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TabboPHP [PHP/MYSQLi/Smarty] - In association with HabboProjects

Loyal Member
May 4, 2012
Reaction score
Hi RageZone!

A few minutes ago i posted a thread of HabboProjects... In that thread you already seen some things about the total project...

What is TabboPHP
TabboPHP is a content management system for Habbo Retro's.
It is a fully responsive and fast cms.
It works on any browsers, without lagg or bugs.
It is not hackable!
It is based on Smarty.

What are the features?

*Facebook Login and Register.
*Groups and Homes.
*Perfect copy of Habbo.com but with groups
*FAQ and Helptool
*Fancy Administration Panel

Almost Habbo, a huge edit of HabboPHP
As all of you guys know, the big messed up project HabboPHP (habbophp.com) has failed their job... HabboPHP is hackable with LFI injection... So me and my team builded a new version on Smarty... Smarty is a stable administration and securing content for websites. My team and i eddited the whole Smarty version... And builded a NEW Habbo CMS on it. Wich is now with WORKING homes, groups, and facebook login! This is the first time ever a non hackable cms with working Facebook login and register, homes, and groups is gonna be made!

Almost Habbo, but still not Habbo... ?!?!?!
TabboPHP contains more plugins then the real Habbo CMS... It is more easier to install, and more easier to use.

You can use every database you want to! TabboPHP makes new tables as tabbophp_settings, etc... This all is more easier for you guys to choose a version / update a version.

So many plugins, but still such fast?
Yes... Many people on skype asked how that can be... Such as i sad we are using Smarty Content... This also makes the website even more faster than possible..

Does this work on Xampp / IIS / ngnix / Webhost?
Yes, TabboPHP is fully functionally on ALL of these named hosts.
I recommend you using a Webhosting and a very little VPS... On this way your website is as fast as posible... And you Emulator contains no virusses or lagg because there is nothing else on the server that can mess up your emulator.

Screens & Snippets:
View attachment 140580
Pictures of the index are not included because i am making him better, and nicer. More screens wil be able to see soon.


<?php#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|                                                                        #|#|         TABBOPHP - http://tabbophp.eu                                  #|#|         Copyright © 2013 VariousCoderz. All rights reserved.           #|#|																		  #|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|if(!defined('CORE')) die('Error core acces') ;
ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('log_errors', 1); error_reporting(1);
$path = dirname(__FILE__) ;$path = str_replace("includes","",$path);define('PATH',$path);

/*+===================================+|            Security                |+===================================+*/
$injection = 'INSERT|UNION|SELECT|NULL|COUNT|FROM|LIKE|DROP|TABLE|WHERE|COUNT|COLUMN|TABLES|INFORMATION_SCHEMA|OR' ;foreach($_GET as $getSearchs){	$getSearch = explode(" ",$getSearchs);	foreach($getSearch as $k=>$v){		if(in_array(strtoupper(trim($v)),explode('|',$injection))){			exit;		}	}}

/*+===================================+|            Configuration PHP        |+===================================+*/
// correct Apache charset (except if it's too lateif (!headers_sent())	header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');	ini_set('default_charset', 'utf-8');
if (function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')){	@date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Paris');}

if (!defined('_MYSQL_REAL_ESCAPE_STRING_'))	define('_MYSQL_REAL_ESCAPE_STRING_', function_exists('mysql_real_escape_string'));

/*+===================================+|   Verification installation         |+===================================+*/

$file_settings = $path.'includes/settings.inc.php' ;if(!file_exists($file_settings)){	if(!file_exists($path.'/install')){		die('Install directory is missing ( ERROR 04 ). The installation folder is still active! Delete it or rename it!');	}	header('Location:install/');}

/*+===================================+|   Importation des librarys          |+===================================+*/if(!defined('SETTINGS'))	require	$path.'includes/settings.inc.php';

require	$path.'class/html_dom.php' ;

require	$path.'class/cookie.class.php' ;
require	$path.'class/class.config.php' ;
require	$path.'class/class.mysql.php' ;
require	$path.'class/class.db.php' ;
require	$path.'class/smarty/Smarty.class.php';
require	$path.'includes/functions.php';
require	$path.'class/class.users.php';
require	$path.'class/class.auth.php';
require	$path.'class/class.error.php' ;
require	$path.'class/recaptchalib.php' ;
require	$path.'class/class.phpmailer.php' ;
require	$path.'class/class.tools.php' ;
require	$path.'class/class.validate.php' ;
require	$path.'class/rooms.class.php' ;
require	$path.'class/groups.class.php' ;

