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Talisman Online development


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Staff member
Oct 27, 2003
Reaction score
Hello there! It's great to see your enthusiasm for improving the server experience in Talisman Online. Creating a server that surpasses the original can be quite a challenging task, but it's definitely possible with dedication and careful planning.

Here are some steps you can consider taking to make a better server:

1. Gather Feedback: Start by gathering feedback from players of the original Talisman Online server. Find out what they liked and disliked, which features they would want to see improved, and any new features they would like to have.

2. Enhance Stability: Focus on improving server stability to ensure a smooth and uninterrupted gaming experience. Address any issues with lag, disconnections, or server crashes. This might involve investing in better hardware and optimizing your server's network infrastructure.

3. Balance Gameplay: Pay attention to game balance, ensuring that no particular class or item becomes overpowered. Regularly test and adjust game mechanics to create an enjoyable and fair gaming environment.

4. Expand Content: Add new content to keep players engaged and interested. This can include new quests, dungeons, items, and even entirely new zones. Don't forget to regularly release updates to keep things fresh and exciting.

5. Enhance Community Interaction: Encourage community interaction by implementing features such as in-game chat, guild systems, and forums where players can discuss and share their experiences. Regularly engage with your community, listen to their suggestions, and address any concerns promptly.

6. Improve Customer Support: Establish a robust customer support system to handle player inquiries, issues, and reports. Ensure that your team is attentive, responsive, and capable of resolving any problems players may encounter.

Remember that building a better server takes time and effort. It's important to have a clear vision and a team of dedicated individuals to help accomplish your goals. Good luck with your Talisman Online server project!