TERA Novadrop Helper

Please upload a file to the new site "Recommended: Precompiled " bad reqeust url.
Check 92.03
92.04 unpacked, 100.02 unpacked, 92.03 error incomplited.
at Vezel.Novadrop.Commands.UnpackCommand.<>c__DisplayClass2_0.<<ExecuteAsync>b__3>d.MoveNext() in H:\novadrop_for_x86_92.04\src\tools\dc\Commands\UnpackCommand.cs:line 56
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
at Vezel.Novadrop.Commands.UnpackCommand.<>c__DisplayClass2_0.<<ExecuteAsync>b__3>d.MoveNext() in H:\novadrop_for_x86_92.04\src\tools\dc\Commands\UnpackCommand.cs:line 56
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---

92.03 version novadrop unsupported? All TW version game, game key/iv is correctly(used in another programm
[Config]-> Load config file: 'unpack_conf'
Waiting for TERA....
Collecting Game Data...
[Config]-> Save DataCenter Path: G:\TERA 92.03\S1Game\S1Data\ to file: 'unpack_conf'
[Config]-> Save DataCenterKey: B5AE92062ACC7452EB6FBB44EC2D612D to file: 'unpack_conf'
[Config]-> Save DataCenterIV: 11E5B808F6922217F6FFB977321A0960 to file: 'unpack_conf'

1692371977809 - TERA Novadrop Helper - RaGEZONE Forums

If you see this error change language, region and region format settings in windows to US English.
1692372224695 - TERA Novadrop Helper - RaGEZONE Forums
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활성 코드 페이지: 65001
64비트 버전의 novadrop-dc 사용
D:\tera_tt\Output\DataCenter_Final을 DataCenter_Final_EUR.dat로 패킹...

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 00:00:00 데이터 시트 파일 수집
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 00:00:34 데이터 시트 로드

입력 제한 데이터-00000.xml:
[E] (0,0): 'rangeOnly' 속성이 선언되지 않았습니다.

계속해서 아무 키나 누르세요. . .

압축시 위 오류로 인해 압축이 실패합니다.DATA_CENTER_Final_EUR/TW.dat모든 것이 정상입니다.DATA_CENTER_Final.dat이 파일만 압축하면 오류가 발생합니다.해결책을 제시해 주세요.
활성 코드 페이지: 65001
64비트 버전의 novadrop-dc 사용
D:\tera_tt\Output\DataCenter_Final을 DataCenter_Final_EUR.dat로 패킹...

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 00:00:00 데이터 시트 파일 수집
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 00:00:34 데이터 시트 로드

입력 제한 데이터-00000.xml:
[E] (0,0): 'rangeOnly' 속성이 선언되지 않았습니다.

계속해서 아무 키나 누르세요. . .

압축시 위 오류로 인해 압축이 실패합니다.DATA_CENTER_Final_EUR/TW.dat모든 것이 정상입니다.DATA_CENTER_Final.dat이 파일만 압축하면 오류가 발생합니다.해결책을 제시해 주세요.

This error has nothing to do with novadrop helper but novadrop.

I suggest you to generate schemas with subdirectories enabled in order to get a better version of the xsd

1702346768606 - TERA Novadrop Helper - RaGEZONE Forums

You will get a _Schema folder

1702346815723 - TERA Novadrop Helper - RaGEZONE Forums

Then go to the desired folder and copy the xsd file, place it into the same folder in the DataCenter and replace if ask.

1702346987846 - TERA Novadrop Helper - RaGEZONE Forums
답변해 주셔서 감사합니다.

T-cat 스토어 가격 수정은 어디서 할 수 있나요?한국어 버전입니다.
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T-cat 스토어에는 가격이 표시되지 않습니다.

가이드(WorldDATA.xml/ServerConfig.xml)에 따라 설정했는데 가격이 표시되지 않습니다. 이것이 한국어 버전인지

알려주세요 .

T-cat 스토어에는 가격이 표시되지 않습니다.

가이드(WorldDATA.xml/ServerConfig.xml)에 따라 설정했는데 가격이 표시되지 않습니다. 이것이 한국어 버전인지

알려주세요 .

I don't think that the issue is server side.

I suggest you to check with a vanilla EUR DC and then start to modify the StrSheets into korean accordingly. I guess that i fucked up a bit the KOR DC if you're using the one i posted.
답변 주셔서 감사합니다.

한국 DC에 문제가 있습니다.

항상 우리를 도와주셔서 감사합니다.

나는 문제가 서버 측이라고 생각하지 않습니다.

바닐라 EUR DC를 확인한 다음 그에 따라 StrSheets를 한국어로 수정하기 시작하는 것이 좋습니다. 내가 게시한 것을 당신이 사용하고 있다면 내가 KOR DC를 약간 망친 것 같아요.

너 때문에 해결됐어 감사합니다.

덕분에 해결했습니다.
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Do anyone know what those errors mean and how can I fix that?
Sample from terminal after running validate, it for packing too, for all files/XMLs.|

Active code page: 65001
Validating data sheets in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Novadrop_Helper\Output\DataCenter_Final_USA...

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 00:00:00 Gather data sheet files
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 00:00:12 Validate data sheets

  [E] (3,10): The required attribute 'kind' is missing.
  [E] (4,10): The required attribute 'kind' is missing.
  [E] (5,10): The required attribute 'kind' is missing.
  [E] (6,10): The required attribute 'kind' is missing.
  [E] (7,10): The required attribute 'kind' is missing.
  [E] (8,10): The required attribute 'kind' is missing.
  [E] (9,10): The required attribute 'kind' is missing.
  [E] (10,10): The required attribute 'kind' is missing.
  [E] (11,10): The required attribute 'kind' is missing.
  [E] (12,10): The required attribute 'kind' is missing.
    ... 27 more problem(s) ...
  [E] (2,6): The required attribute 'arbiter' is missing.
  [E] (2,6): The required attribute 'character' is missing.
  [E] (2,6): The required attribute 'id' is missing.
  [E] (3,10): The element 'Package' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait' has incomplete content.
List of possible elements expected: 'Property' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait'.
  [E] (4,10): The element 'Package' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait' has incomplete content.
List of possible elements expected: 'Property' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait'.
  [E] (5,10): The element 'Package' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait' has incomplete content.
List of possible elements expected: 'Property' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait'.
  [E] (6,10): The element 'Package' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait' has incomplete content.
List of possible elements expected: 'Property' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait'.
  [E] (7,10): The element 'Package' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait' has incomplete content.
List of possible elements expected: 'Property' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait'.
  [E] (8,10): The element 'Package' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait' has incomplete content.
List of possible elements expected: 'Property' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait'.
  [E] (9,10): The element 'Package' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait' has incomplete content.
List of possible elements expected: 'Property' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait'.
  [E] (10,10): The element 'Package' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait' has incomplete content.
List of possible elements expected: 'Property' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait'.
  [E] (11,10): The element 'Package' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait' has incomplete content.
List of possible elements expected: 'Property' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait'.
  [E] (12,10): The element 'Package' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait' has incomplete content.
List of possible elements expected: 'Property' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait'.
    ... 52 more problem(s) ...
Do anyone know what those errors mean and how can I fix that?
Sample from terminal after running validate, it for packing too, for all files/XMLs.|

Active code page: 65001
Validating data sheets in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Novadrop_Helper\Output\DataCenter_Final_USA...

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 00:00:00 Gather data sheet files
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 00:00:12 Validate data sheets

  [E] (3,10): The required attribute 'kind' is missing.
  [E] (4,10): The required attribute 'kind' is missing.
  [E] (5,10): The required attribute 'kind' is missing.
  [E] (6,10): The required attribute 'kind' is missing.
  [E] (7,10): The required attribute 'kind' is missing.
  [E] (8,10): The required attribute 'kind' is missing.
  [E] (9,10): The required attribute 'kind' is missing.
  [E] (10,10): The required attribute 'kind' is missing.
  [E] (11,10): The required attribute 'kind' is missing.
  [E] (12,10): The required attribute 'kind' is missing.
    ... 27 more problem(s) ...
  [E] (2,6): The required attribute 'arbiter' is missing.
  [E] (2,6): The required attribute 'character' is missing.
  [E] (2,6): The required attribute 'id' is missing.
  [E] (3,10): The element 'Package' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait' has incomplete content.
List of possible elements expected: 'Property' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait'.
  [E] (4,10): The element 'Package' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait' has incomplete content.
List of possible elements expected: 'Property' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait'.
  [E] (5,10): The element 'Package' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait' has incomplete content.
List of possible elements expected: 'Property' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait'.
  [E] (6,10): The element 'Package' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait' has incomplete content.
List of possible elements expected: 'Property' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait'.
  [E] (7,10): The element 'Package' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait' has incomplete content.
List of possible elements expected: 'Property' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait'.
  [E] (8,10): The element 'Package' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait' has incomplete content.
List of possible elements expected: 'Property' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait'.
  [E] (9,10): The element 'Package' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait' has incomplete content.
List of possible elements expected: 'Property' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait'.
  [E] (10,10): The element 'Package' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait' has incomplete content.
List of possible elements expected: 'Property' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait'.
  [E] (11,10): The element 'Package' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait' has incomplete content.
List of possible elements expected: 'Property' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait'.
  [E] (12,10): The element 'Package' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait' has incomplete content.
List of possible elements expected: 'Property' in namespace 'https://vezel.dev/novadrop/dc/AccountTrait'.
    ... 52 more problem(s) ...


You're missing some attributes required to encode, so check this comment and do the same thing.
I'm getting this error when trying to unpack 92.03 the datacenter. Does anyone know what's the issue?

Screenshot 2024-01-30 005511 - TERA Novadrop Helper - RaGEZONE Forums
Heyo, looks like I'm doing something wrong again. When trying to generate schemas, this occurs and doesn't let me create the schemas. What could be preventing this from working? the errors are in the txt file.

(For the record, I am trying to get the dressing room operational and have all done but the vanguard coins are still present rather than Tikats, but purchases are operational using tikats, it just doesn't show it. I have gone through and changed up the correct file according to the guide. But I don't know if I need to get the schemas working before it shows.)
c3ee0daefe619f06ac17029e0914b3a4 - TERA Novadrop Helper - RaGEZONE Forums


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Heyo, looks like I'm doing something wrong again. When trying to generate schemas, this occurs and doesn't let me create the schemas. What could be preventing this from working? the errors are in the txt file.

(For the record, I am trying to get the dressing room operational and have all done but the vanguard coins are still present rather than Tikats, but purchases are operational using tikats, it just doesn't show it. I have gone through and changed up the correct file according to the guide. But I don't know if I need to get the schemas working before it shows.)
View attachment 274408


Download the latest update from .


You must download and install
And the pre-compiled

Once you have everything in place, try again.

Download the latest update from .


You must download and install
And the pre-compiled

Once you have everything in place, try again.
I have double checked everything I have and created a new novadrop folder with newly downloaded binaries. unpacking works fine but I am getting this error now. dc/rc folders are in the novadrop folder.
62878d6000734e7d4fb9ac94c4a3567f - TERA Novadrop Helper - RaGEZONE Forums
I have double checked everything I have and created a new novadrop folder with newly downloaded binaries. unpacking works fine but I am getting this error now. dc/rc folders are in the novadrop folder.

You're right, theres a typo in the code,

Now is
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