TERA 100.02 Server VM 16

Hey guys, I've just started out downloading shadow66's files. I have a dumb question... There are two different links below. Do I need both of them, or just one will do? If either is fine, what is the difference between them?


Server Files 13 Part + 5% Recovery Data


Separately, for the Client files, I have already downloaded HSDN's "TERA Client 100.02 GF" from https://forum.ragezone.com/threads/tera-clients-and-servers-collection.1209317/. Would it be safe to say I don't need to download the one from Shadow66 first post here?

Thank you.
To answer:
1. No, the second one is in case there is some corruption of the data
2. It depends, Shadows Client has all the client side changes needed for everything his VM has to work. You could use the client you already have though if you can get the DataCenter file from Shadows client. (that will ensure everything is working)
To answer:
1. No, the second one is in case there is some corruption of the data
2. It depends, Shadows Client has all the client side changes needed for everything his VM has to work. You could use the client you already have though if you can get the DataCenter file from Shadows client. (that will ensure everything is working)
I download shadow client from torrent , but it's RU language . I use launcher , can't change to English lang in-game . Shoud download from https://forum.ragezone.com/threads/tera-clients-and-servers-collection.1209317/ ?
I download shadow client from torrent , but it's RU language . I use launcher , can't change to English lang in-game . Shoud download from https://forum.ragezone.com/threads/tera-clients-and-servers-collection.1209317/ ?
its not main client its this what i was download when i was start setting up Tera Online Server 100.02 on the Clean VM with clean windows install phyton ISS and many other things setup all that the server will work properly + all app from hsdn.
any way this client is ok with the server.
Invalid attachment :)
I am getting the same issue here with Read error on ArbiterServer.
What do you mean by Invalid attachment? what should I do? I only changed what you mentioned.
Sorry if I miss anything else.
I am getting the same issue here with Read error on ArbiterServer.
What do you mean by Invalid attachment? what should I do? I only changed what you mentioned.
Sorry if I miss anything else.
i have no any ide why you guys have so many issues. I cant replicate this issue.
i have no any ide why you guys have so many issues. I cant replicate this issue.
It's okay. I will try again from scratch. Thank you for sharing all this shadow66
I downloaded both of these and using VM_Tera_102_Server. Does it matter which one I use? These are the same Premade VM server, right?


Server Files 13 Part + 5% Recovery Data
It's okay. I will try again from scratch. Thank you for sharing all this shadow66
I downloaded both of these and using VM_Tera_102_Server. Does it matter which one I use? These are the same Premade VM server, right?


Server Files 13 Part + 5% Recovery Data
yes they are same the Server Files 13 Part + 5% Recovery Data have only recovery Data that ppl can fix corrupted .rar file
all is preinstalled and just need change IP in proper place
(and do not enable recovery or any thing that windows show notification - just ignore all notification from windows)
yes they are same the Server Files 13 Part + 5% Recovery Data have only recovery Data that ppl can fix corrupted .rar file
all is preinstalled and just need change IP in proper place
(and do not enable recovery or any thing that windows show notification - just ignore all notification from windows)
Thank you,
I re-installed everything again, and finally made it work.
I am about to patch Kor language in there since it is showing in Rus. (Looking at hsdn's post to apply Korean translation. Hopefully works )
Appreciate your hard work again, Shadow! Cheers.
Thanks to shadow66 for sharing this VM with everyone. Everything is running pretty well for me and most dungeons are already enabled and playable. I would like to ask for some further guidance please, how do you enable all the dungeon teleportals to work, because I noticed for quite a number of dungeons, though the entry options are available, clicking on them do not work.

As an example (see screenshot), clicking on GVN does nothing, while clicking on GVH does take me into GVH. Instead, for me to enter GVN, I have to use the QA command /@enter_dungeon xxxx to get in there.

I'm hoping to fix this so that any friends playing in my server could enter any dungeon they choose, without having access to QA commands. Is there a particular XML file I have to edit, any specific lines I should be looking for? I've read a separate guide on how this was enabled for Sabex Armory, unfortunately I got lost in the details that the writer was explaining. Would appreciate it very much if someone could share a fresh step by step guide to enable this for a particular dungeon please. Thanks very much!

1695041805873 - TERA 100.02 Server VM 16 - RaGEZONE Forums
Thanks to shadow66 for sharing this VM with everyone. Everything is running pretty well for me and most dungeons are already enabled and playable. I would like to ask for some further guidance please, how do you enable all the dungeon teleportals to work, because I noticed for quite a number of dungeons, though the entry options are available, clicking on them do not work.

You need to fix the teleporter in the data center files. Either enable it there or completely add the new entry.
You need to fix the teleporter in the data center files. Either enable it there or completely add the new entry.
Thanks, so this means I shouldn't be looking at server files yes? Any idea which particular xml file in data center we should look at and what do we need to edit? According to , the dungeon code for Gossamer Vault (GVN) is 3101. This much I know but not anymore. If you do know the precise steps to carry out, or anyone for that matter, I hope it's not too much trouble to ask to share the full detailed steps to enable this for just one dungeon please. It would be a big help not just for me but would also add further to the knowledge repository that we see getting built here (for future users and noobs). Thanks again.
Thanks, so this means I shouldn't be looking at server files yes? Any idea which particular xml file in data center we should look at and what do we need to edit? According to , the dungeon code for Gossamer Vault (GVN) is 3101. This much I know but not anymore. If you do know the precise steps to carry out, or anyone for that matter, I hope it's not too much trouble to ask to share the full detailed steps to enable this for just one dungeon please. It would be a big help not just for me but would also add further to the knowledge repository that we see getting built here (for future users and noobs). Thanks again.

