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some little questions about mangos...

Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 5, 2006
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hi ppl,
i know its not nice for a new member to ask serveral questions right from the start, but i'm watching this forum quite for a while now without registering because i tried to solve the problems on my own. I'm running a funserver based on BloodScavengers Repack which certainly has a higher xp/droprate but also a few little extras i created on my own, like portalstones which ports you to every capital city or some potions which have nice powers like mounting you or spells. but now i'll post my questions:

1)i need custom mounts like a hovering dragon and so on, i've read in a post that i have to edit the dbc files, but i do not know which file. i've opened some but there are just numbers in cells without description so i don't know what to edit ^^.

2)the variables in the mangosd.conf to change the life of monsters don't seem to work because i changed all to 0.2 and all bosses/rares/elites have the same hp as written in the creature_template, for example about 2millions hp for "ouro" in an'quiraj40. i dont think the parameter changes the whole table and saves it...

3)i have about 5 vendors who sell custom created but not overpowered items, but i need items that enchant my items. maybe a little package with all required reagents and an item with the enchant spell on it and a second spell which gives you temporary the needed skill in enchanting. but the only thing i reached was an item with the enchanting spell and a possible enchanting skill of 225 (expert). my skill level was at 1, but i could reach 225...it doesnt work that way so how could i manage this?

sorry for the questions but i'm new to mysql and so on...i had a funserver at good old wowemu but mangos is a little bit better :) .
thanks in advance for helping me and if you don't understand anything just write it because i'm a german and not good at english ;)
Oct 20, 2006
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You don't need to edit any DBCs to get a hovering dragon. Just add a creature into your database with ID 15135, then teach yourself spell 24576 (Chromatic Mount). Voila! You have a dragon mount. :biggrin:
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 5, 2006
Reaction score
does the spell use the monster 15135 or is this just a random number...how can i create more custom mounts then just one?i dont think there are many mount spells with creatures that arent used yet ^^
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
does the spell use the monster 15135 or is this just a random number...how can i create more custom mounts then just one?i dont think there are many mount spells with creatures that arent used yet ^^

I will help a little

to make a costum mount u need a item model thats shows in ur bag like 1283

this will have a little grey bag in ur bagpack in game

then u need the mount spell

all mounts are spells

so if u have ur server running check ur spell list out and use sum to see the mounts just do a search in notepad/context for like saber or the name u know that are mounts :)

do a learn on ur self and check it out in game write it down and u know it for makeing it .. Best thing to get is mangos dbase handler and make a new item with it search for riding turtle and take his info on ur newly creating item but change the model like 1283 and the spell you need to have for your mounts you checked in spell tab and make sure the thing says USE leave zeros 0 0 0 0 :)

in one of the tabs in riding turtle you see a flag copy that number in to your newly created item

if u are making your item make sure you have it selected and do edit continue coz if u switch back to riding turtle you will lose your settings in ur item your making :) just a hint hope this can be of any help wich u asked for to MAKE a mount ...not to learn it.....

One more thing the enchantings bags you can find in AFG 3.0 if u know it u remeber you had a guy there selling enchant bag packs :)

get this repack and use the scp files to get item numbers and more...that were custom....hope this can help more people to make a fun server out of mangos :)
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Oct 20, 2006
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Yes, the spell uses the creature with ID 15135. If you want to make more custom mounts, then you WILL have to edit spell.dbc. PM me if you need me to run you through editing it. :wink:
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 5, 2006
Reaction score
thank you both for helping me out at this point. every little answer helps me to know a little bit more about the stuff :).
@ Neosophye, the spell list you spoke of is the character_spell, isn't it? but there arent names in it...i think i have a blackout now or i'm understanding you incredibly wrong ^^.
to the enchanting stuff, i know that there were bags with all reagents in it but i think they werent working or just for the visuell effect. but the spell id and so on must ne the same i think. ahhh i'll try it thanks :D.

whats about the hp of the monsters? a stupid elite below my level is still pwning me because it has too much lives...:(

edit: ah i see you mean the spells list of the mdh. now i know how to change it...that was the list i used for creating the potion which mounts you 1 time.thx

edit2: i tried the thing with the enchanting, but it doesnt work. in the afg repack you get all the items needed for the enchanting and a stone with the spell on it, that was exactly the same as i tried yesterday. when i use it it just modifys my cursor (the one with a blue border around it)but clicking on an item dont change anything. i tried it both while equipping that item or having it in my inventory. thats bad a funserver must have an enchanting vendor :(
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Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 5, 2006
Reaction score
the reason why i am posting in this old thread is very simple, i solved the ******* enchanting problem and now have items which are able to enchant. but i need to know the following to make all perfect:

in column 59 and 60 of the spell.dbc there is the required itemclass for the enchant, and i want to enchant shirts. column 59 must be 4 (armor itemclass), but which subclass are shirts?

is it in any way possible to have more enchants then just one on an item?

thanks so far..
Oct 20, 2006
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And, no, you can't have more than 1 enchant on an item (with the exception of temporary enchants)
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 5, 2006
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that would mean that shirts are miscellaneous as subclass wouldn't it?but i think in the spell.dbc there are other definitions because "all melee weapons" have an id about 180000 and daggers 32768. what i mean is i want the itemgroup itself and not what its made of.for example, 4,4 would mean then that the enchant could be cast on every plate mail, but i want the specific itemtype like bracers or shoulders.hope you know what i mean.

but temporary enchants must have just a different setting, maybe they have just another group id.but i dont find the right columns.
Oct 20, 2006
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Oh, you mean inventory type. The inventory type for shirts is 4.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 5, 2006
Reaction score
no, this is also not what i mean.all the things u said are in the item_template arent they?pls look in the spell.dbc, find the id 20034 and look at column 60. there is a number about 18000, which means all melee weapons.iam searching this value but for shirts.i tried all numbers i thought that could be shirts(the numbers you said+some others i thought they might be it).but i dont find the right...argh thats annoying why didnt the game developers reveal all their secrets? :D

edit:by the way, do you have any ideas for a funserver?i dont know anymore what i should implent ^^
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