/*+===================================+|   Connection to Database            |+===================================+*/
mysql_query("SET NAMES UTF8");
/*+===================================+|   Smarty Installation Secure        |+===================================+*/

try{	$tpl = new Smarty(); //Smarty Template} catch (SmartyException $e) {
}$config = new config() ; //Configuration$Auth = new Auth(); //Authentification$db = new Db();setGlobalStats();
/*+===================================+|   Initialisation of the users       |+===================================+*/
if(isset($_SESSION['uid']) && !empty($_SESSION['uid']) && is_numeric($_SESSION['uid']))	$user = new users($_SESSION['uid']);
//if(isset($_SESSION['uid']) && !empty($_SESSION['uid']) && is_numeric($_SESSION['uid']))//	$user = Factory::load($path,'users'.EMULATOR,array('id' => $_SESSION['uid']));

/*+===================================+|    Configuration smarty             |+===================================+*/
//Configuration smarty$tpl->force_compile = true ; //TRUE : Developpement ; FALSE : Production//$tpl->cache_lifetime = 900; //Dont touch this! Touching this will mess up the whole CMS.$tpl->compile_check = false;$tpl->debugging = false; $tpl->debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; // 'NONE' on production$tpl->caching = false;

try{	$tpl->template_dir = 	$path.'themes/tabbophp/';	$tpl->compile_dir = 	$path.'themes/tabbophp/templates_c/';	$tpl->config_dir = 		$path.'modules/lang/';
} catch (SmartyException $e) {
//Variable of the Template (Included Smarty Secure)$arrStr = explode("/", $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] ); $arrStr = array_reverse($arrStr );$tpl->assign('url',$arrStr[0]);$tpl->assign('emulator',EMULATOR);$tpl->assign('lang_dir',$path.'modules/lang');$tpl->assign('lang',$config->lang);$tpl->assignByRef('config', $config);$tpl->assignByRef('user', $user);$tpl->configLoad($path.'modules/lang/'.$config->lang.'.lang');define('SMARTY_DEBUG_CONSOLE', false); 
	$k_public = '6LenR88SAAAAAMcaw4UWGvAUyDD_HIj97eUBsNhf';	$privatekey = '6LenR88SAAAAAGhwPRprdBpxYR1D591QjX-TVgB9';	$tpl->assign('captcha',recaptcha_get_html($k_public));	$tpl->assign('public_key',$k_public);
/*+===================================+|    Error texts and config           |+===================================+*/

if (!isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) OR empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])){	if (substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], -9) == 'index.php' && empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))		$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']).'/';	else	{		$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];		if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) AND !empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))			$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] .= '?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];	}}
if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) OR empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']))	$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = @getenv('HTTP_HOST');