Like you said, Gossamer Vault dungeon id is 3101

So, check in TeleportData*.xml in both server and client if uniqueId="2732011" exist

Client side should look like this

<Teleport continentId="3101" stringId="@rgn:3101" uniqueId="2732011" />
<Teleport continentId="3201" stringId="@rgn:3201" uniqueId="2732012" />

Server side

<TeleportList id="273201">
<Teleport uniqueId="2732011" desc="Gossamer Vault" stringId="@rgn:3101" continentId="3101" pos="34310,-84270,2983" dir="" distance="10"/>
<Teleport uniqueId="2732012" desc="Gossamer Vault (Hard)" stringId="@rgn:3201" continentId="3201" pos="34310,-84270,2983" dir="" distance="10"/>
Like you said, Gossamer Vault dungeon id is 3101

So, check in TeleportData*.xml in both server and client if uniqueId="2732011" exist

Client side should look like this

<Teleport continentId="3101" stringId="@rgn:3101" uniqueId="2732011" />
<Teleport continentId="3201" stringId="@rgn:3201" uniqueId="2732012" />

Server side

<TeleportList id="273201">
<Teleport uniqueId="2732011" desc="Gossamer Vault" stringId="@rgn:3101" continentId="3101" pos="34310,-84270,2983" dir="" distance="10"/>
<Teleport uniqueId="2732012" desc="Gossamer Vault (Hard)" stringId="@rgn:3201" continentId="3201" pos="34310,-84270,2983" dir="" distance="10"/>
Thanks so much! I'll look into this!

Like you said, Gossamer Vault dungeon id is 3101

So, check in TeleportData*.xml in both server and client if uniqueId="2732011" exist

Client side should look like this

<Teleport continentId="3101" stringId="@rgn:3101" uniqueId="2732011" />
<Teleport continentId="3201" stringId="@rgn:3201" uniqueId="2732012" />

Server side

<TeleportList id="273201">
<Teleport uniqueId="2732011" desc="Gossamer Vault" stringId="@rgn:3101" continentId="3101" pos="34310,-84270,2983" dir="" distance="10"/>
<Teleport uniqueId="2732012" desc="Gossamer Vault (Hard)" stringId="@rgn:3201" continentId="3201" pos="34310,-84270,2983" dir="" distance="10"/>
Thanks again argeus99 for sharing your tip. I have now enabled dungeon portals to work for as many dungeons as I can. Most dungeons are now accessible without the need to use the QA command /@enter_dungeon xxxx. I'm putting up the TeleportData-00000.xml here together with some notes I made if anyone is interested. In the notes, I added the following indicators:

FIXED = Dungeon teleportal works for the dungeon
NO = Unable to make a functioning teleportal for the dungeon or no teleportal found
NA = Dungeon is not available in the game at all
Quest / Quest? = Probably a quest dungeon accessible through certain quests, teleportal not made
Broken? = Dungeon might not be working, avoid entering or character might be stuck and trapped
DISABLED = Disabled what might seem to be duplicate dungeons


Last edited:
Hey all, stuck on a weird spot.

Got all the configurations set, IP, and what not all configured where I can use the launcher, opens the game, and I can see the base TERA server. However, clicking the server to go in and make a character just stalls out, no change no entry. When I click refresh, the server disappears and the server box is empty. What'd I miss in my configuration?

make sure all server have server ready after load. this the biggest mistake with Tera server, that you need wait for that then you can start next server app.
Has anyone gathered a list of things/bugs that don't work with this server?
I kind of have time and want to fix something but after playing and almost completing the main quest line - can't find any bugs :D. (apart from mount sound and some vip service skill text not showing up...)
make sure all server have server ready after load. this the biggest mistake with Tera server, that you need wait for that then you can start next server app.
Thanks for responding! I've made sure that the "$ Server Ready $" or extra app for QA has appeared before loading the software. I've ran several attempts with combinations of the bats running. First was simply tera-api then 1-3 running. Next was including the start shortcut for Nexus. Last was every bat except stop running. Attached are the images from the client side from first run where it'll show the server, but then lose it when I refresh after it doesn't transition to character select.


  • Tera Server Gon - TERA 100.02 Server VM 16 - RaGEZONE Forums
    Tera Server Gone.webp
    45.7 KB · Views: 57
  • Tera Server Liv - TERA 100.02 Server VM 16 - RaGEZONE Forums
    Tera Server Live.webp
    47.2 KB · Views: 59
Thanks for responding! I've made sure that the "$ Server Ready $" or extra app for QA has appeared before loading the software. I've ran several attempts with combinations of the bats running. First was simply tera-api then 1-3 running. Next was including the start shortcut for Nexus. Last was every bat except stop running. Attached are the images from the client side from first run where it'll show the server, but then lose it when I refresh after it doesn't transition to character select.


Check if both loginip and loginport from the api is pointing to the arbiter server, i mean, if your server have as ip and you leave the port as default 7801 then in your teraapi database you must have in server_info table loginip and loginport 7801

Also make sure to whitelist 7801 port in your windows firewall
Hi, I created normal user and one user where choose Set GM and Set MT in admin panel but for some reason none of GM commands ingame work with GM account

The GM account is seen as GM for other user and GM can inspect and manage other users but commands in chat dont work
Are these files ready to be used for a online server with friends?
I remember back in the day the files I had everyone had access to GM commands, i assume that's no longer the case now with these files?

Also wondering; is there a way to see a list of all events and activate certain events, halloween, christmas and stuff like that?

Just finished downloading everything so going to set these files up now. :)