Some MAJOR bugs

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Junior Spellweaver
Dec 22, 2006
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now here comes the difficult part of fixing the bugs in my server..plz help me...

1). this happens only wid HK char...i did a @MYLEVEL/200 and got to 200 and now after killing even a memora i lvl up t o250 and get 500 stat pts....doesnt happen wid other chars......any solution ??

2). the price of a UJ shows to be 1.5 kk but actually 400 kk are deducted frm inventory...same whn u sell u get 40kk wz...plz help..

3).. THE BIGGIE...
MY GENERAL WINDOW CHAT DOESNT SHOW UP if i say 'Hi' in the general chat...i dont get the text on the screen...but the character does a certain animation...ditto wid macros... PLZ all chats fine..

4). G10 helmet spwans(thro' SQL tables) but even after wearing doesnt show in the invt or on the char...but the def. increases...plz help...

1. @MYLEVEL/ codes works in a strange way. It should not be used for gaining stat points. It was solely made for changing the value of the Level and nothing else. Using this for stat change will only cause complications.

2. That problem with the UJ happens because of edited server files. The guy who used the server files before you must have edited the price of UJ to 400k. You change it back by editing the files in Item Folder of your ZoneData

3. This problem was mentioned earlier by some other member too. This also occurs due to corrupt server files or corrupt databases. It can be considered a unique problem as other chat modes work but General and all of these are a part of the same table and are defined by the same values.

4. Please post the codes you are using for the helmets here. I will fix them and post them here. You should be able to use them after that. Thank You.
I am still thinking about 1-3

But for 4,

When you spawn an item, a certain code is generated through the server to SQL. Generally, when the server spawns an item (Eg. @ITEM?6144:) the equipment will appear as unidentified. When identified by an identifier, the code gets randomly generated to produce the opts and level.

If you spawn a item through SQL, which means you manually put in a code into the WEAR or INV, you are manually inserting a item into the server, which means the server won't attempt to correct the code,

Simply put, the G10 helmet code was wrong. Most likely in the second set of codes.

Try this, take the first set of codes (eg. 6144:1243:3343:1)

and just put it into SQL so it appears like this INV=6144;/PET

The server will attempt to complete the code for you so that it doesn't bug.
About the 1,

The @MYLEVEL command is not really used for gaining levels.

This is because, if you want your GM char to properly get the levels, (eg. lvl 160)

You should not type @MYLEVEL?160

Because this only modifies your character level in SQL. It does NOT modify your EXP and remaining stat points. If you want to do the character the legit way, simply go into SQL and edit the level and exp. Then calculate and edit your stat points correspondingly.

I got a feeling it has got to do with the shopinfo file in the client side and server side. I forgot what the file name is already but if you use a ull decoder and convert it to excel form, you can actually edit the price.

My guess is, your client's shopinfo files is the ORIGINAL shopinfo file, while the server's files is MODIFIED.

EDIT: The file name is GT.ULL!!
About the 1,

The @MYLEVEL command is not really used for gaining levels.

This is because, if you want your GM char to properly get the levels, (eg. lvl 160)

You should not type @MYLEVEL?160

Because this only modifies your character level in SQL. It does NOT modify your EXP and remaining stat points. If you want to do the character the legit way, simply go into SQL and edit the level and exp. Then calculate and edit your stat points correspondingly.

i wasnt retying to gain lvls or stat pts.....just checking out random things on the server when i came across question was why does my level go to 250 even after killing just one memora or any other creep !!!!

THANKS Legendary and insane ...
Post the codes of the G10 Helmet you were trying to use here. I will fix them up so they will work for you.

Hope I am of help.


hers the code for the complete G10 mage set ( ele + non ele)...i used these and the helmet doesnt show up whn i wear shows in the invt tho'...the first 5 are ele and the 1st and 6th are helmet codes (99%)...ill post a screenshot later....

THNX agn !!
G10 will never show in ara3 client!

Yes. It does. That guy just has a problem with the helmet because the code was given wrong by Akaruz. A "0" is missing which needs to be added in at the end of the item option. Thats the reason its not showing.
Thats all. Not coz of the incompatibility of the client or soemthin else.
hey thnx...
btw i spawned another helmet thro' the chat and after i dentifiaction i can see it whn i wear it....but this is a GREAT bug coz my other helmet was never 'un'weared' and now i have the def of two G10 helms..:eek:

ill be posting the screenies of the two helmets being worn...just w8 a few upload bandwidth is sick...

There you go. Edited codes for the helmet.

And yeah, do remove the second helmet using SQL as early as possible. It often tends to create wrong entries in the DB's making the problem a whole and the whole server might end up having the option to wearing 2 which cannot be fixed again unless the DB's are replaced.
To remove the excess hidden helmet, do this, take off ALL your equipment, which includes your rings and necklances until the entire nine boxes of your wear slots are empty.

Then go to SQL, locate your character's data, and edit the WEAR=/ line. Erase everything until the WEAR= is blank.



To this

okey i just understanded wrongly....
too many time passed since i stopped running a3 private server....

i thought he was talking about unique-armor set.....
and that's why i said it won't appear in ara3 client.
Hi agn...
this time i have a bug with the G9 uniques..
i used the item codes 1146 through 1154 to spawn them...
but after identification mage staffs donot have any special attributes like raise evasion and all...they also aapear as white blocks in the inventory....after wearing thm a G10 ele staff shows up...but the attack power is seriously decreased...all other uniques working fine....plz help...
code wrong.. ???
isnt it 1149
and 1150
for the two mage classes ??
(these are from Akaruz's post)
i did an @ITEM?1149:

and if thses are wrong...cud u plz post the correct ones ??


EDIT: no need to post the codes...i found them...


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