<!-- Funtions.php -- Dont touch this!!! --><?php
function safe($val, $type = 'SQL'){if($type == NULL) $type = 'SQL' ;   if ($type == 'HTML')   {       $val = strip_tags($val);       return htmlspecialchars($val);   }          else if ($type == 'SQL')   {       if (get_magic_quotes_gpc())           $val = stripslashes($val); 	      		return mysql_real_escape_string($val) ;	}   return (false);}
function hashMe($str)			{				$config_hash = "xCg532%@%gdvf^5DGaa6&*rFTfg^FD4\$OIFThrR_gh(ugf*/";				$str = safe(sha1($str . $config_hash),'SQL');				return $str;			}
function redirection($url){	if(!headers_sent())		header('Location:'.$url);	else		echo '<script>window.location.replace("'.$url.'");</script>' ;	exit ;}
	function FullDate($str)			{				$H = date('H');				$i = date('i');				$s = date('s');				$m = date('m');				$d = date('d');				$Y = date('Y');				$j = date('j');				$n = date('n');								switch ($str)					{						case "day":							$str = $j;							break;						case "month":							$str = $m;							break;						case "year":							$str = $Y;							break;						case "today":							$str = $d;							break;						case "full":							$str = date('d-m-Y H:i:s',mktime($H,$i,$s,$m,$d,$Y));							break;						case "datehc":							$str = "".$j."-".$n."-".$Y."";							break;						default:							$str = date('d-m-Y',mktime($m,$d,$Y));							break;					}									return $str;			}			/*function youtube($y){$url = $y;parse_str( parse_url( $url, PHP_URL_QUERY ), $my_array_of_vars );return '<object wmode="opaque" width="210" height="136"><param name="wmode" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/'.$my_array_of_vars['v'].'?version=3&hl=fr_FR" wmode="opaque"></param><param wmode="opaque" name="wmode" value="true"></param><param wmode="opaque" name="wmode" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/'.$my_array_of_vars['v'].'?version=3&hl=fr_FR" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="210" height="136" allowscriptaccess="always"  wmode="opaque" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>';} */
function youtube($url,$return='embed',$width='',$height='',$rel=0){	$urls = parse_url($url);
	//url is http://youtu.be/xxxx	if(isset($urls['host']) && $urls['host'] == 'youtu.be' ){		$id = ltrim($urls['path'],'/');	}	//url is http://www.youtube.com/embed/xxxx	else if(isset($urls['path']) && strpos($urls['path'],'embed') == 1){		$id = end(explode('/',$urls['path']));	}	 //url is xxxx only	else if(strpos($url,'/')===false){		$id = $url;	}	//http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=m-t4pcO99gI	//url is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxxx	else{	if(isset($urls['query'])){		parse_str($urls['query']);		$id = $v;		if(!empty($feature)){			$id = end(explode('v=',$urls['query']));		}	}	}	//return embed iframe	if(isset($id)){	if($return == 'embed' && isset($id)){		//return '<iframe width="'.($width?$width:560).'" height="'.($height?$height:349).'" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/'.$id.'?rel='.$rel.'" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>';		return '<object wmode="opaque" width="210" height="136"><param name="wmode" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/'.$id.'?version=3&hl=fr_FR" wmode="opaque"></param><param wmode="opaque" name="wmode" value="true"></param><param wmode="opaque" name="wmode" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/'.$id.'?version=3&hl=fr_FR" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="210" height="136" allowscriptaccess="always"  wmode="opaque" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>';	}	//return normal thumb	else if($return == 'thumb'){		return 'http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/'.$id.'/default.jpg';	}	//return hqthumb	else if($return == 'hqthumb'){		return 'http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/'.$id.'/hqdefault.jpg';	}	// else return id	else{		return $id;	}	}}
function bbcode($text){ $text=safe($text,'HTML');if(preg_match('#youtube#',$text)){$youtube = preg_replace('!\[youtube\](.+)\[/youtube\]!isU', '$1',$text);if(isset($youtube) && !empty($youtube)){$text = youtube($youtube,'embed');}}$text = preg_replace('!\[quote\](.+)\[/quote\]!isU', '<div class="citationforum">$1</div>', $text);
$text = preg_replace("!\[quote\=(.+)\](.+)\[\/quote\]!isU", "<div class='citationforum'><strong>$1 :</strong><br>$2</div>", $text); 
$text = preg_replace('!\[b\](.+)\[/b\]!isU', '<strong>$1</strong>', $text);$text = preg_replace('!\[i\](.+)\[/i\]!isU', '<em>$1</em>', $text);$text = preg_replace('!\[u\](.+)\[/u\]!isU', '<span style="text-decoration:underline;">$1</span>', $text);$text = preg_replace('!\[center\](.+)\[/center\]!isU', '<p tyle="text-align:center;margin:0px;padding:0px;">$1</p>', $text);$text = preg_replace('!\[right\](.+)\[/right\]!isU', '<p style="text-align:right;margin:0px;padding:0px;">$1</p>', $text);$text = preg_replace('!\[left\](.+)\[/left\]!isU', '<p style="text-align:left;margin:0px;padding:0px;">$1</p>', $text);
$text = preg_replace('!\[titre\](.+)\[/titre\]!isU', '<h3>$1</h3>',$text);
$text = preg_replace('!\[email\](.+)\[/email\]!isU', '<a onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'Outgoing', '', '<a ');" rel="nofollow" href="mailto:$1">$1</a>',$text);
$text = preg_replace('!\[img\](.+)\[/img\]!isU', '<img src="$1" border="0">',$text);
$text = preg_replace('!\[url\](.+)\[/url\]!isU', '<a href="$1" target="_blank">$1</a>',$text);
$text = preg_replace('!\[facebook\](.+)\[/facebook\]!isU', '<a onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'Outgoing', 'facebook.com', '/<a ');" rel="nofollow" href="http://facebook.com/$1" class="uibutton confirm" target="_blank">Facebook</a>',$text);
$text = preg_replace('!\[red\](.+)\[/red\]!isU', '<font color="red">$1</font>',$text);$text = preg_replace('!\[blue\](.+)\[/blue\]!isU', '<font color="blue">$1</font>',$text);$text = preg_replace('!\[green\](.+)\[/green\]!isU', '<font color="green">$1</font>',$text);$text = preg_replace('!\[orange\](.+)\[/orange\]!isU', '<font color="orange">$1</font>',$text);$text = preg_replace('!\[pink\](.+)\[/pink\]!isU', '<font color="darkpink">$1</font>',$text);
$text = preg_replace('!\[small\](.+)\[/small\]!isU', '<font style="font-size:8px;">$1</font>',$text);$text = preg_replace('!\[medium\](.+)\[/medium\]!isU', '<font style="font-size:12px;">$1</font>',$text);$text = preg_replace('!\[large\](.+)\[/large\]!isU', '<font style="font-size:18px;">$1</font>',$text);

