
I have somewhat the same problem
I cant sleep at nights, so i sleep during day at school.Now its exams and i dont sleep for 5 days, then i sleep about 15-20 hours in weekend (longest i've slept was 32 hours).
During nights what i do and i cant sleep...where around here during nights its like p0rn paradise, so yeah, you can imagine :D
Exclamatio said:
what dyou do when you cant sleep?

because i cant seem to sleep for ages :/

kinda annoying lol

i suffer with insomnia, it comes and goes but when i cant sleep i just do what i would do in the day... (plays mir, ps2 or do homework) time goes quicker when every1 else is asleep... any1 else notice that?
STEELY said:
i just ly in the dark tbh thinkin of random crap i wonder wot it wud be like if i was invisible what would i do....tis wierd lol the mind jus floats off

If that ever happens to me id use it to spy on u and cap at night while ur yanking ur plank the weird noises u hear but dunno where its from will be me and if u see mysterious white stuff flying everywhere just pretend its snow :) and eat it lol
well if you go gym and exercise during the day, then when your head hits the pillow your out like a light!

otherwise, just imagine an ocean, and the sound of crashing waves, always works for me.
STEELY said:
but if the oppertunity ever arises i will have a plan :)
Yeah because it's so hard to think what you could do... i mean you could pick your nose, or watch tv... or go to some girls locker room and check them out. :D
STEELY said:
i just ly in the dark tbh thinkin of random crap i wonder wot it wud be like if i was invisible what would i do....tis wierd lol the mind jus floats off

I sometimes do that poop lol helps me drift. :drooling1
Faint- said:
Yeah because it's so hard to think what you could do... i mean you could pick your nose, or watch tv... or go to some girls locker room and check them out. :D
ahh the possibilitys are endless, i jus think of random crap like hmmm wot wud i do wit money if i won the lottery....ah imagin i was playin in the premiership....mmm i wonder wot the moon tastes like ^_^
lol, i usually think about life b4 i go 2 sleep, like how my days been and what i want in life and i'm gonna get it. Then sumtimes when i look up in the stars(coz bed is directly under window) i think about other worlds, like are they well involved or not so compared 2 us. It really gets me thinkin.

When i want 2 fall asleep and i cant, i usually find a really boring book and start reading, it tends 2 help me sleep.