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Tell us your most embarrassing story.

Nov 14, 2001
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I'll go first. I can't recall who I was with exactly but I was coming from Asda and as I'm leaving I see this guy looking at me and it was quite noticeable. At first I figured he was just retarded but as I kept getting closer his eyes just keep fixed on me and and his face is getting wider and wider, wtf? As I just about pass him I see a breath of relief from him and he comes up to me and says;

"Oh my god, sorry mate... I thought you was Chris Evans!".

FML. :blush:
Game Developer
Loyal Member
Jun 19, 2009
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I called people from a bus out since they were sitting in a bus that would never drive while behind was a bus with the same number and was about to leave. There was a woman sitting on a seat ignoring what I said I walked to the woman and said that there was a bus behind the one shes in.
The woman ignored my and I said Lady there is a bus behind that goes soon with the same number. The woman replied that she was a man.
Intelligent DoucheBag
Loyal Member
Jan 5, 2008
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Once when I was 11, I wanted to go to legoworld in holland really really bad.

So my mom had the tickets in home for a week already.
but once while diner she told me and my little brother, that we could go to legoland,
we ate a full spoon of mustard.
My brother ate it and even liked it..
but when I did it, I had to puke over the whole dinertable.

and then she told us the tickets where in home for a week already, but we never noticed even when it was laying in front of us all the time..
The one and only!
Loyal Member
Nov 24, 2008
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I was sick on the back of someones head at Alton Towers (on ripsaw), it was embarrassing because a few people saw and they were laughing when I got off haha
Aug 20, 2010
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Last year when i arrived new at school, a guy had to give me a tour around school from the school principal. About an hour later the school bell went off and our next class was exorcise, so i asked the guy who actualy gave me a tour around school where the changing room for the boys was as i already forgot this along the way, and he gave me directions to the womans locker room, where i entered while the women were changing..

Even up to this day i'm still carrying the name "Pervert" in school.

Conslusion: Don't trust someone unless you get to know him/her. And instead follow your classmates :/
Junior Spellweaver
Aug 12, 2012
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6th grade.
mother's day.
whole class put girly ballete suits and danced[boys only] infront of all the parents and girls.
that moment i regret living..
Loyal Member
Jun 26, 2007
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I'll go first. I can't recall who I was with exactly but I was coming from Asda and as I'm leaving I see this guy looking at me and it was quite noticeable. At first I figured he was just retarded but as I kept getting closer his eyes just keep fixed on me and and his face is getting wider and wider, wtf? As I just about pass him I see a breath of relief from him and he comes up to me and says;

"Oh my god, sorry mate... I thought you was Chris Evans!".

FML. :blush:

Dont lie,
Your most embarrassing moment was "Dog" "Penis" "Mouth"
Skilled Illusionist
Nov 21, 2012
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I was like six; if I recall correctly at least, but I was at a party with my parents, and my mom was wearing this elegant, flowing, red dress for some reason, and it just so happens that someone else in the party was wearing a pretty nice red dress too. As I was going to "hug" my mother, usually because I was intimated, it turned out I hugged the wrong woman, and she dropped her glass of wine and it landed and broke right in front of me.

I was wearing red pants, and I looked down and had red stains all over myself, and in turn, I'm relatively sure I poo'd myself from the frustration. Crying furiously, I walked out of the room and headed for the mass number of cars in the yard, and then I pulled on all of the handles until I found my mother's car, and by that time, car alarms were going off in mass.

It was a terrible evening for me. Thank God I didn't fail first grade, and I never had to see that lady again. She was my first grade teacher, and it was the most embarrassing thing..
Junior Spellweaver
Dec 6, 2012
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It was the first day in college and unfortunately i got lost so i was like 30mins late for one of my subjects (not sure if it's ethics or sociology). It was one of the rules to greet the professor first before going to your seat so when i entered the room, everyone's eyes were on me. The professor was looking at me and is waiting for my greeting so i burst out "Good Morning Sir. Sorry i'm late, i got lost"
The whole class laughed and i thought they were laughing at the idea of me getting lost.. only to find out, Sir is actually a Ma'am.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Apr 26, 2005
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I was having some sexy-time with my (now ex-) girlfriend, when her mom walked into her room to sort out her laundry. As soon as the door opened we just froze and didn't say a word. Her mother didn't notice us until she was leaving the room. I'll never forget the look on her face, standing there, frozen in place with HUGE eyes staring at my white hairy butt while I was on top of her daughter.

Luckily I could get along with her mother quite well. But a couple of the family dinners after that event were pretty awkward.
Loyal Member
Aug 12, 2007
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I was sick on the back of someones head at Alton Towers (on ripsaw), it was embarrassing because a few people saw and they were laughing when I got off haha
Haha that is quite terrible. It happens though, everyone knows the risk and even probably had it in mind before they got on XD

I was so horrible at swimming in the 3rd grade that during a freestyle race for our swimming carnival a lifeguard jumped in cos they thought i was drowning.
=P lol! Something similar happened to me once, Ducking final race, i got a leg cramp and it hurt like poop, they had to pull me the f**k out of here. dude, the paaaaiiin. still gives me the shivers to this day.

