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Sub or dub?

We are Maverick!
Loyal Member
Feb 27, 2009
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Agreeing with Tri here. Dubs are usually horrible to listen to so subs all the way.
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 21, 2007
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When I watch Animes, then subbed. I don't like dubbed because they try to fit the sentences with the lips, sometimes needing to rewrite something altogether. Also voice acting!
Aug 20, 2010
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At first i always used to watch english dubbed animes, but when i started to watch subbed ones, i was like "What the f*ck, this is just better then watching dubbed versions!" The reason for me are in english certain sentences are actually spoken too fast.

Wich in subbed versions isn't the case at all.
Flyff Developer
Loyal Member
Oct 14, 2011
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Sorry for this silly or stupid question, but for honest, I really don't know what sub and dub is.

If you guys don't mind, can you tell me what is sub and dub so I can choose if I know them and actually English is my 2nd language '80% of english my english is now fluent' (im not joking, and im a bit interested to know it)
Flyff Developer
Loyal Member
Oct 14, 2011
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Ok now I know, thx Ajeje for your explaination about it (sub and dub).

Back to Topic: I would like and vote for Dub :)
Loyal Member
Jun 26, 2007
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I my self have more likely watched a few 1000 anime if not more [I actually find it hard to find an anime I have not watched already]

With that said I have watched many subbed and dubbed anime and I find it simply depends on the anime it self. Some anime dubs are good quality and the voice acting is well done with only slight minor changes you would not even notice. How ever the same is said in reverse when some dubs are done half arsed and ofcourse making the quality of the anime drop.

I prefer dub as I have eyesight problems and reading all the time hurts my eyes but to me it depends on the anime it self. [Some times dubs work better than the origanal subs due to the fact the wording has been changed to work better with an english speaking audience]
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Apr 9, 2007
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I my self have more likely watched a few 1000 anime if not more [I actually find it hard to find an anime I have not watched already]

With that said I have watched many subbed and dubbed anime and I find it simply depends on the anime it self. Some anime dubs are good quality and the voice acting is well done with only slight minor changes you would not even notice. How ever the same is said in reverse when some dubs are done half arsed and ofcourse making the quality of the anime drop.

I prefer dub as I have eyesight problems and reading all the time hurts my eyes but to me it depends on the anime it self. [Some times dubs work better than the origanal subs due to the fact the wording has been changed to work better with an english speaking audience]

well if you watched loads of animes. I would be honestly be disappointed is you still can't understand like 90% of the what is going on when spoken Japanese. I just have the subs there for the hard parts.
loads of sentences come back every anime.
And I didn't watch too many animes. in my honest opinion.
What year is this?
Nov 12, 2008
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Sometimes dub and sometimes sub. Some animes are not fit to be watched with dub and also some animes are better fitted with dub version. For example, dub version of Soul eater sounds much better for me than sub o_O
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 30, 2008
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Only a couple Animes ever have been able to pull off dubbed. Like, Black Lagoon. I'd watch that anime Dubbed any day. It feels ten times more natural. Give me something like bleach? duck that. Everyone sounds whiney.

well if you watched loads of animes. I would be honestly be disappointed is you still can't understand like 90% of the what is going on when spoken Japanese. I just have the subs there for the hard parts.
loads of sentences come back every anime.
And I didn't watch too many animes. in my honest opinion.
Agreed! Sometimes I space out while watching, and I swear to god I know Japanese because I'll suddenly realize I'm not reading the subs!