Something different...

Human Version 2.35
Loyal Member
Jun 25, 2006
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Ever heard of a Chapman Stick? Well, basically, this instrument is a big guitar-like fretboard, with 12, or 10 string, and is played by tapping the strings with both hands.
I discovered about this instrument pretty long ago, when DaCheat posted a vid of some dude playing the Mario Theme on a 11 string bass, and some dude playing the Chapman Stick. Got interested in this instrument only recently. A quick search in YouTube turned up this awesome artist - Rob Martino. Man, this guy is amazing, and the fact that he uses a rather unusual instrument makes it even more interesting for me.

Check out his stuff at his MySpace:

Just thought I'll share it with you guys ;)
duck that's awesome, I just listened to One cloud and it just makes all the stress flow out of me.

Great find!
That's pretty awesome.
Hes like the whole strings section of a band.
By himself.
Fantastic sound.... Im gonna check that stuff closely.
This guy is awesome. He plays the entire song of Vampira by Devin Townsend. Which is Ducking amazing.
