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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 8, 2007
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Is thier a complete,full running emu for it????

with no bugs??
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 4, 2007
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its called official :)

seriously tho, nothing is 100% perfect with emulation,
lots of people work super hard in giving of their time to make it blizzlike,
and it does get better.

Teckx - Tbc??? - RaGEZONE Forums

Experienced Elementalist
Aug 7, 2006
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newbs... learn to read and serch first
Oct 20, 2006
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Word of advice, Teckx. If you can't be arsed to look and learn, and don't know what the duck you are doing, I suggest you resign from RaGEZONE and start visiting a more n00b-friendly site. Maybe ? Oh, and a faggot is a swedish meatball, and I don't believe I've ever seen a meatball that can type and speak, let alone run a WoW server... Grow up, please.
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 7, 2007
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Word of advice, Teckx. If you can't be arsed to look and learn, and don't know what the duck you are doing, I suggest you resign from RaGEZONE and start visiting a more n00b-friendly site. Maybe ? Oh, and a faggot is a swedish meatball, and I don't believe I've ever seen a meatball that can type and speak, let alone run a WoW server... Grow up, please.

yeah teckx..and if u wanna know...yamachi is a person that always blame noob like us...wondering that he`s/she`s as an expert...btw...he`s not and like nothing....he never help you the simplest way...always posting something like trash...lols...be more morale la yamachi...don`t always bullying the newbie...u think u r good enough...wtf.!..i never see u help with useful information
Experienced Elementalist
Aug 7, 2006
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im not even going to dignafy that with an answer...
Oct 20, 2006
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Lol, you really are an idiot, penyux. Honestly, before you start flaming someone and start chatting poop about them, get your facts straight. You see these 500+ posts I have? ALMOST EVERY SINGLE ONE IS FROM HELPING PEOPLE! Ask anyone who's been here a decent length of time and you'll see. More recently though, I've started getting extremely irritated with those that don't even look for an answer before they ask a question. That's why I haven't bothered to help many of these newbies, because EVERYTHING they ask has already been answered WAY too many times, and they'd see that if they only looked on the next page. So, the morale of the story is: keep your mouth shut, unless you KNOW what you are talking about, which I DO, and you don't... Thank you very much for your time, and also for giving my typing fingers an exercise. If you could see me right now, I would give my middle finger some exercise. ^_^ Have a nice day.
Experienced Elementalist
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
..wtf.!..i never see u help with useful information
What good is helpfull information, if the information is not understood because of noob level?

Hell, I had questions like 'where is the any key', and then they got angry when we 'experts' didn't reply...now that is worth a wtf !!!
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 23, 2005
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Oh my.

All thanks to TBC, the Noob nation and the Admins+experts division are having some tough word wars. Everywhere I look, Everywhere I read, there are question and answers similar to this, and mostly would involve sir yamachi. Lol. I'm not trying or wanting anything from this reply but rather trying to tell people what I see. I see that ragezone is in turmoil and its all due to TBC. What a game! I've been a silent member for almost two years (i've registered two years ago but I don't post. Why? Cause I search) and i've never seen ragezone so "noisy". Just a little chill there fellas. We are a community, not factions here. I wouldn't mind of choosing either since I've been a noob once and now I'm trying to help, so i understand both sides. Chill guys, Outlands really is cool and if we all get this to work properly, isn't it an achievement worth of celebrating together?
Oct 20, 2006
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@ ironfalcon: Recently, the amount of duplicate and idiotic questions is getting beyond a joke. That's why we've all been more or less very harsh to those that constantly ask said questions. Thank god someone understands where us learned members are coming from, but the newbies who get smart with us (you know who you are, people...) obviously cannot see why we are all getting so annoyed. Put it like this: if you were trying to teach someone to do something, and they kept asking the same question over and over again, you'd eventually get fed up with it, wouldn't ya? That's EXACTLY what has happened here on RaGEZONE; we're all fed up with the idiots, to the point where we whould rather not help most of them and stay away from RaGEZONE more often... Actually, I couldn't put up with the constant flow of questions, so I ended up making my own, invite-only forum, where we can work/chat/share in peace, w/o having to deal with the hassle of n00bs. I think the main reason isn't TBC, but maybe the joined fact that the mods seem to be taking an extremely long holiday, and the search button has dissapeared yet again... But, when we did have the search function up, we frequently had trouble even getting on RaGEZONE. It's a lose/lose situation. Anyways, I'm thinking about possibly just abandoning RZ until someone sorts it out and people get their act together. I may even have a word with MentaL and see what he thinks about closing off registration and making RZ invite-only for a while... Hopefully there'll be a brighter future for RZ and those of us who care.
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 23, 2005
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Ragezone has been extremely helpful for me in the past two years (I've made Ragnarok, Lineage, everquest, WoW down from 1.9 to mangos series) and now I'm trying to do something I haven't done ever since. As I have said, I've been a noob so I'm trying to calm everything down. I understand completely how each of you feels especially the devs. As I have said in DJRavine's thread, you dev's are kind enough to share your works, maybe a little appreciation and help for enhancement would be a wise move. Just don't think of leaving, you're 500+ posts in not something to be abandoned, it's an achievement I believe.
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