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Skill effects change each level WZ 

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 4, 2013
Reaction score
Anyone know way to change the effect of a skill when it reaches a certain point? For example, when Power Strike reaches Lv.11 from 10 it turns red instead of yellow. Is there a way I could do that with any skill?

Oh and, is there also a way to make the !Job command work for anyone without giving the other GM commands to everyone too?

I would be very grateful if this could be possible. I have a huge goal for Wz editing and I am trying to use a logical approach. :)
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 13, 2012
Reaction score
Which source are you using? The !Job question isn't wz related, but it I can actually help with. I'm basing what I'm telling you on SourceDEV v116, and I figure most others will be relatively the same.

1. Open up your source in Netbeans or Eclipse.
2. Open up client.messages.commands
3. Open up GMCommand.Java
4. Search for Job. You should find a class that says: "public static class Job extends Command Execute{"
5. Select everything stating from public all the way to the end brace of the class.
6. Right click the selection and hit cut (or copy, but if you're letting every char do it, no reason for it to be there and in the GM comands).
7. Open PlayerCommand.Java
8. Find some other command (for example STR) and paste it right before that.
9. Save everything and you should be done.

I didn't test it so let me know if something's wrong. Also, doing it this way I *think* will make it an @ command instead of ! But that partly depends on your sources implementation.