I was having some sexy-time with my (now ex-) girlfriend, when her mom walked into her room to sort out her laundry. As soon as the door opened we just froze and didn't say a word. Her mother didn't notice us until she was leaving the room. I'll never forget the look on her face, standing there, frozen in place with HUGE eyes staring at my white hairy butt while I was on top of her daughter.

Luckily I could get along with her mother quite well. But a couple of the family dinners after that event were pretty awkward.
HOHOHO!!! XD literally, big santa clause laugh for that one man, poop, like, that's my worst nightmare. Hasn't quite happened yet, but, poop, dude. uuuff ain't that some poop.

I've got loads of stories, but I'm gonna share a punchy one, make your reading hopefully worthwhile.
BRB, gonna think of one and edit this XD
Legendary Battlemage
Oct 15, 2012
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A few years ago I was in the bath, and I had the door slightly open. (Nobody's in, so why the hell not?);
And my cat had came in. She was sitting on the edge of the bath, and I didn't take much notice of her for a while, and then she fell in.

It was horrible, lol.
She was going absolutely mental, scratching everywhere, trying to get out etc..
I rushed to get her out, but she cut up practically all of my body, and she'd done it that bad that if I recall correctly, I was bleeding a bit?

Anyway, she managed to cut my penis, and the pain was unbearable, nuff said.
Finally managed to get her out with a towel, but even that was a challenge.. She just went ballistic in that water. Was like 20 blades on fast spin, lmao.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Oct 23, 2005
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When I was working in Jessops we had to process film by taping the film to a feeder, and put it in the machine. But I accidently dropped the film canister and exposed the whole roll of film (so I erased the images before developing it)

So I panicked, rolled the film back into the canister, put it through the machine, and said that the film didnt come out. The customer said, Oh ok then! oh well! and walked away.
Sep 10, 2003
Reaction score
This 1 time I was at the pool and this sexy guy dove in to the pool, he lost his speedo and I saw his massive giant penis... I never felt that embarrassed about my tiny penis ever before...


I seriously can't think of anything really embarrassing. Obviously there are stuff that some people find quite odd, but meh I'm alright with them.

Though begging for icecream while you can't get out of your chair because you're completely stoned, is a bit embarrassing, albeit extremely funny. :D
Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
Was 'friends with benefits' through out my high school years with another female student, and I was over at her house and she was trying on clothes for a party we were going to that weekend, I'm just laying on her bed basically getting stripped teased, and then doing other activities. I ended up going home, but forgot to take my tie & mobile phone home, I get to school the next, and she brings my phone & tie to me. All good I thought, half way through the day I go check the time on my phone, and my wallpaper has been changed, to her in a thong with her arm covering her nipples while wearing my school tie - keep in mind this on an old Nokia which I think were like 2 or 3 megapixels at the time so not overly good quality but sexy none the less.

I told her she looked sexy in it, and then went home that afternoon just did my own thing, we had end of year exams the next day, I woke up late and entered the exam room basically as everyone was sitting down and forgot to turn my phone on off or on silent because I was more worried about the test not counting because I didn't show up on time. Any way half way through the exam my phone starts going off, examiner (English teacher) walks over to me and confiscates the phone. then I'm thinking to myself, no worries I'll just apologise for the disturbance at the end and say I was in a rush getting to the exam and forgot to turn my phone off and then I would get it back.

Completed the exam, and waited for everyone to leave, and went up to the teacher and asked her if I could get the phone back, she then looked mortified and said you'll get it back after I see the principal, I'm like da duck is going on, I thought someone might of SMS'ed me answers or something (even though it was the ring tone not SMS tone I was still stumped).

Next day I get called to the principals office with the teacher who took my phone, turns out I forgot to change the wallpaper and she noticed who she was, she kicked up a fuss, and eventually the assistant principal is like I'll deal with it, she leaves his office, and the principal is cool about it, his just like just delete the photo and we'll forget about it. I complied, and off I went. School returned a couple of weeks later, and another creepy teacher (who I didn't even have classes with) is like 'nice catch' or something along those lines, I'm like I got no clue what you're talking about, and his like Miss So'n'So told the rest of us about the photo(s), I'm like god damn, I didn't really get along with half the teachers any way so this will just make them even more annoying.

The girl in question did food tech/hospitality, and the teacher from that subject was like asking her all questions about it, and she got embarrassed because all the teachers basically knew that we were up to no good.

A couple of months later, I did the same thing at the start of a new school year started and I changed electives where it was basically a class full of chicks, and sometime in the lesson my phone goes off, and the teacher, with impeccable timing says 'any dirty pictures I should be aware of before I take your phone', class just bursts in laughter, and I laugh it off, and shes like 'don't worry, I won't take it, I'm scared of what I might find'.

Not overly embarrassing looking back on it but back then I had a few red face moments, as well as the girl I was semi-with.

td;dr: had sexy foto of another student, as fone wallpaper, teacher finds it, teacher tells all the other people, other teachers make jokes on my behalf.
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