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spell.dbc and other

Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 5, 2006
Reaction score
hi there,
i am making a funserver with mangos and want more than just higher drops/xp but thats difficult so i need lots of help although i have learned the most things by myself.

which column in the spell.dbc is for what parameter? i know column 21 is for the cooldown and 31 for the duration (an ID of spellduration.dbc). i learned this by trying but i dont know which column is for the casting animation, the spell animation, the damage/or in general stat a spell have? i tryed and tryed but still dont know...second, how can i increase the speed of mounts? this must be also in the spell.dbc but i dont find it.

now to the other questions:
1)how can i increase the character run speed?
2)how can i change the ingame music?i already found the zonemusic.dbc and zoneintromusictable.dbc but there are just numbers, no paths to the music files. so i dont know how to change them.
3)which resolution must a loadingscreen have?

woha lots of questions but i hope you can help me in my work, so thanks in advance :D
it doesnt work. i have edited the loadingscreens.dbc to point to one file which is located in interface/glues/loadingscreens. But wow still uses the old files and also different ones for each location, not only one as i configured.
i created a picture using photoimpact and converted it with several programs to blp, so i dont think the format is wrong
I have a similar question, except all I want to do is double the sell back price on all items, do I have to do each one individually (or use a sql statement to do it all at once) or is there some place where I can change one number and MANGOS gives double the money that is set in the sell back price column? If not, this would be a great thing to add to the conf file or something.
make a query in navicat or whatever you are using

UPDATE ITEM_TEMPLATE SET sellprice = sellprice * 2;

this doubles the money you get selling the items
Yeah, thanks, I was hoping there was a way to leave the sell price alone and change it using a multiplier in the config file (I used to run a Ragnarok Online Server and the emu I used had all kinds of things like that in the config file so you didn't have to edit the actual tables themselves...) Maybe I should submit this to MANGOS' development forum or something. :-)
Changing ingame music

Well I don't know much about dbc-s, but you can change the ingame music by changing a file in the client. For this you need the following:
-WoW client 1.12.x or lower
-Visual Basic runtime enviroment

So if you have all this all you need to do is open a file named sounds.MPQ (located in C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Data or wherever you installed the game) with WinMPQ. Extract the whole file in a temporary dir and search for the music you want to change. Replace it, (make sure you use the same filename of the original mediafile or else it won't work) and after that create a new MPQ archive and add the whole content of your temporary directory to it. Now rename the original sounds.MPQ and put your new MPQ archive in the Data directory and name it sounds.MPQ. Theoretically this should work.
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i had the same idea waxman but i think there must be anywhere the path to the files, but i think i will do it you way. it is just a little bit crappy if i want only 1 file and need to copy it over and over again.
xmasta, you have to put the loadingscreens.dbc in your MangOS\DBC folder, and also add it to a custom path MPQ, then put it in World of Warcraft\Data.
eg. create an MPQ named "patch-3.mpq", then add the loadingscreens.dbc to it
here is my mpq file with loadingscreens.dbc and loadingscreen.blp in it. please look if you find any mistake because i dont find one and it doesnt work. thx


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Here you go: . You had it packed wrong (kept saying it was corrupted) and also named wrong, so I fixed it for you. I suggest you use MyWarcraftStudio in future to create your MPQs, it's great! ^,^ Oh, when you make an MPQ with MyWarcraftStudio, make sure you click "sort listfile", then "repack archive", then it will be fine. Also, make sure you put this directly in the Data folder in your WoW directory.
i tried winmpq but if i name it patch-4.mpq wow say it is corrupt so i named it patch_e.mpq...cause i have a nudepatch ( :D ) which name is patch_n.mpq and it works^^.
but yours work also so i am happy hehe.
i have a new question...i have created a new spell.dbc with for example a lower cooldown for the hearthstone. if i put the file in mangos/dbc it works, but if i import this into the patch-4.mpq so the client has it too, wow crashes if i hover any item which has a spell on it. but the client must have the new spell.dbc because i created a new spell that is on an item and must be used to be casted. another new spell worked altough the client didnt have the new spell.dbc, but this was triggered by equip because using didnt work.

the crash message:

This application has encountered a critical error:

ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal Exception
Program: C:\Programme\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe
Exception: 0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 001B:0064A3D0

The instruction at "0x0064A3D0" referenced memory at "0x06848E84".
The memory could not be "read".
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