Silkroad Online Game Engine

Jul 30, 2012
Reaction score
Israel Forever
maybe someone know what game engine joymax using for silkroad online because after lot of search i see that joymax using engine called Core 3d something like that maybe they changed the engine like NCsoft that changed CryEngine 1 for aion using costume madeself about aion i am sure about silkroad i am not
Joymax isn't using a game engine from another company (e.g. Unreal Engine, Cry Engine, Unity, etc.). Silkroad's engine has been made privately and independently from scratch via 3Ds Max Design and has been implemented with DirectX libs into the C++ sourcecode.

Recalling objects and caching those. Upon leaving a grid, destroying those meshes (loaded caches) again. Easy. (Tho, what other game developers keep failing hard on ... ARK Survival Evolved, Trove, Warframe, ... even Joymax was that smart getting advantage of C++ and DirectX).
Joymax isn't using a game engine from another company (e.g. Unreal Engine, Cry Engine, Unity, etc.). Silkroad's engine has been made privately and independently from scratch via 3Ds Max Design and has been implemented with DirectX libs into the C++ sourcecode.

Recalling objects and caching those. Upon leaving a grid, destroying those meshes (loaded caches) again. Easy. (Tho, what other game developers keep failing hard on ... ARK Survival Evolved, Trove, Warframe, ... even Joymax was that smart getting advantage of C++ and DirectX).

"Recalling objects and caching those. Upon leaving a grid, destroying those meshes (loaded caches) again" ....hmm did not think of that. Could be useful in my project. Thanks
"Recalling objects and caching those. Upon leaving a grid, destroying those meshes (loaded caches) again" ....hmm did not think of that. Could be useful in my project. Thanks
Sure the fact is, if you are loading your cache with given objects, like models of structures, players, monsters, NPCs, etc. you have to write down those files down to the RAM and as given for rendering your VRAM.
Upon doing so, it will fill up by time and won't empty them.
It is not fairly necessary deleting those loaded files, when you are up to creating a small game (e.g. Dungeon Crawlers, Dungeon Defenders, Unreal Tournament Maps, CS Maps, etc., all those game "areas" which will be presistent over a special duration).
But MMORPGs need to destroy and rebuild regions, towns, monsters, etc.

Trove for example (a Voxel game, idea stolen by Cube World) had made that mistake by skipping that command on their latest patches, which resulted into heavy frame drops. Their world is created via RNG (MMORPG themed), endlessly. Upon leaving the already visited regions, they still were rendered from far away.
Usually people were hitting 60~200 FPS, even I. But for the bug, 25~30 FPS. Not a real efficient code usage.
Joymax isn't using a game engine from another company (e.g. Unreal Engine, Cry Engine, Unity, etc.). Silkroad's engine has been made privately and independently from scratch via 3Ds Max Design and has been implemented with DirectX libs into the C++ sourcecode.

Recalling objects and caching those. Upon leaving a grid, destroying those meshes (loaded caches) again. Easy. (Tho, what other game developers keep failing hard on ... ARK Survival Evolved, Trove, Warframe, ... even Joymax was that smart getting advantage of C++ and DirectX).
instant to using such old graphic engine i hope they will convert the game soon to better engine such as unreal then the game will be revived again don't you think so?
instant to using such old graphic engine i hope they will convert the game soon to better engine such as unreal then the game will be revived again don't you think so?
That would be truely good, since Unreal Engine is a very smooth and quite performance friendly engine. Eh, even my dual core laptop can run Unreal Tournament 3 on half way maxed!

But the problem is, we do know Joymax's greedy attitude.
Using another company's engine will result into income distribution. Unreal Engine claims 30% of the income, Unity around 26% of the cake. Whether using an engine, it is good searching for the compatible one, which should, at best, have the best range from low end hardware based PCs up to the high tiers.

Another point is, we do see the progression on Silkroad, Silkroad-R and Legend of Silkroad.
The last one has been canceled for an "unknown" period, but we all know, that is just the end of Silkroad 2, yet. They won't revive it. No customers, no one had attention for it, and so on.
Silkroad and Silkroad-R are loosing constantly customers, gamers, even goldbot companies are retiring from the game.
Servers getting merged because of, Joymax's quote:
"Better server stability (//dafuq? I joined Venus couple weeks ago, it is lagging like hell. Pservers do even have a better ping between host and client) and getting more interaction with other players", but the truth is, we all know, decreasing the server count from 40+ to, what is it right now? 4 servers? ...

I do actually have no hope seeing Silkroad getting advanced graphics, more content, a great revival.
It is just too late. Even "Arabian Nights" has been released due to desperate actions - losing players, getting back their attention.
I just want too see the next race, but might be just a dead-wish already.
GM-Xia - Silkroad Online Game Engine - RaGEZONE Forums
silkroad online game engine K2 engine and later SimpleViewer tool this tool have megamax and joymax maybe we hack joymax try kali linux metasploit?