$text = preg_replace('!\[br\]!isU', '<br />',$text);
//Cette fonction génère, sauvegarde et retourne un token//Vous pouvez lui passer en paramètre optionnel un nom pour différencier les formulairesfunction generer_token($nom = ''){	$token = uniqid(rand(), true);	$_SESSION[$nom.'_token'] = $token;	$_SESSION[$nom.'_token_time'] = time();	return $token;}


function verifier_token($referer = '', $nom = ''){	if(isset($_GET['token'])){		if(isset($_SESSION[$nom.'_token']) && isset($_SESSION[$nom.'_token_time']) && isset($_GET['token']))			if($_SESSION[$nom.'_token'] == $_GET['token'])				if($_SESSION[$nom.'_token_time'] >= (time() - $temps))					if(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) == strtolower($referer))						return true;		echo 'ERROR TOKEN' ;		return false;	}	if(isset($_POST['token'])){		if(isset($_SESSION[$nom.'_token']) && isset($_SESSION[$nom.'_token_time']) && isset($_POST['token']))			if($_SESSION[$nom.'_token'] == $_POST['token'])				if($_SESSION[$nom.'_token_time'] >= (time() - $temps))					if(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) == strtolower($referer))						return true;		return false;	}} 

function false_token(){	}

function getLastIndice(){	$e = explode('/',$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ;	$lastPage = count($e);	return $e[$lastPage - 1];}
//Function Log
function addLog($user,$action){	if(mysql_query('INSERT INTO habbophp_logs VALUES ("","'.safe($user,'SQL').'","'.safe($action,'SQL').'",NOW(),"'.safe($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],'SQL').'")')) return(true) ;  else return(false);}
function addLogsPaiement($uid,$MoyenDePaiement){	if(mysql_query('INSERT INTO  habbophp_paiement_logs VALUES ("","'.safe($uid,'SQL').'","'.safe($MoyenDePaiement,'SQL').'",NOW())')) return (true);}
function setGlobalStats(){	$t = 'habbophp_stats' ;	$d = date('Y-m-d') ;	$req = mysql_query('SELECT date FROM habbophp_stats WHERE date="'.$d.'"');	if(mysql_num_rows($req) == 0)		$req = mysql_query('INSERT INTO habbophp_stats (date) VALUES (NOW())');	if(!isset($_COOKIE['View'])){		setcookie('View','true', time() + 2*3600, null, null, false, true);		$req = mysql_query('UPDATE '.$t.' SET visites=visites+1 WHERE date="'.$d.'"');	}		$req = mysql_query('UPDATE '.$t.' SET pagesvues=pagesvues+1 WHERE date="'.$d.'"');}
function selectmod($username){		$prefix = array('ADM-','MOD-','M0D-','SOS-','S0S-','XXX-','OWN-','0WN-','HELP-','SPONSO-','SP0NSO-','SP0NS0-','SPONS0-');			$first = substr($username, 0, 4);			$first2 = substr($username, 0, 7);			$first3 = substr($username, 0, 5);			$return = "f";			$select1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '".$username."'");			$select2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($select1);						if($select2['rank'] < 2) {			if (strnatcasecmp($first,"ADM-") == false) { $return = "t"; }			if (strnatcasecmp($first,"MOD-") == false) { $return = "t"; }			if (strnatcasecmp($first,"M0D-") == false) { $return = "t"; }			if (strnatcasecmp($first,"SOS-") == false) { $return = "t"; }			if (strnatcasecmp($first,"S0S-") == false) { $return = "t"; }			if (strnatcasecmp($first,"XXX-") == false) { $return = "t"; }			if (strnatcasecmp($first,"0WN-") == false) { $return = "t"; }			if (strnatcasecmp($first,"OWN-") == false) { $return = "t"; }			if (strnatcasecmp($first2,"SPONSO-") == false) { $return = "t"; }			if (strnatcasecmp($first2,"SP0NSO-") == false) { $return = "t"; }			if (strnatcasecmp($first2,"SP0NS0-") == false) { $return = "t"; }			if (strnatcasecmp($first2,"SPONS0-") == false) { $return = "t"; }			if (strnatcasecmp($first3,"HELP-") == false) { $return = "t"; }			}
