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[Sponsoring] Dedicated Servers

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Divine Celestial
Aug 29, 2011
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Re: Sponsoring Dedicated Servers

I've applied before but i didn't seem to get any reply from you but ill apply here once more.

Applying for Metin2:

My name is Zein I've been working on metin2 servers for atleast 2 years i do all my work alone and i don't take anybodies help unless its someone who I trust. I use to work for NleadO gaming network but they leader left the network because he was entering college and he had no time. I am a person who really likes to work I've been looking for a host in a while and i found a couple but i prefer a gaming network.

Here is a couple of screen shots.

Nekses - [Sponsoring] Dedicated Servers - RaGEZONE Forums

Nekses - [Sponsoring] Dedicated Servers - RaGEZONE Forums

If you are interested working with me please send me a pm and ill reply with how you can contact me.


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Flyff Developer
Loyal Member
Oct 14, 2011
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Re: Sponsoring Dedicated Servers

@Nekses: Can you please PM me your email. (Private Person)
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 17, 2011
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Re: Sponsoring Dedicated Servers

Well, I can code, but only Java + Java Script(NPC Scripting). I wish to start a project for Maplestory. I'm going to code the "repack" or source. Currently, i cannot code(because i do not have a computer available to either Java, or Netbeans.), so thus the need for the Dedicated Server. I will finish the base-features, bug fixes, and so on so forth. Once it is done, which is about 1 week approximately, i will start the server, and have more features, and they will be custom. I hope i can get sponsored. Add me on MSN.(thoughtxd@hotmail.com)
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Now you can tag me!
Loyal Member
May 26, 2009
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Re: Sponsoring Dedicated Servers

I know that Queen Flyff went down after 2 weeks (because alot of hackers are messing around in gtop100, they are always targeting some servers that has a good features like mine)

And i know that my files are better than your server (my server is full v18 and yours is just a rubbish v15-17 server)

Need proof? (I'll give some screenshot's when i get at home)

@Nekses, dont trust that person because we are a mortal enemy. (He is a player when Queen Flyff went up, means he/she love the features of my server). And why Queen Flyff went down? because our sql has'nt anti-sql in that time (and its not protected) and now the one who hacked the server will now working/join our team. No worries and server will be safe.


I never even played Queen FlyFF, and i would never consider doing so either. My server is above top 10 of the best FlyFF servers, yours was below 40.

Do I need to stay more?

I can also add. You created your server without any any features you have created yourself. Your server was based on the files that the official flyff have, meaning you did nothing with improve your server files. You only took some pre-released poop and mixed it into some server files. My server is filled with features and customs you could only dream about creating.

And your server went down because of security issues? What does that tell you`? If you can't handle hackers, which my server have been doing for years, you shouldn't even consider creating a server.

Once again, Good luck with your recruitment. :thumbup:

:: I registered on your website, as YyZz. ::
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Junior Spellweaver
Jul 6, 2011
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Re: Sponsoring Dedicated Servers

I would love to apply my plan in your project as sponsoring dedicated servers.

I have a v18 files (from my last server Queen Flyff v18), if you want to check them (you can, feel free). If you want to talk more about me and my files (we can talk it via MSN/Skype)

Sorry, if this messege is bit small because you dont have an application in your thread but i will change it if you will put an application.

And if your interested, just give me a signal (via PM) so i can tell/pm my contact to you.

Thanks for reading,

@JV..hmm..hi dude?new account again in RZ??wow ur files good!its v18..hehe..good luck...

@Nekses..dude..don't hire some people that doesn't know what he doing..:)
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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 27, 2010
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Re: Sponsoring Dedicated Servers

Greetings, i used to be the owner of flyff server named angelicum flyff. It went to top 8 before but we need to make it off because of lack budget for dedication. I read that you are sponsoring a dedicated server, i have my files here already and staffs to make the server. Pm me if you want to know more or for some information. I am hoping for your reply.

Contact me on:
FB: lovekosijego@yahoo.com
ymail: jego_alberto06@yahoo.com
ymessenger: jego_alberto06@yahoo.com
hotmail: jego_alberto06@yahoo.com
Flyff Developer
Loyal Member
Oct 14, 2011
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Re: Sponsoring Dedicated Servers

How to fix your problem, in msn by adding friends/contact?

Best Answer: Both of you must add each other's email, and 90% sure it will work.

(This might help your problem) :wink:
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 29, 2008
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Re: Sponsoring Dedicated Servers

I'm sponsoring:

  • Jade Dynasty
  • Metin 2
  • Ran Online
  • Perfect World (PW)
  • Conquer Online
  • Gunbound
  • Fiesta Online
  • Rising Force Online (RF)
  • Iris Online
  • Dragonica
  • MU Online
  • Flyff
  • MU Online
  • Maplestory
  • Runescape
  • Fiesta Online
  • Aion Online
  • World of Warcraft
If you have an idea or a project that is not listed here, write me a private message.

You could do a gaming-project at my network (bloody.eu) or you could start your own project.

Answer here
Write a private message

:thumbup:interested, how to be emailed you privately?
this is my email : hendra@unlip.com or hendradell@gmail.com
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 8, 2009
Reaction score
Re: Sponsoring Dedicated Servers


i am wondering if u would sponsor me a dedicated server i want to make a cabal online server i know a lot about cabal and how to setup everything i hope it will be a success and i hope u could sponsor me, waiting on Ur response

Greetings, Levi
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