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Sprite Id wing replacement

Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 19, 2006
Reaction score
this is for who have problem view id Wing..

this is example replace id bomb wink with wing :

1st u go find sprite id at idnumresnametable.txt

p/s : 2279#Bomb_Wick# and name sprite are 2279#
i have this wing

but when i equip it it goes into this

can u tell me how to fix it....
this is my db
13599,dragon,dragon,5,1000000,10,,,10,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,256,,65,1,230-290,{ bonus bAllStats,100; },{},{}
13599 is NOT the sprite ID, it's the item ID. Completely different thing.

it's the end of your db:

13599,dragon,dragon,5,1000000,10,,,10,,1,0xFFFFFFF F,7,2,256,,65,1,230-290,{ bonus bAllStats,100; },{},{}

change the 230-290 to either 230 OR 290. Then you'll have to find the correct name for the sprite using the ID 230/290/whatever if you're going to replace.

There's information on how to make custom items on the eAthena forums
this is stupid old shit go and try XRay its a nice exe [Creator Meruru] you cann ad with xray 64000 custom items look here and search the forum for Xray
xray is a exe with texducuments called tabs when you download the newest exe you hae many tabs putt all in your data and for a guide look at the creator board
yes i got tabs but i donno how to use... hmmm how can my valkyrie helm and some other helm not seen nor some arent exist...


Gtg to my bf's house....
13599 is NOT the sprite ID, it's the item ID. Completely different thing.

it's the end of your db:

13599,dragon,dragon,5,1000000,10,,,10,,1,0xFFFFFFF F,7,2,256,,65,1,230-290,{ bonus bAllStats,100; },{},{}

change the 230-290 to either 230 OR 290. Then you'll have to find the correct name for the sprite using the ID 230/290/whatever if you're going to replace.

There's information on how to make custom items on the eAthena forums

i have make tht now...about the sprite id..where should i put it?? can tell me? now i can make the item
but the item is not showing...thts my prob @@"

Try using the search function there as there's a guide on how to do it
I suggest using Xray for custom gears, because once you change your client, view IDs change too.

Xray allows up to 65k custom head gears and hairstyles

It can be found here