	return $return;}
	$smtp = array(		'Gmail' 	=>	array('host' => 'smtp.gmail.com','port' => '465','AUTH' => 'TLS'),		'Hotmail' 	=> 	array('host' => 'smtp.live.com','port'=>'25','AUTH'=>'SSL'),		'Free' 		=>	array('host' => 'smtp.free.fr','port' => '25','AUTH' => 'SSL')	);
function TicketRefresh($id){		$base = uniqid("HABBOPHP-" . rand(0,99)) . "-HABBOPHP";	$request = mysql_query("UPDATE users SET auth_ticket = '".$base."' WHERE id = '".$id."' LIMIT 1");	return $base;}

		function GenerateRandom($type = "sso", $length = 0)	     {		switch($type)		{			case "sso":				$data = GenerateRandom("random",8)."-".GenerateRandom("random",4)."-".GenerateRandom("random",4)."-".GenerateRandom("random",4)."-".GenerateRandom("random",12);				return $data;			break; 			case "app_key":				$data = strtoupper(GenerateRandom("random",32)).".resin-fe-".GenerateRandom("random_number",1);				return $data;			break; 			case "random":				$data = "";				$possible = "0123456789abcdef"; 				$i = 0;				while ($i < $length) { 					$char = substr($possible, mt_rand(0, strlen($possible)-1), 1);					$data .= $char;					$i++;				}				return $data;			break; 			case "random_number":				$data = "";				$possible = "0123456789"; 				$i = 0;				while ($i < $length) { 					$char = substr($possible, mt_rand(0, strlen($possible)-1), 1);					$data .= $char;					$i++;				}				return $data;			break;		}	}							function UpdateSSO($id)	    {       		       			$myticket = GenerateRandom();			if(mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user_tickets WHERE userid = '".$id."'")) > 0)					{					$remote_ip=safe($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"],'SQL');					mysql_query("UPDATE user_tickets SET sessionticket = '".$myticket."' WHERE userid = '".$id."'") or die(mysql_error()); ;					mysql_query("UPDATE user_tickets SET ipaddress = '".safe($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"],'SQL')."' WHERE userid = '".$id."'") or die(mysql_error()); ;					} else {					mysql_query("INSERT INTO user_tickets (userid,sessionticket,ipaddress) VALUES ('".$id."','".$myticket."','".safe($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"],'SQL')."')") or die(mysql_error());					}
			return $myticket;}
function checked($source,$compare,$input){	if($source == $compare && $input == 'radio')		echo 'checked="checked"' ;	if($source == $compare && $input == 'select')		echo 'selected="selected"' ;		}
function VersionIsLast(){	//Get last version	if(defined('VERSION')){		$data = file_get_contents('http://release.tabbophp.eu');				//Compare		if(VERSION == $data)			return true;		}	return false;}
?><!-- TabboPHP - tabbophp.eu - By Various of VariousCoderz team -->

Questions about this development? PM me! Or leave a reply.


Good luck mate

Even if this was an edit of HabboPHP, he had no rights to rename it to TabboPHP since its only an edit!

