptions and adding a ton of new logging functions to the client files to track down errors but it works.
This is the first time I really tried to get the thing working and I was expecting it to take a lot longer TBH.

Note: This was not compiled from the source in this thread since I already had a copy from way back. This release seems to be the same as far as i can tell though.

It has been a while since I first managed to actually compile the trose so I don't actually remember the steps very well.
If i remember correctly though, the only thing missing was a dll related to reading in the VFS. I substituted one created by Dragoon and it worked fine.

You do need a copy of the 137 client to put the files into though. The source doesn't include any of the resources need to make a viable client, just trose.exe, znzin (grphics engine) and all the other necessary dll and libs

So the message is don't lose hope. It is possible to get a working game with what we have already.

This particular client is very very pre-release though. It is in the middle of pre-alpha bug trapping by the looks of the way it is coded.

I am uploading the basic 137 client and will post a link here when it's complete.
I will have to ask Dragoon before releasing his VFS code.
otherwise please feel free to ask questions about this code and how I got it working.
I will do my best to answer questions but I will not set it up for you so please no requests for me to get onto teamViewer or that kind of thing.

So here is the 137 client.
The files dated march 4th to 6th are the ones that I created this week. The originals are still there with modified names. I added "_old" or "_original" to the names. Didn't want to lose the originals just in case.
The Trose.exe in this client already has encryption turned off.

The server I used is this.
I'm not going to give you a tutorial on setting up an osrose server. there are plenty of those already available. The method is the same with any of them.
Disclaimer: This is a rather primitive server that doesn't yet use QSD files for running quests. Not sure about AIP yet. haven't checked it.
This is also an Unmodified server, meaning that it still uses encrypted packets that you will quickly find do not match the encryption in the client. It is very easy to turn off encryption at both client and server. I will be happy to tell you precisely how when you reach that point. Just ask here
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Junior Spellweaver
Nov 26, 2013
Reaction score
OK so i decided to dedicate a couple of days to working exclusively on the evo source files that were released a while back and I managed to get the client end working 100% using an osrose rev 81 server as the back end.
It required a bunch of fiddling around with packet encryptions and adding a ton of new logging functions to the client files to track down errors but it works.
This is the first time I really tried to get the thing working and I was expecting it to take a lot longer TBH.

Note: This was not compiled from the source in this thread since I already had a copy from way back. This release seems to be the same as far as i can tell though.

It has been a while since I first managed to actually compile the trose so I don't actually remember the steps very well.
If i remember correctly though, the only thing missing was a dll related to reading in the VFS. I substituted one created by Dragoon and it worked fine.

You do need a copy of the 137 client to put the files into though. The source doesn't include any of the resources need to make a viable client, just trose.exe, znzin (grphics engine) and all the other necessary dll and libs

So the message is don't lose hope. It is possible to get a working game with what we have already.

This particular client is very very pre-release though. It is in the middle of pre-alpha bug trapping by the looks of the way it is coded.

I am uploading the basic 137 client and will post a link here when it's complete.
I will have to ask Dragoon before releasing his VFS code.
otherwise please feel free to ask questions about this code and how I got it working.
I will do my best to answer questions but I will not set it up for you so please no requests for me to get onto teamViewer or that kind of thing.

So here is the 137 client.
The files dated march 4th to 6th are the ones that I created this week. The originals are still there with modified names. I added "_old" or "_original" to the names. Didn't want to lose the originals just in case.
The Trose.exe in this client already has encryption turned off.

The server I used is this.
I'm not going to give you a tutorial on setting up an osrose server. there are plenty of those already available. The method is the same with any of them.
Disclaimer: This is a rather primitive server that doesn't yet use QSD files for running quests. Not sure about AIP yet. haven't checked it.
This is also an Unmodified server, meaning that it still uses encrypted packets that you will quickly find do not match the encryption in the client. It is very easy to turn off encryption at both client and server. I will be happy to tell you precisely how when you reach that point. Just ask here

You did the exact same thing Vetyst did a while back lol , we where planning to use this secretly , oh well great release :p

btw u could remove some useless stuff on the world server , char server and login server to make it less in size and faster to load , vetyst managed to make it run on 100 kb on world server x.x
Last of the OsRose Devs
Loyal Member
Oct 15, 2006
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The way I see it is this.
I've just shown that it is possible to make a server/client that works. And works in a fairly stable way from what I could tell in the hour or so that I ran around attempting to make it crash.
To a certain extent I will help others to get to this point also but like I said, I'm not going to do the work for them

Beyond that it is up to the individual or team to do what they like with it.
I plan to mess around with both server and client quite extensively to test out a whole load of interesting ideas that I have. That stuff will NOT be made public however.

Can't say I'm surprised that Vetyst got to this point and beyond. he always seemed pretty capable when we worked together on RoseZA
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 13, 2012
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I will start with this server and client and let see where i can get with it
Junior Spellweaver
Nov 26, 2013
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I will start with this server and client and let see where i can get with it

u mean purpleyoukos server files that he provided well if u do yeah go ahead :D , just needs some bug fixes :D
Junior Spellweaver
Nov 26, 2013
Reaction score
you know what since rose is pretty much going the way it should be going , am gonna upload a map editor src that u can use to re write or whatever u want to do with it anyways here it is



i dunno if it was released some where or not but oh well here it is hf :) hopefully some one will actually do something with this and release it

Maybe some day i will release the Trose source , atleast half of it if i feel like it :p.

Edit : Reuploaded the 1st link try now :)

Credits : Xadet
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Experienced Elementalist
Sep 4, 2013
Reaction score
you know what since rose is pretty much going the way it should be going , am gonna upload a map editor src that u can use to re write or whatever u want to do with it anyways here it is



i dunno if it was released some where or not but oh well here it is hf :) hopefully some one will actually do something with this and release it

Maybe some day i will release the Trose source , atleast half of it if i feel like it :p.

Very nice for you to share, but the first link is down. v.v
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