Star Wars Galaxies

emulation only, but in chinese and i never seen them but i know there is a emulation
I myself am rather interested in these files... if anyone has anymore details whatsoever, (Or even wishs to assist me in locating them.) please let me know. (I'd also be willing to make an effort towards hosting the server, provided it isn't TOO resource heavy.)

Again, MANY many thanks in advance.
Yeah, it's greatly changed since then. Main thing to do is group up with others, TONS of fun killing things in groups if you ask me. And on another topic, still trying to find those files, not being able to locate them.
So is there going to be a server file thing...? I would love to have the emulation file also because I can play by myself till someone releases some server files on the game..! Thanks a lot and if you know where they are please let me know. Peace.