Woah woah woah , take a chill pill , at least this guy is making an effort? No need to rage. I've seen your edits , they're just pathetic bloody simple revcms edit , all you did was just the news that was already released ages before your cms , least this guy is making something worthwhile. You could just advice him rather than letting down his spirits by raging.
Web & Interaction Design
Loyal Member
Dec 18, 2010
Reaction score
You're wrong yet again!

Done carefully, you can minimise the possibility of an attack via the CMS. This is limited to the application - not the web server, emulator or anything else for that matter.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 7, 2008
Reaction score
25ms - 10ms is a 15ms difference, which you will notice under heavy loads
On an old hotel we removed the tpl class for a 5ms difference timed, which you could notice very easily on the site with a lot of php widgets with javascript etc
Stupid and shenanigans.
Under heavy loads? Only PHP should do heavy loads (like Database Querys for example) and in TPL-Systems the PHP-Code will be processed firstly. So loading the template system have the same time in every site refresh. The following PHP-Code does sometimes heavy loads. And after the php-code, the tpl system just give out the processed data! So the tpl system doesn't make the long loading time. It's the php-code is the reason of the long loading times, so if you just coding a very bad code, it has bad loading times - its not the fault of the tpl system.

sorry for bad english I hope you understood :D

so far
Loyal Member
May 4, 2012
Reaction score
Stupid and shenanigans.
Under heavy loads? Only PHP should do heavy loads (like Database Querys for example) and in TPL-Systems the PHP-Code will be processed firstly. So loading the template system have the same time in every site refresh. The following PHP-Code does sometimes heavy loads. And after the php-code, the tpl system just give out the processed data! So the tpl system doesn't make the long loading time. It's the php-code is the reason of the long loading times, so if you just coding a very bad code, it has bad loading times - its not the fault of the tpl system.

sorry for bad english I hope you understood :D

so far

Ubercms does the same aswell.
Feb 9, 2007
Reaction score
It's hackable don't worry it's stupid how people say that it's not and have never really had valid prove that it's really not.

Good luck

Verstuurd van mijn GT-I9070 met Tapatalk
Web & Interaction Design
Loyal Member
Dec 18, 2010
Reaction score
There's criticism and there's flaming. I see lots of accusations and no evidence to support them.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 10, 2013
Reaction score
Try coding this more OOP and use a god damn class autoloader please nobody like seeing 1000x require_once or inluce shits
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 2, 2013
Reaction score
Project is closed, personal reasons... You can send a PM for the DEMO version of TabboPHP.
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 30, 2013
Reaction score
MySQLi is not really 'improved'. There are many forums and online testing debating weather it is actually improved since there isn't a page speed difference. Yet if there is it's only by something like 0.000000000000001 seconds. You should look into PDO, it's easier to use and much faster. That's why a lot of people on here have a fetish towards it.
Web & Interaction Design
Loyal Member
Dec 18, 2010
Reaction score
MySQLi is not really 'improved'. There are many forums and online testing debating weather it is actually improved since there isn't a page speed difference. Yet if there is it's only by something like 0.000000000000001 seconds. You should look into PDO, it's easier to use and much faster. That's why a lot of people on here have a fetish towards it.

Speed isn't the only factor, bro.

The mysqli extension, or as it is sometimes known, the MySQL improved extension, was developed to take advantage of new features found in MySQL systems versions 4.1.3 and newer. The mysqli extension is included with PHP versions 5 and later.The mysqli extension has a number of benefits, the key enhancements over the mysql extension being:

  • Object-oriented interface
  • Support for Prepared Statements
  • Support for Multiple Statements
  • Support for Transactions
  • Enhanced debugging capabilities
  • Embedded server support

Source: http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli.overview.php
The one and only!
Loyal Member
Nov 24, 2008
Reaction score
MySQLi is not really 'improved'. There are many forums and online testing debating weather it is actually improved since there isn't a page speed difference. Yet if there is it's only by something like 0.000000000000001 seconds. You should look into PDO, it's easier to use and much faster. That's why a lot of people on here have a fetish towards it.
There are many improvements and both drivers have their benefits. Your stupid post are not welcome here.
Web & Interaction Design
Loyal Member
Dec 18, 2010
Reaction score
Why would you use a driver which limits you to MySQL only?

Not seen any other database type in, forever? At least not in a viable release. :p: