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Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 18, 2007
Reaction score
Yodo - Signature - RaGEZONE Forums

Rate please
Yodo - Signature - RaGEZONE Forums

Hey made a new one could you rate my other one and this one please!
I posted two times because dont want to keep making new post but if i have to just say lol?
Dude never used the edit buttom before? First one looks good but to plain for my taste, and thats really plain since im a fan of plain signatures.

Second one renders doesnt fit the background and ruins the whole signature.
Yodo - Signature - RaGEZONE Forums

Well i read your comments and i thought the first one was to blank but on the second one i tryed but i like the background on the second one tbh but the picture could of been blended in abit the white trip suck.
The signatures are basic, I'm really tired of people posting more than one sig in a thread and don't look up tutorials. Yes it's always a good thing to learn on your own, but tutorials will help. Also kid, learn to use puncuation. It is REALLY hard to follow what anyone says when that particular user fails to use them.
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